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Staff So this is it 2 Years as staff


Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,

First off, i’m not resigning.

It has been a long, yet short two years as staff here at what was MCSG and what is now MCGamer.

I started my journey on October 17th 2012 when I applied for mod. I was accepted and got the moderator position on October 18th! As a mod I spent that time helping Bicentennial_Man run creative. I wasn’t mod for very long before I was entrusted with the Sr. Mod rank on December 11th along with GibboAssassin. Not long after Gibbo and I became friends with a fellow Senior Moderator by the name of Antster360. For the next six months, the three of us worked side-by-side to help run the community. As time went on, the admins slowly left until it was only Bic and Aeruner. During this time MCSG V2 was to be released and Chad requested “Fallen Empire” to be built for the release. Not long after Antster and I were put on trial for the Administrator rank, our task was to rebuild the tekkit server and manage general Administrative tasks. On the 8th of April 2013 whilst Chad was talking to his newly promoted community managers, Bicentennial_Man and Col_StaR Chad poked me that he would talk to me next, which scared the living daylights out of me. Fifteen minutes later Chad moved me to his office, and after a long conversation he informed me that I was being promoted to the position of Admin. Two weeks later, my closest friend at the time antster passed his trial as well. For the next ten months antster and I worked together with the other Administrators to run the community. Over the course of this time, my last mentor Bic left the community. Le0 became an Administrator, and I became closer friends with Ava. Then in February 2014 to everyone's shock, antster resigned from his position as Administrator. In the following April, I took a trip to Australia where I met three of my closest friends, ChadTheDJ, Rusty, and Bowser52000, and Benny’s amazing mother Tracey. A few months after returning from Australia, the MCGamer Network acquired the AntVenom Network. After acquiring the network, Devin and I worked on integrating the maps and staff members that we wished to carry over from the old network. It was then that I met Froggytv, Cartoonhero, violetheart17, and many more. After that time I began designing the hub system for Xime V2, which took longer than anticipated due to minor technical faults with the TeamElite server. After this long yet amazing journey, we reach current day. I, Dave (life855), have been a staff member for 730 days. This whole journey has been a rollercoaster but in the end, it has all been worth it.

In order by rank so no one gets their feelings hurt.

ChadTheDJ: Thank you for always being there for me and being a great friend and owner. Without you and all that you have done for me over the last 2 years I would not have the friends and experiences I have today. Thank you!

Ava: Well where to start every time I talk to you I always have… a good time. You have always been there when I need you. Whether it’s helping me with java, which I commend you for your patience with me making a lot of simple mistakes, or just talking about personal things. I can trust you with my life(855). I don't know what I would do without you. Thank You! :)

Rusty: I know we haven't been really seeing eye to eye lately but you are truly one of the greatest friends I have ever had. You always care for your friends even if they annoy the hell out of you (like me). I hope we can talk soon and get back to the way we were in April. You really made my trip to Perth an amazing experience. Thank You :)

subv3rsion: We havent talked in a while but all those times playing Dayz and arma in general was amazing and not to mention GTA we really should play again. Thank You for all the help with cubedhost over the last 2 years you have truly been a life saver.

AlpakaWhacker: Jamie you are one of the funniest and kindest people I have met whether it be when you were mod or all the time you spent helping me when you were buzzing around or now when you are an admin here and at TE.

CAmadeusA: Cam I have known you all the time I have been here and we have had some truly amazing times and some other times all I will say on that is Call Me Maybe. You have always been here for me and I thank you for that.

Col_StaR: My admin buddy the day I met you was one of the best days I have had here you are a truly caring person always there to help and listen to me vent when I need to blow off steam it must really be hard to put up with lol. Thank You.

Razzledgirl: you are always there to give sound advice and we really do have some great times such as playing call of duty or battlefield 4. You are a amazing and funny do not change one bit.

KellieBreanne: You have been here with me for so long I don’t even remember when I met you, you're like my older sister always there to protect me from anyone no matter what the cost. You have been there for me so many times in the last 2 years. I could never repay you. you are truly one of a kind and you are never allowed to go anywhere. :)

Bowser52000: Benny, you are one of my closest friends. Its funny given our friendship started on a day where there was so much hate going around. You are always there when I need you no matter the time. Without you I would not have this pc I am on atm and I would not have had the most amazing holiday of my life. You have literally given me so much that I could never repay and I thank you for that. @Tracey(Benny show her this): Thank you for flying me to Perth and letting me stay at your house. It was truly an amazing experience that I could never repay. You allowed me to meet so many people I would never have met otherwise. Thank you so much! <3

Cubes: We have had our ups and downs but we have always gotten through it. Thank you for all your help.

DracoHD: We don't really talk much but thank you for all that you do around MCGN!

ChandelleMC: HEY GURL. We got off to a bit of a rough start but it all worked out in the end. You’re like a sister to me and you’re always there for me when I need you. No matter what the time or what is happening you’re always there to help and give advice. Those conclusions doe.

JimmerHD: We dont always get along, but you are really funny and fun to be around do not change a thing.

LadyOfLove: Where to start, we have our ups and downs however we always work it out. You are like my twin sister we are so alike it is unbelievable you're always there for me when I need advice and guidance and help me keep my sanity thank you and never ever go anywhere.

Frazzli185: You are such a hard worker always there to help and lend a hand even when you're unwell or upset. You’re willing to help others and put them before yourself. You are truly a really caring and helpful person. Thank You :)

KitMencha: Nick we have had our differences in the past but we have always gotten over them. You're always happy to help others when they are in need and will take on any task on no matter the size.

Adragonfire9: Well you see i'm not a mod soo (inside joke) I have known you for exactly 2 years today and now look at you, that little mod I hired is a trial sr mod! I'm so proud of how far you have come in the last 2 years. Well done, you have earned it.

Jodimo: We have only just become friends but in the past 5 or so weeks of talking to you I have seen that you are truly an amazing person always thinking about others and putting them before yourself and always caring for your friends. You are amazing and don't let anyone tell you different.

laureypop1: We haven't talked much recently but when we do talk you are always fun to be around and talk to. All those times talking with frazz, cam, and amy on hangout were some of the more fun times I have had. :)

kezzer1995 : You were the first member of staff I talked to on teamspeak and in a server(I still want those pipes fixed) you were always there for me when I was waiting, constantly checking if I was ok and keeping me calm and then after I got mod teaching me everything I know about moderating. It is an honor to co-own Team Elite with you.

Toast: Hey Toaster, even though we have not talked much recently, you are like my little brother you were always there when I needed help and would get any task done in an amazing time. Thank You and one last thing, Toasty come back you can blame it all on me.

Froggytv: Trey you were the first ever member of the AVN staff that I met and you are one of the most amazing friends I have. You and the others are so welcoming whenever you come to hangout. You make me feel relaxed because you never ask me to do anything or treat me like i'm someone special, i'm just part of the group. Thank You :)

MKFarrell: Mk where to start? Well at first I really did not like you but in time I saw how wrong I was. You are funny and truly one of a kind. You make everyone laugh and you are always there to brighten the day up. You are really up near the top of the list keep it up and do not change. You’re amazing. :)

TotalDramaTony: Tony you are always there for me when I need you. You sit there and listen to me whine and complain but you always give good advice and you always know what to say to help people. You are not as rough as you sound. You’re like a cuddly bear :)

benholl98: Ben you are one of the funniest and kindest people I have ever met. You are always caring for others but never yourself. You have always been there to help me and you know the rest of what I would say. :)

_Accuity_: Mini me in a way. I will always remember the day we became close friends you messaged me and gave me someone to talk to in one of the worst times of my life and ever since then you have always been there to help me i'm just sorry I could not help you when you really needed it. :)

Equalitee: Well this guy, eh I mean with all that bacon and all that. On a serious note you are the most important and amazing person in the world to me talking to you really brightens up my day. It could be the end of the world and I would be happy if I could have you there with me. <3

Echo/Haydn: We have had our ups and downs but you are still one of my best friends even if I have been a really bad friend lately we really need to talk more.

levi_the_potato: Levi you are always cheery and helpful to everyone. You always put others before yourself even if it gets you in trouble. You are truly a great friend always trying to fix things that others have given up on.

xstephaniemmx: My secretary. Whenever you are on ts you're always happy to help and take messages for me. :) You're always kind and happy, sometimes crazy, but always the life(855) of the party making people happy. Gurl yo need to get on ts more.

RelentlessForce: Good sir, you are always able to put up with the banter and give it back as well as also somehow you are always in the troublesome channels. :) But you are truly a great guy and i’m glad I met you. :)

This is not all the people. There are just way too many to tag.


Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
Congrats Dave, thank you for all you have done for me in the time I have been in the community. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed! You have been a great friend and supporter! :D <3
Last edited:


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you Dave for all your work and time you have put into this server. I truly admire you for everything you have done.


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
You definitaly are one of the most dedicate and most important person on MCGamer, I'm glad you are still around here and enjoying your job. I've always enjoyed how even though you were busy with alot of things you still had time to come down to the mod channels for a little talk, which usually ended up in everyone joining the channel.


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
You have been staff 2 years already o_O Damn son time flies. I remember when you first joined and needed training!

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