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Recent drama surrounding the staff


Feb 1, 2013
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Up until his mute, he was completely fine with MCSG. He expressed no hate towards it or the staff, and he was completely willing to support it by bringing in players through his videos.
He broke a plainly stated rule, and received a punishment many times less severe than what any regular player was. And yet, he still was upset to a degree that was rather absurd.
This is what stuck out to me. When this happens to me it says that you don't actually care about the issue or truly helping the community, you only really care what happens to you. While it might not always be obvious, I think we all can be guilty of this attitude at some point or another and it's something to watch out for.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
So I wasn't going to write a long post on this, but I recently encountered some guy that really made me want to express my feelings on this topic.

Basically, I was in deathmatch and my opponent decided to blurt out "l2p" the middle of our fight. I ended up killing him and in the lobby we got into a rather heated argument about this very topic. Apparently he was a GoldEllipse fan... I was blamed for "making goldy leave", "not banning hackers", and he told me to stop playing and go ban some hackers. This then ended in a targeting straight from spawn the next game. I killed him and he waited the whole game to tell me off until he must have lost interest and left, but anyway...

This notion that the staff here is bad and is incapable of doing their jobs needs to stop. Over 1500 players are banned per day and most of them are, in fact, hackers. It simply fails to pass me how one simple YouTuber with a decent fan base says something and his whole fan base gets all riled up and starts this serious hate-target on staff, as if we don't hesr this enough already.

If some YouTuber proves himself to be so immature as to do something like this, then maybe he shouldn't be here in the first place. He broke a rule, lost his VIP, and whined. Guess what? You are a VIP. That stands for Very Important Player. People hold VIPs at a very high level of respect and admirance, in fact the guy who was abusing me earlier today told me that I wasn't as important as him (lol). When you are a VIP, you are expected to act like a model citizen because, in effect, that's what you are. He should know that joking about hacking is taken seriously. Most people would have gotten seven day bans for that. He was muted, given a break and he stil complains? Where is the logic in that?

Sadly it looks like were up for an unneeded an un-called-for influx of complains about how horrible and awful we are as mods. It just shouldn't happen. I don't understand how people are so ready to charge in face first for a YouTuber, or any somewhat high-ranking person. It's beyond me.

Let's take a stand and let this not happen. If you're reading this and are one of these staff-abusing people, quit it now. I don't care about your stupid, immature reasons. Let it go and enjoy this GAME.


I try my best to record as much hackers as possible due to the fact even the skightest help can make a difference. Around a week ago, I said to Dynarrhea- AnomalousDyna ily- that I had recorded a hacker and was uploading, what he did next was a staff-worthy thing. I stated that it was taking forever to upload and he recommended me a setting to render it as to help it upload. I went off to record more hackers but couldn't due to the fact I had uploading lag and couldn't retrieve sufficient evidence, I was shocked to see Dyna's name in the tab, he had not only followed me just incase and he said that he had gotten evidence already- so much for staff not doing their jobs heh? Dyna is the only one though, all the staff do their jobs, I love to see it, it makes me happy. I couldn't ask for a better staff team.

Sorry for the long post.

edit: Ceroria | XyZebrAbC You have good points, but how would you feel if you got your mod AND your platinum removed after saying "I hack" jokingly in chat. Or how would a Quantam feel if they said "I hack" jokingly in chat, and their Quantam got removed. In essence, that's the same thing.
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Oct 20, 2012
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edit: Ceroria | XyZebrAbC You have good points, but how would you feel if you got your mod AND your platinum removed after saying "I hack" jokingly in chat. Or how would a Quantam feel if they said "I hack" jokingly in chat, and their Quantam got removed. In essence, that's the same thing.
I would think he would simply feel regret for breaking a plainly-stated rule.


Nov 20, 2013
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Nope, this thread is a huge lie. If you're going to become a moderator you must devote every one of your living seconds to mature and innocent members by helping them. It's pretty simple.


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Nope, this thread is a huge lie. If you're going to become a moderator you must devote every one of your living seconds to mature and innocent members by helping them. It's pretty simple.
False..we too, as Moderators, are human beings, and have lives to live, too. I can't sit here 24/7 catching hackers. But we do devote a LOT of our time, effort, and resources meaning sure that MCGamer is a better place. And how is this thread a lie? People have clearly stated well-backed opinions in a civil manner that is appropriate.


Nov 20, 2013
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False..we too, as Moderators, are human beings, and have lives to live, too. I can't sit here 24/7 catching hackers. But we do devote a LOT of our time, effort, and resources meaning sure that MCGamer is a better place. And how is this thread a lie? People have clearly stated well-backed opinions in a civil manner that is appropriate.
That was sarcasm ._.


Aug 20, 2012
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But how would YOU feel? ;)
I mean, I'm not saying that he shouldn't feel angry. I would be very angry the first couple of days most likely, but the thing is, I wouldn't go and make a YouTube video saying how horrible the staff is and basically tell all of my fans to go abuse moderators. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to be angry, he does. If anyone lost an important rank, they should feel something, that's part of the punishment. However along with this anger he should have realized that he is held at a very high standards because a lot of epople respect VIPs more than they do moderators. He has a right to be angry, and maybe rant to his friends privately, but not go all out on us on flipping YouTube, saying how horrible of people we are and how we never do our jobs. How would that make YOU feel?


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
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Okay before I start I am very sick and slightly hung over at the moment so sorry if parts of this don't make sense.

First I would like to say that this drama around the staff has not been recent at all, this is a reoccurring trend that tends to happen every few months when something big happens for example a prolific member of the community gets banned. For example when Phi11y67 got banned there was a huge amount of hate towards the staff ( Now I am not going to state my opinions on this subject I am just using it as an example) A lot of people disagreed with his ban and for a few months the staff team got hate.

Another time that staff members get hate/ criticized is when, for example an ex-mod got demoted and they "state there opinion" this seems to bring up hate and people just look at the criticism without actually looking at facts and all of a sudden the staff team are horrible people.

My last example which shows that the bandwagon effect duckluv321 mentioned was when the who "petition to get Dave demoted started" A lot and I mean A LOT of people just jumped on the bandwagon and abused him without knowing what was going on, they saw it as cool and its what all the cool people were doing.

As you can see from the above examples there has always been hate towards the staff team and the majority of the time its the bandwagon effect and people just think its the cool thing to do.

And now... For my opinion on the staff. THEY ARE NOT CORRUPT. Yes there is a few bad apples but they are always flushed out. The majority the the whole "corrupt staff" thing is directed towards the Sr Staff. I have been a part of the Sr Staff team, I can assure you they are not corrupt. For example, they are not going to keep a user banned because they don't like them. You will only be punished if you break a rule. Obviously there is a very low percentage of unfair bans that will leak through the ban dispute system. I will give an example from when I was doing a ban dispute before. Obviously for a persons security and information that is disclosed I cannot name the person and go into to much detail. Lets just say, a user made a ban dispute that really looked like he was fly hacking so instantly I upheld the ban, a few days later the user made another ban dispute and was insisting that he was not hacking. I looked at the evidence really closely and nope, still looked like they were hacking. Once again the user made another ban dispute and asked for me to look for anything because he was truly not hacking. I could sense some honesty in this ban dispute so I began a 2 hour study of the video and after slowing it right down, zooming in and some other alterations you could actually see it was another person with the same skin except for the bottom of his shoes were a different color. Anyway I went a bit off track there but as you can see mistakes can happen but I can assure you the Sr Staff will look at your ban dispute in depth. They wont keep a ban upheld without a proper reason.

As for moderators, yes there is a few that get it for the fame and glory but as said previous they don't last very long. e.g. they might not be very active.

Basically in a nutshell the majority of the hate towards the staff always starts off with an action by the staff towards a popular user. They disagree with it and there followers who look up to them and who are inspired by them jump on the bandwagon without knowing the details and give hate towards the staff because its the cool thing to do.

Now onto my last part. Okay so on average there is 2000 bans done a day. This figure is used a lot and seems like a high quantity. Its actually quite a misleading figure sometimes when its used. The staff don't ban 2000 people a day. 1/4 of those bans are the the Anti-Cheat for BSM, Regen and Damage Indicators. Which is great because that is keeping lets say an average of 1000 hackers off our servers everyday. But even is 2000 is not the actually amount of bans done by staff there is at least 500 bans issued a day. That is about 5 bans a day for each staff member which is pretty dam impressive. In fact this number could be raised a lot higher if more people got involved by poking a mod on TS for example. Mods can only find so much hackers while playing, they mainly rely on you as the community to help them by locating hackers. Now let me Finnish by saying this, even if a mod did 1 ban a year. THEY ARE STILL GIVING TIME OUT OF THERE DAY VOLUNTARILY TO HELP BETTER YOUR PLAYING EXPERIENCE! GIVE THEM A BREAK!

Its been a while since I made a long post, that was nice xD

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