You will have to wait until i have finished everyone else that has applied so far before i redo it. sorry but it will be doneIts beautiful but can you put this skin pls <3
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You will have to wait until i have finished everyone else that has applied so far before i redo it. sorry but it will be doneIts beautiful but can you put this skin pls <3
Thanks!You will have to wait until i have finished everyone else that has applied so far before i redo it. sorry but it will be done
please be patient in the first post i said i inly planned on doing 3-5 so you will just have to waitareyou almost done :-:
Im sorry for being impatuent take your time just make it looks niccccccceee thank chuplease be patient in the first post i said i inly planned on doing 3-5 so you will just have to wait
You're doing great! Keep boosting these out. One suggestion, change the queue when you are done with someones avatar. It would help impatient people. You're doing great!please be patient in the first post i said i inly planned on doing 3-5 so you will just have to wait