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Purge | US Team

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Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN:Metro_Trixx21
2.) Age:14
3.) Wins:101 : 519
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak [Y/N]:Y
5.) Skype username *:MetroPlayz
6.) Do you have a Microphone?:Yes
7.) PVP Strengths:Fns Bow Rod
8.) PVP Weaknesses:ehhh
9.) How active are you?(1-10):8
10.) How would you help Purge?:I will benefit this clan in clan battles. as in filling in a elite or captians slot._.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?:Because in my opinion purge has always been a clan i would like to join
12.) Were you Invited?:
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
1.) Minecraft IGN:Metro_Trixx21
2.) Age:14
3.) Wins:101 : 519
4.) Do you have Skype & TeamSpeak [Y/N]:Y
5.) Skype username *:MetroPlayz
6.) Do you have a Microphone?:Yes
7.) PVP Strengths:Fns Bow Rod
8.) PVP Weaknesses:ehhh
9.) How active are you?(1-10):8
10.) How would you help Purge?:I will benefit this clan in clan battles. as in filling in a elite or captians slot._.
11.) Why do you want to join Purge?:Because in my opinion purge has always been a clan i would like to join
12.) Were you Invited?:
Your Application was Accepted for Trial!
  • Stay active on our TS and Skype Chat for a higher chance of being promoted to a FULL member!
  • Also, Congratulations on making it to your first level of examination!


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I am leaving sorry I am done with MCSG in general. MCSG is not fun anymore for me, I am going try to play in a way that I have fun, cause if you are doing something that is not fun for you, it won't work out. Sorry, I wish the best for you. Peace out <3
Last edited:


Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
I am leaving sorry I am done with MCSG in general. MCSG is not fun anymore for me, I am going try to play in a way that I have fun, cause if you are doing something that is not fun for you, it won't wor. Sorry, I wish the best for you. Peace out <3
Bye Zable :(


Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
I am leaving sorry I am done with MCSG in general. MCSG is not fun anymore for me, I am going try to play in a way that I have fun, cause if you are doing something that is not fun for you, it won't wor. Sorry, I wish the best for you. Peace out <3
I guess you're serious this time ;-; I'll miss you Zable. We better keep in touch bb. Remember, you always have a place here waiting for you, if you ever decide to come back. <3


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
I guess you're serious this time ;-; I'll miss you Zable. We better keep in touch bb. Remember, you always have a place here waiting for you, if you ever decide to come back. <3
We will keep in touch, you have to send me a picture of your 6 packs ;) Yeah I am being serious this time. MCSG is not fun anymore for me and I dont like that. I take it way too serious, so I get really angry whenever I die due for whatever reason, and I dont like that. I have become really rude to people just cause they killed me, now I realize is just a game, and this game is changing the way I am. I dont like that , I would rather be a better person than play a game, cause when we get old playing a videogame wont help you, being a good person will.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
We will keep in touch, you have to send me a picture of your 6 packs ;) Yeah I am being serious this time. MCSG is not fun anymore for me and I dont like that. I take it way too serious, so I get really angry whenever I die due for whatever reason, and I dont like that. I have become really rude to people just cause they killed me, now I realize is just a game, and this game is changing the way I am. I dont like that , I would rather be a better person than play a game, cause when we get old playing a videogame wont help you, being a good person will.
Again Zable? Ight bby <3 take care!
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
April 7, 2014 was the day Purge was born. It's been a great time so far, and I hope that the positive experience can be with me until the end. Without a doubt, this clan is a far-reaching clan with lots of potential. We've had plenty of up's and down's, but with the assistance of the amazing staff, we've fought through it. Latley, our group has lost two valuable members. Not going to name who, but I would like to state a few points here.

We may have lost 2, but that doesn't mean that we all have to go inactive or be "sad". They've left us during a time of struggle, and they shall not be forgiven for that!

Just be happy! The people of Purge need to realize that the members remaining in this clan is their "family". You are all representitive's of Purge. Let's not allow anything get in the way of our happiness!

Lastly, I would like to say that our clan is nothing but a group of friends who've cunstructed a strong bond between themselves like no other clan. Let's keep this hard work up, stay motivated and have dedication becuase our journey is NOT over yet, we have a long path with obstacles to travel. Those obstacles consist of success and failure, let's give guidance to one another to complete this adventure with "Prosperity".

*Happy 1 Month to this clan <3

- SlainBot
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