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Questions for you guys about Survival Games 3

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Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score

My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed for the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
-My favourite map in the Survival Games is the second map, the abandoned city. I believe this is my favourite map as it is more spectacular to look at and the amount of exploration is more than the first.
2.What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?-My best tactic for the first map is to head towards the castle. I do this as I know where a number of chests are and can easily obtain a sword, if lucky.
For the second map, I instantly head towards the middle, loot a chest and hope for good items. After that, I travel towards the power plant, where I know a lot of chests are. I loot the chests around and when geared enough, I head towards spawn once more and kill anyone who is there. Once it gets passed sun set and the chests are refilled, I take what items I can from spawn, taking items I need and also items that I don't what other players to loot, for example, iron armour, chain armour etc. After I am as armoured as possible, have enough food and a diamond sword, I search for players, chase them down and kill until the last person standing.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?One of the biggest problems (I don't know whether it is actually the map, or the server, but i'm posting it anyway) is the fact you can loot diamonds in some of the chests. As you can easily obtain a diamond sword but one of the best armours you can get is iron, there should be no diamonds and the best sword/armour is iron. The reason for getting rid of the diamonds is a diamond sword is too overpowered compared to the armour on the game. It should be more levelled out and fair so when fighting another player, it isn't on luck by getting a diamond sword or the first hit in a fight, but more on pvp skill giving the player to still stand a chance even if the other player had dealt a few hits already. For something to be changed on the actually scenery is that the holes you can fall in should be covered up or can be escaped from as if someone falls in they can stay in there until being one of the last people left, which also makes it hard to kill one of them players who have fallen in, as you would not like to jump in yourself.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

I think there should be some sort of extra way to find other players near the end of the survival games (for example, you can track players when 5 tributes remain) as when there are only a few people left it becomes boring for the spectators and the players for them to find the other tributes hiding and would allow to speed up the pace of the games, putting pressure on the lower-geared players, making it more challenging. This would also allow the games to finish much quicker, allowing people to get on to servers more often.

I hope you take my answers into consideration as I love playing the survival games and feel that what I have explained would make for a more great survival games 3. Good luck!


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
i dont know thwe diferent maps but i like the one without the buildings

My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed for the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.


Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
My favourite map is the second one because it is more of a challenge.

My best tactic is to figure out a route of chests and then take that route in the game.

Maybe add less chests.

I think you should make it so angry dogs spawn in the night

From Superdoodle34


May 9, 2012
Reaction score
1. i like map one because of the fairness and the wolve that spawn(hint, hint)
2. the first map i go on a regular route collecting items and waiting till i encounter someone or until the final deathmatch.
the second map i just wing it
3. try and make it not as easy to get chests in the 1st map but also not as hard to get them in the 2nd
4.potions/splash potions that only come when sponsers refill the chest :D


Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
1. Map one because of the fairer gameplay and also less lag. Chests are less perilous and everyone has a good chance.

2. On map one I head to the ship because even though many people do so, the best chests are there. Then I head to the corn. I also check out the hidden enchantment table. On map two my plan varies but usually includes the corn and a little chest run :)

3. I'd like the center chests to be more even and the chests in the ship to have better bounty on map one. Map two's center chests are even worse but the overall chests are pretty fair.

4. I'd like a map with good chests that everyone can run to, but maybe more structures than the first and more mountains and landscape than the second.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey! :D

My name is Gabriel and these are my opinions! :p

1. To be honest my favorite map is server no.5 map, The city like-one, even though it may be extremely big is is still fun to explore and scavenge as you fight others! And the design is AMAZING.

2. My best tactic is to go straight for the cornucopia, grab as much as I can and then go straight running out of the place to scavenge for more chests, and try to be stealthy from others if I dont have good equipment yet.

3.It's all good :)

4. I don't think this as adding but I think you should take off the 30 seconds of invinsibility, because like since you have 30secs EVERYBODY just goes straight for the cornucopia but if you dont have it people will think before going straight to there because they might get killed, and only the bravest will try to get the suplies. Also, I think what you should add to is traps, and make the redstone contraptions work again D: and last but not least I would like there to be no-perks, seriously, It's so annoying sometimes.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
In terms of Survival Games my favorite map is SG2 because its looks good and its huge!
In terms of normal maps my favorite would have to be Lux Perpetua because it had interesting game play features and storyline while looking good at the same time!

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
I don't have a route so I just run like mad, kill zombies for food, hide and crouch in a good spot and then set out when the numbers dwindle.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
More chests. Way more. In SG2 it was insane trying to find chests and becuase was so huge it very easy to get lost and die from other means except the player.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Well, if anyone reading this watches Sethbling's videos then they might know that he recently created a MC EDIT filter that turns chest into Villager Shops. I think you guys should wait a bit until the next update, use that as a little bit of a trading centre.


May 12, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?Map 2, theres more chests and more places to hide, battles on the buildings get very intense and the park around spawn makes for some interesting stealthy battles. I also love how there are more crafting tables, allowing you to get an iron sword much more easy at the start of the game, so more people have a good chance.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)? map 1. go behind the host house and keep going to the ocean, there are some chests, 5 in total that I know of. after that go to the two towers and hope they arent raided yet. if I have iron ingots from any of the chests, make an iron sword. ater that, head back to the middle and fight off the people that are coming for the refill.
map 2. go over to the Nuclear powerplant area, and get the 7 chests there. afterwards, return to middle and hide in the trees around it. if anybody comes, try to snipe him and if he comes close melee him (hopefully) to death.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
yes, in map 1 light up the cave where the boat is, and make an iron door with a lever somewhere else, so it takes more time to get into the boat, and when someone gets the lever you might be able to sneak in before him.
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
make the weapons in chest have a small chance to be enchanted. like level 1 enchantments, and a 15% chance or something. would really make it all very interesting


Apr 21, 2012
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in my opinion both map were equal mainly because in the second one were big building to climb and loads of places to hide and in the second one there was loads of old ruined castles and cabins which were cool so i think a combinations of the two would make the third map epic

my best tactic when I play is to run to the middle grab stuff from one chest and run then look around for more chest while avoiding people unless they attack me first i then gather loads of items and wait till the end when there is a death match and try to win

I don't think anything should be changed in the vanilla SG

I would like you too add places that have chest with spawners on top that you have to break and in those chests there are really good items


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

I like map 2, I love the huge buildings which take advantage of the new map limit but I never climb them, so I guess it is great scenery! But, lots of people complain about lagg, which is true, even with my gaming pc I drop about 100fps from my average 400fps on fancy and my gpu heats up quite a bit

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

On the 1st map I run left of the gamekeepers house and take a special route which leads me by 5 chests to an abandoned house which has lots of chests near it.
On the 2nd map I rush for as many middle chests as I can, then to the village with what I have to kill some people and receive more items.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

I have only played the vanilla map once therefore I have no idea what needs to be changed, sorry.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

You should add more secret rooms with/without password locks or other combination locks, maybe the these servers can have more than one world for the third map to switch around the passwords, it is too easy after everybody knows the password for the door.
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