Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Hey Chad i've just posted a thread on survival games discussion can you look at it? link http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/mcsg-stats-command-back.228265/Hello Tributes,
Letting you know if you haven't noticed in-game yet, we did a silent release in SGSolo for 24 slot games earlier this week! Today we are officially announcing the release after polishing everything out. This was one of many suggestions and feedback that came out of our last week's Q&A session. If you missed it, I just posted the transcript here if you want to get answers on some of your questions about the future of MCGamer!
More exciting features and updates coming in the near future and this is only the start of many more to come! Lastly, we will be doing another Q&A session officially in 2 weeks (7th) and we will be advertising more once that comes closer. The details are in that linked thread and also stay tuned also for some spooky themed events leading up to Halloween this year!
Thank you Nice to see you're active on the fora. Sorry about the twitter argument, some problems with the server don't get fixed that quick and I get pretty angry sometimes; ;-;Something we plan to do a poll on to see if we can help better the experience.
Poll When will it be available?Something we plan to do a poll on to see if we can help better the experience.