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School and Stuff.


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
I actual like school... the classes and work no.. but I have a lot of irl friends straight A's and a girlfriend :D. I think Highschool is fun :)!


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Look, haters gonna hate don't care about them, and if you are proud of your channel and like what you do , that is the only thing that matters

Ps. I only came here to like your post but i felt the need to also post something ;-;


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Look, haters gonna hate don't care about them, and if you are proud of your channel and like what you do , that is the only thing that matters

Ps. I only came here to like your post but i felt the need to also post something ;-;


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Y'all,

So I thought I might share some personal feelings in this thread because I am feeling damn right annoyed, fed up and upset. I hate school. I think whoever invented it should go and die in a hole. Whether that's harsh or not, I don't care, because the grief I have to go through EVERY day is just upsetting.

Getting teased because I'm a boy with long hair, "you need a haircut" me: it's style get over it asshole" Getting teased because of my YouTube channel, and just general sh*t that happens. "It's normal' every one goes through it, a NO ITS NOT! We shouldn't have to go through it! In my eyes school is torture, the way they teach us and the stuff we learn is bad enough, but the people, DRIVE ME INSANE! Pathetic bullies and twats that they stuff about me and others, I smell the judgement in the air.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is i hate school, and always will. My perserverence is running out, 2 more years till I'm out of this junk yard and hell.

So I ask you. Any tips for getting through high school or dealing with idiotic behaved people. Because I'm on the edge of just crying my eyes out. I am normally a strong, articulate ratchet b*tch that won't take sh*t for an answer, but my patience is wearing out, I lack so much confidence as well ;(

Thank you.
Ok so as I said I will help. When I started out in school for the first few years of school I was lets just say nothing short of a scumbag. In my second year I got suspended 3 times and numerous other things. The reason? I hated school, the teachers, the rules and just about everything to do with it. I also did this to try and fit in with a group of people. Thank god I never did. Lets just say they are not in the best place right now. Doing bad things lets just say.

But during this time when I was "trying to fit in" I got harassed a lot. This went on for about 2 years. In my first year I took action against it in the wrong way. I fought back. People say this is the right way to go about it because it will show your bullies that you are not scared of them. Yes that is all good until you come across a guy who is a lot bigger than you. Also the fact that if you retaliate back to someone physically in school it will more than likely result in you getting in a lot of trouble. Also bullies live off a reaction from you. This brings me on to my second year. Guess what I did in my second year, I ignored them and boom they were gone. I also left the group of friends who were doing that to me and found a group who were into the same interests as me. Eventually I got the last laugh when the majority of them got expelled or left school and I was just like "haha you are going nowhere in life" which was true, I am 19 now and in university and guess where they are... They have no jobs and are claiming benefits from the government. So in a quick summery the best way to deal with people that bullies you is just to ignore them, be strong and do not leave what they say get to you. They will eventually move off and get bored of harassing you as they are not getting a reaction.

As for the next bit, you hate school. Everyone I am sure hates school. I despised it. But do you know what? Once I hit my final 2 years in school I thought to my self what is the point in complaining about school. You have to go there. So I just accepted the fact that I had to stay in school and I just put my head down and got my work and study done. I got good enough results in my finals and now I am in university studying a course I really enjoy.

If this helped in anyway what so ever I will be delighted. If you need any more advice do not hesitate to PM and I will help you out. Good luck in school :D


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
I actual like school... the classes and work no.. but I have a lot of irl friends straight A's and a girlfriend :D. I think Highschool is fun :)!
That's if your perfect....
Ok so as I said I will help. When I started out in school for the first few years of school I was lets just say nothing short of a scumbag. In my second year I got suspended 3 times and numerous other things. The reason? I hated school, the teachers, the rules and just about everything to do with it. I also did this to try and fit in with a group of people. Thank god I never did. Lets just say they are not in the best place right now. Doing bad things lets just say.

But during this time when I was "trying to fit in" I got harassed a lot. This went on for about 2 years. In my first year I took action against it in the wrong way. I fought back. People say this is the right way to go about it because it will show your bullies that you are not scared of them. Yes that is all good until you come across a guy who is a lot bigger than you. Also the fact that if you retaliate back to someone physically in school it will more than likely result in you getting in a lot of trouble. Also bullies live off a reaction from you. This brings me on to my second year. Guess what I did in my second year, I ignored them and boom they were gone. I also left the group of friends who were doing that to me and found a group who were into the same interests as me. Eventually I got the last laugh when the majority of them got expelled or left school and I was just like "haha you are going nowhere in life" which was true, I am 19 now and in university and guess where they are... They have no jobs and are claiming benefits from the government. So in a quick summery the best way to deal with people that bullies you is just to ignore them, be strong and do not leave what they say get to you. They will eventually move off and get bored of harassing you as they are not getting a reaction.

As for the next bit, you hate school. Everyone I am sure hates school. I despised it. But do you know what? Once I hit my final 2 years in school I thought to my self what is the point in complaining about school. You have to go there. So I just accepted the fact that I had to stay in school and I just put my head down and got my work and study done. I got good enough results in my finals and now I am in university studying a course I really enjoy.

If this helped in anyway what so ever I will be delighted. If you need any more advice do not hesitate to PM and I will help you out. Good luck in school :D
Thank you so much Sean. I appreciate the fact that people take the time to listen to my thoughts and troubles. I have been ignoring the particular person and they have left me alone. Just one more to get rid of. And again, immature little Y7's that pick out features, winds me up, but they move on to other people, so I'm not so bothered about that. I guess I'll just have to perserver just a bit more then I'll get outta there and live the life I've dreamed off, and wave them little cleaners and unemployed kids my finger while I'm in a plane to California :p


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
<---- Homeschooled.

You wanna know why? Same exact reason. I got bullied. I hated it. I was so ready to punch whoever called me names. BUT. I didn't. Instead, I told my mom, and she brought up the idea for homeschooling.

Moral: Don't let them get to you like I let them get to me.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
That's if your perfect....

Thank you so much Sean. I appreciate the fact that people take the time to listen to my thoughts and troubles. I have been ignoring the particular person and they have left me alone. Just one more to get rid of. And again, immature little Y7's that pick out features, winds me up, but they move on to other people, so I'm not so bothered about that. I guess I'll just have to perserver just a bit more then I'll get outta there and live the life I've dreamed off, and wave them little cleaners and unemployed kids my finger while I'm in a plane to California :p
Could not have had a better reply :D Always stay positive and remember no matter how hard life hits you to always get back and fight back and it will always become better. I will prove that this is true because trust me this week I prob hit the lowest point in my life (Failed a few tests in university, my car is wrote off, I broke up with my girlfriend that I have been with for 4 years, I failed my trail for sr mod and my boss called me in for a "talk" in work.) and guess what, I am back with my girl friend and that "talk" was actually a pay raise not getting fired, as for the car. Now with the pay raise I will be able to afford a new one soon and college well I just need to work harder. As for my trial, I learned that I need to mature my self :D


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Could not have had a better reply :D Always stay positive and remember no matter how hard life hits you to always get back and fight back and it will always become better. I will prove that this is true because trust me this week I prob hit the lowest point in my life (Failed a few tests in university, my car is wrote off, I broke up with my girlfriend that I have been with for 4 years, I failed my trail for sr mod and my boss called me in for a "talk" in work.) and guess what, I am back with my girl friend and that "talk" was actually a pay raise not getting fired, as for the car. Now with the pay raise I will be able to afford a new one soon and college well I just need to work harder. As for my trial, I learned that I need to mature my self :D
Magical :eek:


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm going to a new school next year and it's honestly going to be one of the most amazing school's ever. Everybody is actually nice and you don't have those annoying jocks or b*tchy white girls. EVERYBODY GET'S ALONG. But for my school now, I've been going there since I was 3 so this will be a big change for me. I try to get along with everybody and it works most of the time. But if I ever get bullied I just try to ignore it.


Moderator | Mapping Team
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
I have never been bullied and I am extremely lucky for this. However, some of my closest friends were bullied and I hated to see them so upset and depressed. So, if that was how I was feeling I couldn't even start to imagine what it was like for them. So, I am never much help for things like this, but I'd like to say a couple things.
- Fighting is not a solution. Bullies bully because they get a kick out of seeing you in a rage and you upset. Fighting is something they will like, they think "We have wound him up SO much!"
- Sean is right, just ignore them. As I said, bullies get a kick out of seeing your reaction, if you don't show any reaction they will leave you alone.
- Finally, don't ever think that you aren't worth anything. The main problem from bullying is depression. People think that you aren't worth it. Well, trust me, YOU ARE. What you did coming on here was good, you can see you are worth something. All these people are helping give you advice.
That is all I can say, I reckon I could go into more depth if I was ever bullied, but as I said I am a lucky person, I haven't been bullied.


District 13
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I like school. I'm a straight A student and have a good amount of friends. I honestly don't let myself get bullied. If anyone ever says something mean to me (which almost never happens), I just give them a death stare and say "f*ck off". It also helps that I'm tall and I suppose "good-looking".

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