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Updates SG Map Updates: New Maps, Revamps, Fixes and Removals


May 4, 2012
Reaction score

Hello tributes!

Recently we've been having a look at the Map Submissions again and after much deliberation, we have selected a number of maps that we will be adding. To start us off, we will be adding the following maps - "Inertia", "Holiday Resort 2" and also an update for "Par 72".

These three maps should be available to play on the SG servers very soon, you just need to be patient for them to go through.

Map Name: "Inertia"
Created by Red Forest

Some of you will already have seen this map, in fact, some of you may even have already played this map on our servers as this was the map created by Red Forest for their "Deception Games 3" Event. Now available for all to play.

This map will be added to all of the 24 Player servers.

Map Thread: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/sg-inertia.179627/

Map Name: "Holiday Resort 2"
Created By Team Helix (Original Map By Simey_)

Not technically a new map as such, more of a revamp however we've decided to accept this map due to it being a fairly nice and polished revamp of an already popular map. This map was created by Team Helix with permission from Simey_ who was the creator of the original map.
Please Note that we will not be removing the original map, both maps will be appearing on the servers so that we can judge the popularity of the new map compared to the older one.

This map will be added to all of the 24 Player servers.

Map Thread: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/holiday-resort-2-with-special-conditions.181024/

Map Name: "Par 72"
Created By Lemonz87, StephanieMarie & Others

You're probably thinking to yourself, "wait, isn't this map already on the servers" and the answer to that would be yes, in fact, it's currently our most popular map. We're happy to bring you an updated version of the map which is improved in many aspects over the original. The creators have called it a revamp however think of it as more of an update and a very nice update at that. Hopefully you'll all agree and make sure to thank the creators of the map for the update.

This map will be updated on all of the 24 Player servers.

There have also been a number of fixes to a number of maps in the last few months since the last map push. Here is a full list of all of the fixes.

1- Holes patched up in the Zone85 Revamped Glass Dome

2- Fountain Glitches fixed on Par72

3- Survival Games 4 is fixed and is Playable on all servers (as of mid-late april)

4- Main Hub Fountains fixed

5- Floating Blocks removed from Thorndon Valley

Since the Leaderboard update, we've been able to track alot more statistics including the total number of times that an SG map gets played and with an ever growing list of maps that are playable on the server, unfortunately it has come to the time were we are going to be removing some of these maps.

The maps that will be removed will be as follows...

♦ Forsaken Ascension - 48 Player *
♦ Haruka - 24 Player
♦ Remnant - 24 Player
♦ Dracarys - 24 Player
♦ The Fallen Empire v2.0 - 24 Player **
♦ The Survival Games 5 - 24 Player

*Forsaken Ascension will remain on the 120 Player Servers due to there being very few 120 player maps.
**The Fallen Empire v2.0 will remain on the 48 Player Servers due to there being not as many 48 player maps.

For full transparency, here is a list of all the maps along with how many times that the maps have been played since the Leaderboard Update and will hopefully explain why the maps above are being removed.

Red = Already Removed, Orange = Being Removed, Yellow = Temporarily Removed
Column A = Times Played, Column B = Map Name, Column C/D/E = Map Size (24/48/120)

Please Note: Breeze Island and Fortune Island were temporarily removed due to sea temple spawning however they should be re-added again very soon as hopefully that issue has been dealt with. Highfield just disappeared and we're not sure why but it shall also be back soon. In other words, the numbers for those 3 maps are much lower than they should be due to not being playable for a couple of weeks.

I know that some of you will be annoyed, unhappy or angry at the decision to remove these maps and I can understand however unfortunately sometimes it gets to the point where older, less played maps need to be retired. So once again I apologise for these maps being removed but I hope you can understand why we've done this.
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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I was waiting for this day. I knew it was coming. Remnant was one of my favorite maps, I won almost all of my games on it cause I had such a good route. I thought the builds were really good as well. Unfortunately, the terrain was not good for PVP. RIP Remnant, you'll be missed. Looking forward to the new maps. :)

So sad about Dracarys as well. Just noticed that too. I really liked that map.


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
As much as I am happy about there being a map update, and Par revamp being on, there really isn't any new maps :/ I can think of a few on top of my head that would work great.

Also, I'm pretty sure this is a glitch, but when is SG3 on Eu 48 slots not going to have mobs?

Also Dracarys ;-; rip. I really didn't mind that map. It didn't get as popular, which I am surprised tbh.


Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score

Yeh, i guess half the map isn't even used...but it was a good map!
Sad to see SG5 go, I had a good route...

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