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So Um Bye I guess


Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
As some of you may have noticed I've inactive for about a month and a half now and I just didn't want to pull a Huahwi and just disappear. So this is my story and all of the ends and outs of it:

So on June 21, 2013 I began playing this game that Joey Graceffa would play called Minecraft. Yes I used to be a fan boy but remember most of us were. So in the first 3 days of playing MCSG I met this really awesome guy named Jordan a.k.a. 18andersj. He and I were inseparable for about 4 months. Literally our entire lives were each other. Jordan I would like to thank you for our friendship and I know that we will remain friends. Hope to see you next summer.

After about 3-4 months of playing, I met this girl named Ellie a.k.a. carson2k12 later ellie2k12. The three of us were the bestest of friends. Then I met Jessica a.k.a. Craftergirl67 who is still a good friend of mine today. She introduced me to another one of my closest friends: Loan a.k.a. littleloan. For about a month I had 5 friends total. I still didn't have Diamond Donor but on Black Friday 2013 I purchased it. I thought I was the coolest kid on the block. Because of my Diamond Donorship I met hundreds of people.

The first on Id like to talk about is MYMIKE3 a.k.a. Michael.
Mike you we my closest friend for most of my Minecraft career tbh. We've always been there for each other and tbh I love you man I hope to one day see your ghetto school in Syracuse. Just remember you're bae and we're FaceTiming soon.

After I got my Diamond Donor I met hundreds of people. I even got a new account. (my first account was patrick7954. My second is Patrck_) I met plenty of people and all was well. I was getting better and better but then other people became better and it felt impossible to win a game sometimes.

Eventually I thought that clans would cure my ache so I join the clan #Solstice with my friend SourPatchKid2490. He and I are also close today. Honestly this was my favorite clan. Tbh ily Rocky, Vitality, Josh, Deadly, and Kyle. I had soooo much fun in that clan it was amazing.

After that clan disbanded, I decided to just play again on my own.

I eventually learned about rage and etc.
I was never really a rager but during this time I really raged.
I also discovered that I was addicted to Minecraft. All I would eat sleep or anything was Minecraft. My entire life was Minecraft. This led to some introvertial qualities that still mess with me today.
This period lasted for about 1-2 months. Then I decided to start doing YouTube. I really enjoyed making videos for you guys honestly.
While I was doing YouTube I got to 76 Subscribers which I thought was pretty awesome.
I also decided to join another clan. I decided to join #Askaban. I really enjoyed this clan and I thought the owner was a great guy. After a few people left, we merged with #Bers3rk to form #Trama. At this point I was the Leader of early Trama and all was well. I was demoted to Officer which for reason I wish not to list I left the clan. Once again, no hard feelings. It was still a great experience. I then joined multiple other clans and met more people. I remember the last new people that I met were some Japs. LOL I will miss you taku<3 I still don't understand what you're saying.

So now I guess I have to answer why I'm leaving. So as some of you may know I began my Freshman year of Highschool this August and it has been a world wind of a difference. I either had to choose Minecraft or school. I obviously chose school because its more important. I have some other reason but once again I don't really want to list them.

Im sorry if I didn't list you on my story but I really do love you all. I want to apologize to anyone I offended while playing.

Lastly I want everyone to really wonder if you playing Minecraft or how much you play Minecraft is healthy. Really think about it.

So Im sorry guys but this is really hard for me and once again I love you and remember to let the wind carry you where it pleases.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm going to have to disagree with the "but everyone was a fan of Joey Graceffa back then", however it's sad to see you go :c

Good luck in life!


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Sad to see you go D:, I was always wondering why you were never on.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Lol, I actually enjoyed watching his mcsg videos, and huahwi's old videos. Ahh those were the days...
I remember when Huahwi was a gold donor and had like a 1200/2300 ratio. He obliterated me in a game and I asked if he had a YouTube. He linked me his channel but all it had were, I believe, three videos of his bad quality dual comms with people and I immediately thought "Oh, he's one of these guys that's just good at the game but can't youtube at all and doesn't really try". Then he became who he is now...

He's literally a different person. (In all the wrong ways imo but that's too off-topic and I don't feel like explaining myself on that again)

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