No thanksOh yeah, as I can see from your profile pic, your current skin has glasses do you want me to give you glasses on your skin?
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No thanksOh yeah, as I can see from your profile pic, your current skin has glasses do you want me to give you glasses on your skin?
OkPlease send me the skins that you have already finished so I can use them please. Also send the skins in a mediafire link that you can send me in PM so no one can steal my skin thank you Or send the skins to me on my skype: ness.god (US) or send me your skype in PM
Ok sure!currently need a few skins for my YT channel's Skin Pack that I am planning to release for 500 subs. 35 away from it atm. but at the same time I'm thinking of creating a new channel. I might as well just release it then.. but anyway I'd like some skins if you could maybe get the talk over on Skype? I'm currently on vac so its hard for me to pm you my skype, it'd be awesome if you can send me yours thanks
I'll be sure to do yoursHey, I've been meaning to get a new skin for a while now but I don't really have the time to do it atm, so I was wondering if you can make me a wkin love the work, if you can make me one, I'd appreciate a guy with dark brown hair, kinda spiky in the front with a black shirt, white sleeves underneath ,black jeans, also I want a blue and red eye, ty in advance <3, you could send it on skype @buttofzeus
Thanks I really appreciate itI'll be sure to do yours