Hey everyone! I'm Purge, and welcome to my signature service! Here you are able to request really cool and awesome signatures for yourself! I am an experienced graphic designer, I have been working with Photoshop for about 4 years now and I'm doing this signature service for fun and experience! Enjoy the service!
- 1 per person
- No overcomplicated requests
- Have fun and share the service with your friends!
- Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed your sig!
Format (must use):
- IGN:
- Words to say?
- Background? (SG Map, or if you don't want a background, like in my sig, just type N/A)
- Would you like your skin on it?
- Anything else?
(No, I cannot make your character hold weapons/tools, I do not work with Cinema4D.)
Queue: Green is Done, Yellow is WIP, White is Not Yet)
Q and A:
Q: What do you use to make your signatures?
A: I use Photoshop mainly and sometimes GIMP.
Q: How old are you?
A: 13 years old.
Q: How long will it take for my sig to be done?
A: Well, with school and sports, I only have time to create sigs on the weekends so possibly in 2 days or so, depending on when you requested your signature.
Q: Do you have a YouTube channel?
A: Definitely! YouTube.com/PurgesRealm