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Petition to bring back Demons Breeze

Should they bring back Demons Breeze?

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Oct 24, 2012
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It actually is.. xD
Too much xD

Personally, I really disliked that map - The lava made it lag, despite me turning my sound off, the structures were random and poorly built, it is just reeeeeely ugly and, despite on how popular it was, was my least favorite map. I love Breeze Island, but Demon's Breeze just doesn't cut it.

Good luck on getting it added back, but I'm not in support of it.


Jun 23, 2012
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In the long run, decisions like this will hurt MCSG not help it. The fact that you call them the same map is rather strange as well. As administrators, I would hope the best interest of the MCSG Community would be put first. If the community wants both maps, why not let them have it? As I said before, I want the community to grow and be happy.

RIP demons breeze
This ^


May 14, 2013
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Demon's Breeze was very ugly, there is no getting around that. While I don't support adding it back (builder roots showing through again...) I am all for a similar style map with a bit more attention to detail.

As for Origins since it's been brought up repeatedly in the thread, the map is designed for players to explore and discover the secrets behind the map. Sometimes, as in Fuzy's video, this results in full length matches which aren't everyone's idea of a good time. If I make another map I'll make it much more compact, and avoid the godawful invisible fires at corn.


Apr 17, 2012
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I'm sorry, I understand why you'd think I'd be bias towards that map. In all honestly, all I created was the DM arena and one building. The entire map was the product of Sneeze7 chockadlad and Ninjaswede9
However I still feel that map is perfect for PvP.

I had NO part in Demons Breeze at all, I'm not sure where you got that from.
These is no bias towards Demons Breeze on my part and this thread shows that the majority want it to stay. 139 votes to 49 is a fair reflection on how popular it was and I doubt maps like Fallen Empire and Destiny's Shiver could get that sort margin.

I'm not saying SG1 is a poor map as it's not. It's a beautiful map. But it is rarely voted for. Demons Breeze was far more popular than TSG1

My opinion remains. Popular and well played maps should not be taken out. Maps that are rarely played and almost hardly ever voted for should as they're just in the voting list to make up the numbers.
A TL: DR would be sweet thanks.


Jun 16, 2013
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Why mcsg. Just why. Remove Khrumarhasa or whatever.
Demons breeze is da best


Apr 19, 2013
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Philly67 Sorry I was told you worked on it, I tried to verify it but I was ignored on TS (classic)

in regards to fuzypoo where you were talking about what standards are we going by, we are pushing for maps with great looks and also great gameplay such as Origins, it is easy to say a map is voted more often that others but it is impossible to back up. You questioned the way we feel about maps and said the community feels differently but this isn't something you can back up as its an opinion not a fact, just as we have an opinion of how the community feels, you also have an opinion, so you can't say ours is wrong and yours is right. you said "it just hurts to see that a small group of people is solely deciding the fate of a great map", you do know that previously it was up to even fewer people to decide, but now there is a group of trusted members of the community to help decide, its a step in the right direction, whether you think it or not. Anyways you are wasting your time trying to argue this point as Dave already posted his final decision, only one of demons breeze and breeze island can be on the server, and i'm pretty sure Breeze would win the vote.
It isn't impossible to show these newer maps being outvoted. Screenshots. It wouldn't be hard either as it happens often. As for proof of community supporting the revival of Demon's Breeze, take a look at this thread's pool. It's a pretty significant support. As for the fate of maps, I don't agree with a small group deciding what stays and what goes. If this committee was greatly expanded, then I would agree with it. Less than 10 people deciding what maps are played of a community of thousands upon thousands? This doesn't seem like a great system at all. It may work for adding maps, however, I feel like this group shouldn't have a big hand in deciding which maps go. I respect every single member of the map committee. However, I also know that many of them are not able to play near as often as many MCSG players as they are very busy people. Why would we let a small group of people that doesn't play too often decide what maps go?

I feel if we get enough support, Dave will change his mind. I didn't really like the fact that he said the decision is final even when the thread shows a strong support for the revival of the map. It's as if the map committee or administration doesn't care too much about what the community wants. I feel as though the community is losing its voice.


Aug 9, 2012
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first off i play every day a lot its just really late at night so don't ever say we don't play as much as others when we actually do the next thing i would like to say is that we do care about what people think but the thing is A) no matter what you say it is 2 of the same map B) something that has been lost in this community is respect remember who runs this community who makes the rules and who puts there life in to this place but when ever we do things we get insulted by people who think saying no offence will fix it it does not next time come to us and ASK why we do things research how much we play or ask us we find it really offensive when people say oh you shouldent make these choices because we actually do A LOT.

Edit: thread locked due to comments offending members of the community.
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