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#Purple Cobras - AU Clan

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Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
•Minecraft Name: MySisterIsHot780864
•Wins: 1/9036
•W/L ratio (In percentage form): I think so
•Age: 8
•Donator: The money goes to pooor so get rexcktted
•Way of communication: we could go on play dates and tlk
•Skype/TS name: whats that
•Self Rating at MCSG (1-10: Liek Tweny juan
•Strengths: everything but bow sword rod fire and grass chopping
•Weaknesses: nothing but sword fire bow fishing rod and grass chqpingg
•Would you fit in with the clan?: Well it depends coz how small is the room and are there Liek fat guys and stuff
•Have you been in any previous clans?: Icee creem
•Why do you think you would be a benefit towards the clan: love (btw I'm gae so yeah)
****Bdw I herd a lady cld snochet65 and he got a 3 team but I rekcteddxx him but these noobs came in lieek spotah m8 and died me wif der bow but they be liek half hrt
The funny thing is that you are actually 10.


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
•Minecraft Name: MySisterIsHot780864
•Wins: 1/9036
•W/L ratio (In percentage form): I think so
•Age: 8
•Donator: The money goes to pooor so get rexcktted
•Way of communication: we could go on play dates and tlk
•Skype/TS name: whats that
•Self Rating at MCSG (1-10: Liek Tweny juan
•Strengths: everything but bow sword rod fire and grass chopping
•Weaknesses: nothing but sword fire bow fishing rod and grass chqpingg
•Would you fit in with the clan?: Well it depends coz how small is the room and are there Liek fat guys and stuff
•Have you been in any previous clans?: Icee creem
•Why do you think you would be a benefit towards the clan: love (btw I'm gae so yeah)
****Bdw I herd a lady cld snochet65 and he got a 3 team but I rekcteddxx him but these noobs came in lieek spotah m8 and died me wif der bow but they be liek half hrt
Declined because we don't believe you have the maturity to join the clan.


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
•Minecraft Name: Barnababy
•Wins: 27/252
•W/L ratio (In percentage form): 10% (Most of the games played for fun, I truly believe i'm a skilled player, and most people can agree.
•Age: 13
•Donator: Platinum
•Way of communication: Skype or Teamspeak
•Skype/TS name: Barnaby.mc/Barnaby.
•Self Rating at MCSG (1-10: 7/10
•Strengths: Sword, Rod.
•Weaknesses: Bow, FnS.
•Would you fit in with the clan?: I have not spoken to most members in the clan, but i'm always looking forward to meeting new friends, and having some fun.
•Have you been in any previous clans?: Yes, but quite a long time ago.
•Why do you think you would be a benefit towards the clan: I would try my best in clan battles, and i'm very active, so when anybody needs me i'll be there.
•{Insert Poem Here}
I failed english.
I like Maths.
MCSG is good.
So is food.
Thanks for reading my app. - Barnaby.


May 22, 2015
Reaction score
•Minecraft Name: Barnababy
•Wins: 27/252
•W/L ratio (In percentage form): 10% (Most of the games played for fun, I truly believe i'm a skilled player, and most people can agree.
•Age: 13
•Donator: Platinum
•Way of communication: Skype or Teamspeak
•Skype/TS name: Barnaby.mc/Barnaby.
•Self Rating at MCSG (1-10: 7/10
•Strengths: Sword, Rod.
•Weaknesses: Bow, FnS.
•Would you fit in with the clan?: I have not spoken to most members in the clan, but i'm always looking forward to meeting new friends, and having some fun.
•Have you been in any previous clans?: Yes, but quite a long time ago.
•Why do you think you would be a benefit towards the clan: I would try my best in clan battles, and i'm very active, so when anybody needs me i'll be there.
•{Insert Poem Here}
I failed english.
I like Maths.
MCSG is good.
So is food.
Thanks for reading my app. - Barnaby.
What type of food? O.O
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