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Questions for you guys about Survival Games 3

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May 25, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I'm not really sure. I like both equally, for different reasons. I tend to play the city map a lot more (mainly due to it being the only one used on the 48 player servers, which tend to be way easier to get onto), so I feel more confident there, but I like the original one too.

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
I'm pretty bad at charging the Cornucopia, so I generally run away. On the city map, I have several routes to chests more or less memorized that I take, based on where I start. On the original map, due to an overall lack of distinctive landmarks, that's a lot harder to do, so I tend to just wander around looking for chests. I don't go for any of the popular places like the ship or the ruined castle, since I generally can't get there first.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
Try to include lots of distinctive landmarks (close to the center), such as buildings or unusual/easily noticed hills, trees, or other natural things. The only true landmark that's very close to the center on the original map is the Gamemaker's house, which makes navigation rather hard. Also, make the lobby more interesting. Add an area where you can practice fighting (if possible, make it so that you'll turn red and get thrown back if you're hit, but you won't take damage and can't die), an area to practice archery (maybe use mobs from spawners or minecarts as targets), and a parkour course.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Let flint and steel work. Few things could be more fun than burning down a tree with someone camping in it.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, Vareide

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I like the first map more because it is alot more challenging and the buildings in the second map are too big and I get really laggy so i have to play on hsort render distance.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
My tactic is to run to the cornucopia get some stuff and run in any direction or stay at the conrucopia and scare some people off.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
Make the map bigger so there is more space to run and chase and less water. Because when people run they go straight for the water and dont know when to give up.
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Server-wise there needs to be like 30 seconds of no pvp. Because waiting 5 mins in lobby just to get killed after 20 seconds of the game makes it less fun.


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
1. I love Map 1 cause it isnt easy to get iron armor and is very balanced.

2.Map 1- I go around the islands to get all chests once it is sunset I head to the corn with what I have to get the chests and kill other tributes. Map 2- I first goto factory then head to a tower I can climb up and grab the stuff there if I have enough to fight with I goto corn if I dont I stay at tower for the night.

3.Make it so getting a sword at start won't gives you a %70 chance to win so those who werent as lucky will still have a chance.

4.If it is possiable make it so for every point you get you get half a money. With the money you can choose to be a sponser in a game and send stuff to tributes using the money. This will make it ALOT more realistic and a whole new experience!

And 5. Good luck on the map cant wait to see it!
Just so you know vareide cant control half the things you said in this post just to warn you.


Apr 20, 2012
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1. My favorite map is Survival Games 1 but not by much. I prefer the ability to enchant my items in the underwater area. It gives me a better chance as well as more confidence for when i challenge players at the cornicopia during the first night.

2. I have a route memorized and always return to the cornicopia for the first nights refill.

3. Dont change anything. The maps are fine in my mind but the next map needs a balence between vertical and horizontal plains. Instead of large verticals use steady ones and plateaus for flat ground. Also, more trapps and puzzles to mess with tributes.

4. flint and Steel, Cake, more fun items in chests like pumpkins. Melons and Melon Blocks in chests (as well as make theam eatable). More wheat or a place that has access to farms or even tilled soil to place seeds in if we have bonemeal.


May 28, 2012
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1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)? It's map 1, because its more fastpaced, not huge buildings to hide in and more balance

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)? go to corn at start and grab a chest then run and get more chests, kill people that have armor i want and then go back to corn at night if i have good gear.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why? Less diamonds, make it so you can't get a diamond sword, it's to good and will make you win 95% of the time.


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I honestly can't choose between them. The city map is easier to get around and I like exploring it better than the forest one. But the forest is awesome because it so open, but I don't like the giant seas.

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Finding a route where I pass as many chests as possible, on the first map I usually go for the middle as well.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
Fire swords are OP in my opinion, and I don't like holes where people get stuck and slows down the games.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
A nether world! Possibly an evil version of the overworld with chests filled with really rare and awesome stuff.


Apr 18, 2012
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Alloooo there. :D

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

Map 1 is my favorite. I actually stand a chance there. Map 2 is still a fun map, but if you are anything like me and hate camping at the corn, you're screwed when it comes to the deathmatch. D;

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

hit the middle at the start, start my route, and pray no one with a sword at the beginning kills me.

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

i don't have any complaints about the maps themselves. they are really well built. :)

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

more maps. :D I can't wait for more maps.


Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I Like the first one. The trees allow more hiding places
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Be Stealthy, dont run straight into a battle, try and backstab the victim
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
more chances to run away from you predator (like jumping on blocks over a river to slow them down)
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
no its perfect how it is


May 25, 2012
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1. I like the first map the most because it is smaller and easier to navigate.

2. I usually run from the cornucopia, gather some items, and return in time for the chest refill.

3. No

4. This isn't part of the map but I want spectators to have a chance to be sponsors.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
Map 1 because there is multiple islands where you can explore and find other chests

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
Run for the spawn chests then go to the place with the second most chests (ex Boat/Funhouse

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)? No swords in the start of the rounds makes it more fare and you really have to find them in other chests, and if your in a place for a while camping lightning flashes near you alerting everyone where you are, also make the spawn chests less over powered so you actually have to search for diamonds, iron armor etc

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Trip wire traps when it comes out and more advance traps which gives you a few seconds to escape and live


Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
1. Love both of them a lot... but i prefer the 2nd one more, as there's more places you can stalk your enemies! :)

2. Run to center, take as much as you can... then run away to find more chests or a hiding spot for a while.

3. Nothing comes in mind...

4. MORE UNDERGROUND STUFF! :) tunnels, bunkers, secrets etc. ...
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