Well, is it hard to get to? As much as I hear if it has some sort of combo, parkour, or trial to get to it is allowed like the Gift Of Fluctus that you get for completing 2 stages of lava parkour on sg1.What about the Healing Potion on Valleyside? Should that be a kickable offense?
But are these items really OP?
This is the one thing I don't understand, there are so many different ways as to avoiding getting killed from them, as I explained in my last post.
I can understand that it seems like the corn on Rugged Lands is built specifically for the hobo stick, but why do you have to go to the cornucopia while someone is near it. It's not like there isn't an easy way to avoid getting killed by a hobostick, as you can easily just go down a side path, while someone isn't looking.
Other than the knockback, which you can avoid getting killed by, the hobostick is a weak weapon, as it only does one heart. And Creepy thinking it does 2, makes me think that he is unaware of its true powers.
It has sharpness 1, as in only half a heart more than your fist, which is nothing.
The regen potions can result in being OP in situations in combat, but are in its way also avoidable, by simple running.
I don't see how the staff thinks that these items are OP. In my sense, OP items, as in 'overpowered' items are 80% unavoidable, unlike both of these items.
-Why are these items considered OP?
-I personally think the people which complained(as the staff said that there were some) are unaware of the ways of avoiding the items.
The stick has its times of being Overpowered. I have been killed because of getting no cheated repeatedly ( Rubberbanded by the knockback ). Which made it close to impossible to escape.