Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
I'm going to miss you haley ;-; I'm sad we didn't talk much but you were really nice from the few occurrences we've had together and I am glad to have met you while you were still here I hope things go well for you in the real world! <3Goodbye and Thank You
For any of you who know me personally, you knew that this thread was only a matter of time. What I write is going to be brief and for the most part; to the point. I feel there is no longer a need to ramble on in a thread to a community where I have already prolonged my stay longer than I should have.
I am not quitting for the reasons of my school work being too much for me, or because I think that this community has “gone to poop with gg10 and hackers,” and I am also not quitting because Microsoft bought Mojang and I think Minecraft is about to go downhill.
Throughout my time here at MCGamer I have learned some absolutely amazing lessons and things about myself that I never knew to be true. I have seen the community jump right out of MCSG V1 to present day and all the dedication and hard work that has come into making the servers what they are now.
Do I think that MCG is dying?
No, I think the complete opposite. With the new network merge led by dedicated Sr Staff members, I think the server is only going to get better from here. I know the actual gameplay has changed with teams; but that is simply because more people have reached out and made friends. And~ to be honest, I don’t see an increase in hackers. I was involved in moderator duties for slightly over a year; and the amount of hackers that I see now is the same amount I saw a year ago. The community is changing, not getting worse. It is all just the way you choose to look at things.
Some things that I have learned:
- Trust is something that is built between two people, and when it is true, it is beautiful.
- Online friends are just as good as and sometimes even better than irl friends.
- Age is only a number; it’s personality that really counts.
- Give everybody a chance; don’t let what you have heard about them form your opinions on that person.
- Stand up for what you believe in, even if it seems like you are going against everyone else.
- Be the friend that you wish you had.
- Take advantage of every opportunity you are given.
- Make time for the things that really matter.
My MCG Checklist:
[/] 1000 Staff actions
[/] Upload 100 hacker videos
[/] Complete 100 Report Abuses
[/] One Year as Staff
[/] Green Name "Grass Donor"
[/] Silver Name "Iron Donor"
[/] Red Name "Moderator"
[/] Pink Name "Friend Rank"
[/] Purple Name "VIP Rank"
[/] 1000 MCSG Wins
[/] 1/5 Ratio
[/] 1k Subs on YouTube
[/] 250 Twitch.tv Followers
[/] Help Build an MCSG Map "Dracarys"
[/] Submit a map to MCG "Par 72"
[/] Make it onto a build team "Team Elite"
[/] 250 Forum Posts
[/] 100 Forum Followers
[/] Two years in the community
Why am I leaving?
The more I think about the amount of time I spend on the forums, in game, and creating YouTube videos, the more I wonder about how productive I could be with my school work if I put all the effort I do into video games into real life endeavors. I could achieve so much more. Not to say that playing video games and being a part of the community was a waste of my time; it is a time of my life that I will cherish forever but I know that it is simply time to move on.
Will I still be hanging around?
You may still see my name popping up here and there in the hub and in-game every now and then when I come back to play with friends; but it will be a rare occurrence and you will see me around less and less often at time continues. As for my YouTube channel, you can expect no more videos to be posted except for a Goodbye video. I will never forget all of my amazing subscribers who have pushed me to 1.3k in a few short months.
Thank You/Special Mentions?
There is honestly no need for this section although that is what you may have expected to see nearing the end of this thread; everyone that deserves to be mentioned here already knows how much they mean to me.
Thank you all for the amazing two years, I will never forget them.
Signing off for the last time,
-Haley (Lemonz87)