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RussianBeard's | Elite [RU - EU] Clan

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Mar 3, 2015
Reaction score

Date Founded: 4th of Marth 2015
Founders: Pidaras1337/CrashedPrincess
Clan Battles Won: 0
Clan Battles Lost: 0
Clan Battles Drawn: 0
Total Played: 0

-Must Have 200+ wins or a 1/5 stats (exceptions can be made for good pvper who's friends with a founder/ admin)
-Must be able to use a fishing rod correctly
-Must have skype and /or teamspeak
-Must have routes on a large majority of the maps
-Working mic
-Must have very little background noise
-Must be mature
-Be dedicated and active
-You must be 13+
-You have to speak fluent english, and understand alot of what we say

1.) Minecraft IGN:
2.) Wins:
3.) Do you have Skype:
4.) Skype Name:
5.) Maturity 1-10:
6.) Activity 1-10:
7.) Skill Level 1-10:
8.) Donor:
10.) Strengths:
11.) Age:

CrashedPrincess | Crashed&Cras
Pidars1337 | Tema

(you must agree to the rules if you want to fight us. if not, just don't fight us...)
1. Only 2v2's, 3v3's or 4v4's.
2. There is a 2 minute grace period.
3. No sponsoring/bountying.
4. No teaming/trucing with randomers.
5. Players that are not part of the Lineup MUST /kill at the start of the game.
6. 24 hours postpone Max from EACH clan.
7. Spectating is allowed.
8. Only first to 3 or 5, nothing else. this will be organised with the opposing can
9. Crashes in-game without proof = Game continues: if you have proof you must show us it at the end of the round.
10. Crashes in pre-game without proof = New lobby
11. All MCGamer rules apply (This includes Clan Rules).
12. If you break a rule it's a win for the other clan (disqualification depending on what happened).
13. Dont Ghost kill or kill people with technical difficulties. If this happens by accident the round will be redon.
14. You MUST win the round to gain a point for your clan
15. If you die to a hacker you must have evidence of this hacker - The evidence must be uploaded to YouTube and will be closely watched by the opposing clan.
16. No OP items whatsoever. (This includes dispenser items, furnace items etc.)
17. No raging/harassing other public members/opponents from the other clan.
18. If a player drops connection it will count as an in-game death.
19. Use players that are only on your clan thread within your lineup.

W / L / D
0 / 0 / 0
Last edited:


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Moved to the EU clans section. c:


District 13
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Thread Status: Locked
If the owner of this Clan/Thread would like this thread to be reopened,
please PM a member of Staff. This clan thread shall be moved into
the Disbanded clans section due to inactivity.
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