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Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
Much emotion. Much wow. #Save Mcsg.

I completely agree with everything you say. We really do need to save mcsg as it will get a reputation. For being the horrible community we don't deserve, let's go out there and Save Mcsg!


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
When I joined these servers more than a year ago, they were amazing. From people asking for a team to letting someone win, MCSG used to be a heck of a good time for me and my friends. It really was. Now I feel like the games are all about winning and succeeding by passing up all others. First off, the survival games were meant to have fun with. Not to where you get addicted to the point where you be rude to every single opponent you die to or whoever you kill. The people both in the games and on the forums have just been awful with their actions. (In game mostly) We really need to think before we speak and try to treat others they way we would want to be treated. Such as: using derogatory language towards others. People who violate the explicit filter bug me. I really sometimes do get offended by what they say to me after I kill the player or the player kills me; I take it to the heart. I am fine with 'gg' or 'gf' but 'EZ PZ' and 'get rekt' are just unacceptable. They make not just me but everyone feel unskilled and worthless. This is why I have started #SaveMCSG . If you join a game and see someone bashing on someone about how bad another player is, stand up to them and speak. Don't be the innocent bystander. What will they do to you if you speak up and tell them what they're doing wrong? Are they going to track you down and kill you in the real world? Heck to the no! The worst they could do is target you off of spawn. Comment #SaveMCSG if you pledge that you will help make MCSG a better place to the best of your ability.

#FirstWinMinistry already helps the commonicus nooboricus achieve their first wins (thank you Lovelights for inspiring that name). As for your hashtag, while it's appreciated and something that we could all do, I'm skeptical to throw my full support behind anything but the idea. Yes, I want to help; however, pretty speech and happy emoticons won't actually get anything done (I should know :D ).

Meh, voted yes to make you happy. Contrary to popular (a.k.a JacksonReaction ) belief, I do actually care and try to effect positive reforms on MCGamer....even if sometimes I have a weird way of expressing it (I.e.: maybe or maybe not trolling a mod in the middle of a game for silly and pointless one-sided humor <.</>.>).


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Honestly, this isn't a new thing. I remember last year when the older players were saying the same things: "The community is terrible now! It was so much better in the summer of 2012!"

The community grows, goes through cycles, stages. Honestly, the fact that the community feels different might be a healthy sign that MCSG is still growing strong: It's not the same active players that were around before, or people have changed and adapted, clearly somewhere along the way, something happened, which means MCSG likely isn't struggling with growing a new playerbase all the time.

Does this mean the competitiveness to win causing toxic behavior isn't a bad thing? Heck no, that could stand to be addressed. And while maybe a rule or two could be added here and there, it's up to the community to solve that problem for a big part of it. There is a reason many games have had developers give up on trying to stop it beyond basic filters and a moderation team for forums: It's almost impossible. I wish you good luck in your endeavors to get the community to fix it.

In general, I've noticed that a game community feeling worse, or the game itself feeling more competitive, is natural for some people over time when playing a game. I came here to play for fun and that's what I assumed most of the community was doing when I played, but after I became active and played for a while, I heard stories from many parties of old, before they disappeared. Things in the earliest days of MCSG is always made out to be so great by the people who talked to me about it...but honestly? All I heard was that there were arguments between clans, issues within the staff, and general drama, just like there always has been and always will be...but in fact, it was worse then, while the server was developing and these events had significant impact on the growth of the server. Nowadays, arguments between clans are a lot less of significant events to everyone else, and staff issues are dealt with without the whole community knowing details they shouldn't. (And for good reason, mind you.)

None of these old arguments were things I heard about then, when they were happening, though. They took place in private places, spread by word of mouth, made their way to small portions of the forums, where I had to know a few names and terms by heart to understand. It took some time in the community before I noticed how bad it really was. For a while after joining, I was under the impression that, aside from the obvious raging behind computer screens that would happen occasionally, people were mostly pretty friendly in places like the forums. This changed when I became really active.

In my case, part of the reason I play so little now is because I was around for so long that every little thing started getting to me. This is for a combination of reasons, but how much I noticed all this drama stuff added to the pile. I tried to come back around the time the Blamph's attempted to restart, but that experience only farther proved to me that I couldn't ignore the problems. I stayed here for a long time, and was so active during the time, that how I personally felt about a whole bunch of little things builds up. When I lost a game, it seriously matter to me, for reasons sometimes not only involving the player or game itself.


I wish more people like you would say their opinions on the subject. Few posts on the forums and no donor rank, but lots of experience. It's interesting to see how the "nobodies", for lack of a better word, get treated just because they aren't well know.

All I've seen is what I get to hear. I always get treated special in-game by even random newer players because of my rank, so I honestly don't know the experience for people like you.

Opinions from players like yourself are valuable: Don't be afraid of other players bringing you down. I may not personally agree with everything you said, but I can perfectly understand where you are coming from.

(Though you saying "famous" players being nice being due to getting up the social tree kind of hurt. D: I may not be famous, but my rank certainly makes lots of people think I am. Certainly, I am extra nice due to my rank, but that's because I'm obligated to, people look up to special rank colors, I can't say the things I may sometimes want to say, or I'd risk loss of rank, punishment, and would be a horrible roll-model for other players. Is it wrong for me to make everything sound as polite as possible?)
Thanks for your reply, for actually putting some time and thought into it.
I still think the community is in a state of change, and I still hold to my opinion that people are ruder than they have ever been. My faint memories of the early days include more excitement and nicer people. I remember in the summer of 2012, I had just been killed on Breeze Island, and I said "Argh, I hate how Breeze Island has no hiding places" and then someone said "You don't need hiding places, that's why you have fifteen points." Then someone chimed in "yeah, fifqeen points sucks." (Yes, I remember specifically that they misspelled fifteen.) That was how people criticized in the olden days, constructive criticism. Now they just say things like "get rekt," "steamrolled," "gg 10," and pointless, rude exclamations.

I don't think there is anything that can be done about the morality of the community except perhaps changing who we look up to. The youtubers Huahwi and Lovelights have had a good effect because both of them are relatively kind and try to avoid being cocky. (but sometimes fail,we all do) They are a better influence than Blamph, who regularly betrayed people and continually brings attention to his "good old days" when he was number 1. Rules and filters do not stop profanity, they often encourage it. Changing what is cool is what really makes a difference in morality.
I don't remember ever thinking like this...
Of course you don't. I know you have been a moderator. What I mean when I say that is that you get a lot of attention and support just for being who you are, so I kind of assume that when you think about MCSG you think positive thoughts? I can't be sure, though. But really, you have always been good at MCSG, and now you are one of the best. You are accepted where ever you go. You are in an awesome clan. You have a zillion subscribers, and you got them fast at that. You are a cool person, the kind of person I would like to meet in real life, but you would sooner see me on the moon than at Minecon.
It just seems that people like you have had a full MCSG experience that most of us will never experience. You have played a lot, won a lot, seen the good and the bad, whereas most of us just go and play only to get disrespected and put down every game. I don't mind being rat status too much, but when people complain about being targeted, I have NO sympathy. If you get targeted, it is because you have had a lot of rainbows and roses, a lot of good times and respect. If you become moderator and see the dark side of things? Good for you.

I don't believe that everyone that gains power abuses it, but I think most of them do. Lovelights, you are my second favorite youtuber because you are so positive and kind to people, and you act happy in your videos. You are a very good influence on the community. Also, egrodo is my favorite because he plays electroswing music, but if you played a few games with electroswing music in the background, you would be my favorite. :)
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
This is exactly why I basically quit the in-game community. When I first started MCSG it was great, you didn't get targetted (for the most part xD), there weren't as many people rubbing it in when you've lost a fight, clans weren't as serious of a thing, and it was all about having fun. I've seen drastic changes in my (almost) year and a half here. I get targeted every game and after I've been killed by that person, they rub it in like they achieved something big for killing me. Congratulations, have a freaking Oscar award for killing me. People are too competitive and don't even seem to see the fun in the game at all, and just want to be at the top. What happened to MCSG? :c
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Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
#saveMCSG I totally agree with that, it is really hard to see respect for other players in the MCSG commnuity this days. I like when I kill someone and then they say yeah that was a good game. Or when I usually die and I think it was a good game I usually sponsor something to the player that killed me. Things like that would make the community better.


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
The community will always be in a state of change, as with anything that involves a large group of people. The game will continue to evolve, though maybe not as rapidly or quite as much as it has in the past two years (early years of online games tend to be the years that involve a lot of testing and change), but change will still happen. I think your posts have been insightful to those of us who may not understand what it is to be one of the "rats" in the community as of recently, though I don't like you calling it that. I appreciate your post also.

You're right, I do mention the "good ol' days" here and there on the forums, but I do that with good intentions. I've mentioned a few times in various posts that I don't like where the community has gone from when I used to be very active in it. It's part of the reason why I choose not to really take part in it as much anymore. So when I do mention in detail what it used to be like back then, I do it with the hopes that maybe some of the bad apples that play now will realize that they are the plague that makes a lot of people facepalm when they play a few matches a day. There were bad apples in the community back then, and it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies, but it wasn't as widespread. The thing is though, issues like people saying "steamrolled" and "get rekt" is inevitable in online gaming communities. When a community grows, so do the amount of bad attitudes, and when a game ages, the amount of those players who get bored, will only become increasingly frustrated with the state of the game, losing, and the likes. Thus more and more bad attitudes are formed. I'm not saying that it's right that people act like this, but with growing competitiveness and the average age of the players who play the game, it was inevitable.

I understand that you thinking you're on the bottom of the community sucks. But every single person who ever made a name for themselves here at MCG, did so by starting out in the same place you did. The massive majority of those players who did so, worked hard to do it. It's possible for anyone, even those who start playing today to become well known if that's what they want. Work your tush off to garner respect from the best players. That's how the real world generally works. I wouldn't personally go casually walking into a formal mansion party, as I'm not in that social class of the mega rich. I see it as almost being the same thing in here (it's always been this way). You don't go into the top clan teamspeaks and expect to be the center of attention if no one really knows you I suppose. I don't think you should have to be known to any extent to garner respect in game though. It irks me to see people saying get rekt after a fight, because as gamers who all obviously have the same interest as the guy you just killed, you really shouldn't treat them like a piece of sh*t. It's silly and just flat out annoying.

Assuming that being known is all rainbows and butterflies is also ridiculous though. Sure well known players don't get put down in game as much, but it still happens. Being well known means you will be targeted a lot more, and most of the time you'll be put down even more when you die. I choose not to even play on my main account now because it's not fun to do so anymore. I can assure you, it's not all good. I've seen both worlds, and honestly, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. It just depends on your personality type and what kind of experience you want while playing the game. Back when I had just started out, I wanted to play to win, and eventually become well known in some way. Now that I'm a bit older, I'd rather play occasionally with friends when I can, while hopefully going unnoticed.

I'm just posting this to be the devil's advocate.

Also, just as a quick note. I apologize if I came off as a cocky Feminine Hygene Product in any of my old videos. At the time when I posted actively in 2012/2013, I did in fact play in a cocky manner. It's my personality, and it was my play style at the time. I betrayed people as it was fun for me to do so then. But I don't think I had any influence on people for them to act in that particular manner. I noticed that behavior happened when the clan community really started to form and compete on "paper", so-to-say. Again though, I'm sorry if you see me as being a main advocate for bad behavior. I don't like seeing it myself.
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