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Overuse of Flint and Steel

Do you think the amount of uses a flint and steel has should be reduced?

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Dec 12, 2013
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It truly wouldn't. Just take a moment to think about it.
Are you not actually reading what I am saying? Not trying to start flame but you have not given a single valid reason you want FnS increased.

I am sorry for the anger you feel towards this, but it is the game. If people chose a strategy of flint and steel then that is there way of playing. There is always a way to fight back, don't worry :p
So you're telling me that the game cannot be improved? Or that it shouldn't be improved because it's a game?


Aug 20, 2012
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I'm sure most of us old players remember how the overall view of FnS use changed as Huahwi became bigger and bigger because the more he publicized offensive FnS tricks, the more they became used and, well, it eventually became pretty annoying to have to face it so much.

The problem, in my opinion, lays less in the amount of FnS in the map (which really cannot be changed all that much given its accessibility) but more in the play style of the community in general. While, yes, it may be annoying to fight against that guy who seems to be unable to survive without it, there are strategies (although rather limited in number) to outlast that FnS spammer.

Maybe reducing the number of charges would be a good idea in something like Solo SG because in 1v1s it poses more of an advantage, but we keep it the same in regular SG because I'm sure we can all agree that fighting a team is hard enough with only 4 uses per item, and while running/chokepointing, constantly switching items out of your inventory will likely end up in your death.


Oct 11, 2014
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I can't use the fns because it doesn't even place for me on mcsg. lol


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
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Hi, I'm Kminr, or Kminer56 as some people would know me.

I don't play much MCSG these days, but it struck me when playing today that FnS is used a lot. At least half of the players I fight will not commit themselves to a fight against me unless I am on fire. When I was a much more active MCSG player, I always thought it was "pathetic" somewhere in the back of my head, which I know realize is completely ridiculous. FnS has four uses, and are found frequently in chests, so it's almost impractical to NOT use it before every single fight. I'm not arguing against the existence of FnS, but I really think that the amount of uses, or occurrences in chests should be lowered. I can't even count how many times in my three years of playing MCSG I've had to run from a fight or delay an engagement in a fight because I have to drain someone's FnS or wait for the fire to stop burning because I will certainly die otherwise. If FnS only had, say, one use, people would still be able to take advantage of it, and it would also, I feel, level out the balance of weapons. Right now, FnS is a very dominant weapon. One might even argue that it has more value than a weak sword if used correctly. I feel like the sword should be the most dominant weapon, with the bow and rod trailing, and FnS should be strategically involved in a minor way that can still have some significance during a fight. I feel like Minecraft is designed imperfectly, in terms of PvP, but FnS, in a much smaller capacity than the current state, balances everything out to make it a great competitive game.

I'm completely open to, in fact I would appreciate people replying with their opinions. I would love to hear reasons on why you agree, or disagree with what I've said.
I undestand everything you are saying and all your points make sense, but its tough for players like me who have bad ping and play on a 5 dollar mouse, the FnS is key because my laptop keyboard can't keep up with my hotkey speed. The FnS is the only way for a player like me to compete. I have beaten some very good players with a good FnS placement and bow spamming. I cannot keep up with the sword. So nah I like how it is cuz that's all I have. :)

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