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Public Apology - TheBlueHoodie


Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
So, after two years of playing MCSG I have made hundreds of friends. Ive gone through so much with these friends only to lose them because of stupid mistakes I have made and mistakes I continue making to this day. I ask the people mentioned in this to please forgive me, and if not I do understand. (Thread idea from Silently)

Zuldan - Jackson. We have known each other for months and I know I have been an asshole lately with clans and such. I lashed out at you and have done really stupid things. I am really sorry and I miss you tbh, if you want to play some time again we can. I am sorry.

MKFever - Justin. This isnt your forum account and I cant find it but I still need to say sorry. After I left primative we became rivals and it was all my fault, I caused Primative falling apart but blamed it on you. I was a jerk to you and we slowly drifted apart. Ever since Matthew accepted you back into the clan I really loved you and I am sorry for spliting the family apart. We had such fun times together. I am sorry.

pokemonfunk17 - Jabril. After I left primative I trash talked you a lot and we both know it, I didnt even try to hide it at all or repair our friendship. Ive known you for such a long time and after Primative and Soar became rivals I kind of targetted you. I love you like a brother along with everyone from primative and I am so so sorry for cussing you out and insulting you, it was uncalled for. I am sorry.

AncientMCSG - Asian_Ninjaz. I have known you since day 1. Even though we didnt talk a lot we were still really good friends and ever since we battled and we "DQd" you I felt our friendship falling apart. Ive known you for the longest probably and I really dont want you to hate me anymore, I want you to forgive me and I am so so so sorry for being a jerk with my clan. I am sorry.

Shiifted - James. Ive known you since Soar. You joined and introduced me to Puccaaustin13 who is like my brother now. You sticked with me in every clan after Soar and I shouldve recognized that even though I didnt, I got really pissed at you for a short period of time for buying things and taking credit for it, but it was uncalled for to do that because we are/were such close friends. But in Angels I lost sight of what clans are for, friendship and I never played you even though you begged to be played because I wanted to win battles, I understand that you left Angels because it was 100% called for. I am sorry.

Tridz - Noah. Ever since you left Forge I was kind of an asshole to you, and I am sorry for that. I felt betrayed that you abandoned Forge since you were the founder and leader. I lashed out at you and insulted you and was just really rude in general. Since then we have kind of been closer but we dont talk anymore and I have never said sorry. So, I am sorry and I hope that we can be friends again. I love you Noah :3 I am sorry.

AlbinoBrwne - Matthew. Since June of 2014 we have known each other. We met when you smakt me and I, for once actually complimented you. We shared Skype and skyped so much. We became best friends. I love you so much. I ruined our friendship completely by ditching you and all the Primative players. But I am so sorry. Since then we have only talked a few times and I am never going to feel the same without you. I love you so much. You are amazing and even though you only play CS:GO mostly now, I want to repair our friendship. We used to call for 10 hours straight and just play, not caring about losing or winning we just played and talked about our days and boring stuff like that... But it didnt matter because we had eachother and that means the most. I abandoned that principal though when I left Primative because of the name which was just stupid. I miss you so much and I want you to forgive me. I am so so sorry.

ShadowFusionz Blockyy - Josh, Matthew. I have known both of you since Primative and before but since Primative split, I have been a real jerk to you guys. Even though I am still friends with both of you, which is why your paragraph is shorter, I love you guys both and I want you to forgive me for the months where I was a jerk. I am sorry.

Darkness_bolt123 - Darkyy. You got me into my first clan and I have known you for such a long time, but once I called your members "togglers" we havent talked much and I feel like you hate me... a lot. I want to say im sorry for being a jerk and I love you. I am sorry.

HotGril - Jay. I am sorry for trying to DQ your clan countless times, I want you to forgive me for trying to get a cheap win and for trash talking your clan since we beat you in the USCL battle. I am sorry, ive known you for a while now, since when I was in ArtOfPvP, and I want you to forgive me for being a jerk since then. I am sorry.

Krons - Biscuit. BB its been a long time... Idek what happened but we used to be super tight, and it was probably because of me and clans and being a jerk and a tardass. I am sorry for everything I did I love u bb. I am sorry.

I was doing all of this without planning it, and if I forgot someone just comment and I will add a parapgrah. For the people tagged and mentioned I am so sorry and al I want is you to forgive me for being a jerk for a while now. I want everything to go back to the good days.
You forgot bout me -.-


Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
You stole Matthew's account which warranted insult.
? It was My alt I said he could use it. I'm not going to argue with you something minecraft related.
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