I really respect you as a builder and love your work, so when I saw this thread on an "revamped" Par 72 I was a little taken aback to say the least. but reading on I realized it was just more of an update than a revamp I was relieved because personally every revamp that's happened recently (treacherous heights v2, icarus fallen, return to moonbase and the new zone 85) have kinda ruined these maps for me. Personally I never felt that par needed changing anyway but the changes you have made look great and only add to the map. And in regards to a recent finished map with a very similar style, I like par 72 so much more and you have my full support.
Also I will never forget the feedback you left us on highfield, at the time it meant so much to me. I was really losing hope in the map. but just to hear that kind of feedback from someone such as yourself (and eeven though the things you recommended I changed I never did xD) you really made my day and gave me hope that it would be possible, and funnily enough it was.
- ben