Prism SMP is a Survival Multi Player server hosted by Agentplatapuss and State_F4rm. It is restricted to primarily Youtubers, and you must apply to join. You must keep this server as a series on your channel, and you must be active on the server. You must have a microphone if you want to join, because we will be doing many events that require us to talk to each other. You will also need Skype and TeamSpeak, because we have a TeamSpeak server for us to talk on. There is no griefing, but there is pranking. No TnT, lava, fire, or breaking the other person's property is allowed for pranks. If you read and agree to the rules and requirements, put the word "Hamlet" in the "About Me" section of your application. If you would like to join, fill out the application below:
Youtube Channel (Yes/No, how many subs):
Are you willing to make a series on Prism SMP?:
What is your main goal on the server?:
Anything else about you that we need to know?: