The troubling thing is though, it is going to be extremely hard to enlarge the land in the build due to it being just an island, and editing this would mean all sections of the map would have to grow bigger, and however confusing this may sound the buildings that are near the edge would have to be moved again to the edge with buildings placed in between and it would just get super confusing and, in my opinion too big :/, I don't feel adding more buildings is the way forward, however maybe some terraforming could be added around the edges of the map, but this takes away the islandy feel of Venice and would add more water - then giving the map a too high water content, possibly leading more areas for complaint.
As we have proved before, the size of the map doesn't affect the gameplay and SG Venezia still provides games the length of any other map (prehaps not the huge ones) due to the depth. Sorry for comparing to other maps, but SG Venezia would be an addition to those small, loved maps such as Highway, Solar Frost, SG4, Lobby Games, Breeze, Demons Breeze, Fortress Pyke and what was Moonlight Lake and to some extent Valleyside - there is no arguing about the fact the the community does love a small map and since the recent addition larger maps, maybe a small map would be taken with open arms by the community. That being said, we would most probably be happy to increase the size one last time.
Third time lucky eh ;-)? We are already working on making it bigger.