This will
never happen. Saying "Remove SG5, it's buggy and laggy! I hate it and alot of people does!" will not change
anything. Don't you realise that Chad himself decided to add SG5 to MCSG, and Team Vareide put ALOT of work into it. Just because you and "some alot of people" dislikes it, that does not mean everyone does, as some people like the map. Now, before you post another thread similiar to this,
please read all the threads posted by staff members saying "Respect the creator/creators of every map, and don't make threads asking for some map/maps to get removed".
Excuse me?
CaptButterToast made an "unprofessional comment"? I would rather consider your post as "unprofessional". Saying "It has a lack of PvP experience, and the games are too long" is stupid. Why? Because that is your personal opinion. It does not have to be shared by others, and some people may like the map, whilst you don't.
Before making these kind of threads, please think about it before posting it! It's disrespectful against the creator/creators and the staff itself.