Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
IGN: Sakkzen
Skype: eliasmine05
Country: Sweden
Past Clans: MacroEU, (Vet ej om jag var med i Sebbes förra clan elr ej, eller kanske den innan den förra elr nåt!)
Why should we accept you: För att jag är helt OK på PvP och vi har skypat rätt många gånger. Och för att jag har fått bra teamwork
Why you want to join Saken: För att jag känner tre som är med och för att det är nice att spela med andra ihop och möta typ claner från andra länder och sånt kanske.
Skype: eliasmine05
Country: Sweden
Past Clans: MacroEU, (Do not know if I was in Sebbes last clan or not, or maybe it before the last or something!)
Why Should we accept you: Because I'm perfectly OK on PvP and we have skype right many times. And because I have good teamwork
Why you want to join Saken: Because I know three who are my friends and it is nice to play with others together and face the type clanes from other countries and stuff maybe.
// Sakkzen
stupid idiotIGN Sakkzen
Skype: eliasmine05
Country: Sweden
Past Clans: MacroEU, (Do not know if I was in Sebbes last clan or not, or maybe it before the last or something!)
Why Should we accept you: Because I'm perfectly OK on PvP and we have skype right many times. And because I have good teamwork
Why you want to join Saken: Because I know three who are my friends and it is nice to play with others together and face the type clanes from other countries and stuff maybe.
// Sakkzen
sure i add u on skypeHello , would you guy like to collide clans . If you are interested please Add me on skype MrProPvP to talk about future endeavours . Please reply yes or no to this message as soon as possible , thanks .
LMAO https://gyazo.com/821191bb826f6dc4354d8a20f278e240Eej vi hsr int ens mött er