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Our Generation


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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I never understood the need society has to constantly rate everything.... A generation is composed of literally millions of people across the world, its impossible to say wether a generation is good or bad.

That doesnt mean it doest make me happy to see people do nice things like this of course.
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District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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Every generation has a vast amount of things that happen, for every single individual that lived it as well. Despite the things that occur, everyone has a story to tell, and knowing that people like Stephan Sutton, Malala Yousafzai, and Severn Cullis-Suzuki exist, because they make the world a better place, including all those who wish to follow the path for peace, and harmony. It intrigues me knowing that to this day, there are still many people who still yet cause issues, problems to which a majority of the world disagrees upon. But I am happy knowing that there are people who are still aware of the issues that are yet to be resolved, there are people who actively take part to making society a more heart-warming, welcoming, and safe place for diversity to flow.

Unfortunately, that does not tend to be the case, there are still many places around our globe that people with differences among others are considered a threat, a plague, or simply a frowned upon individuals towards society, hence not accepting them. In the past, there has been so many awful things that has occurred, World war I and II, Slave trades, stricter religious policies, you name it. People were unsafe, yet, a majority of us are still unsafe. In the past, different races were treated as cargo, or simply objects to which others can take granted of, or people who are attracted to different interests, besides their opposite orientation, they would be as far to become murdered over their personal desires.

Unfortunately, to this day people believe in a perfect human, or a perfect individual, people believe that in society, we must be the same, from my experiences, and current situations in school, I know well that people have the intentions of leaving others out, if they are not like them. People still believe in dominance, power, superiority and inferiority in skills, people believe that they could be more deserving than others. But knowing full well, that we are all human beings.

Wars rage out to this day, hatred yet still spreads across the world, the lack of forgiveness and kindness, revenge and conflict reign. the ISIS, the Ukraine situation, North Korea under strict dictatorship, people fighting for oil, yet knowing that it will not matter in the future, as it will not exist. People fight over so many things, extreme rivalry and hateship arise from even the smallest of situations. Our generations get better and better, however, our problems usually get worse and worse.

People usually lack sympathy, they lack the acceptance of others, from different race, gender, orientation, from so many things, people get discriminated upon for even the slightest of differences. People focus on being popular, people focus on their personal attraction, their looks, people focus on what is best for them, and not for others. Older generations still continue claiming their generation is better than the others, "My generation had this" or "Only this generation will remember". After each generation ceases to exist, of course it will be in history, generations are never left forgotten. We are more interested, and intrigued by aliens that we are uncertain that they exist, than we are interested in our humanity, our morality of accepting other beings that live on the same ground as us.

Yet again, we are human beings. We are imperfect beings, we contain our flaws, yet we contain our strengths. Slowly overtime, we begin developing an understanding towards people and their differences, we begin understanding each other's flaws and sometimes, are willingly fixing them, but yet again, accept flaws that are beyond repair, of course that is a great ambition that is slowly arising to truth. We are human beings, we must learn that we live in the same planet, we walk on the same ground, we swim the same waters as one another, we are all, yet we are one. Why must we isolate one another, why must we believe that despite the fact we live on the same planet, we have to be exactly the same beings? We are diverse, and out of all the alien/sci-fi movies I have seen in my entire life, us humans seemed to have been the most diverse one of them all.

Although I may be some child sitting on a computer within the comfort of their home, I believe that we are "getting there". New materials are being created, renewable resources are being developed to this day, we are slowly becoming as one to try and make the right choices, to accept others for who they are. Despite each other's differences, there is no point to judging them, they have been born that way, influenced to what they believe in, religion or science, let people follow different paths, we are growing to a better generation every time as we slowly begin to learn about ourselves.

We are absolutely insignificant, we live in a tiny dot, compared to even the observable universe, weirdo mode we are practically nothing, yet we make the dot the biggest thing that matters to us in the whole universe we live in, as it is currently the only home to which we breathe air, to walk, to talk. We make such a big acknowledgment to even conquering a fraction of the dot we live in. This is what I believe for our generation, we indeed are growing a little better, yet, we must accept that more problems will happen in the future, thus is why it is up to us to pursue a solution to it.

We may have flaws as humans, but we mustn't stop one another to achieve imperfect perfections. We are the current generation, we are the generation that has opened its first eye. May the next generations achieve harmony one day, because it is a fantasy we all wish to live in, and we will hope to get there. :)

EDIT: I guess I had too much to say, once again. Hopefully you enjoy the read. c:
Mooclan in disguise? That essay...
Oct 31, 2013
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See people defend there own generation. When Elvis came the adults back then said he is going to ruin the world. I bet in a couple of years we will be saying Miley Cyrus was a great musician or Justin Beiber was next to Michael Jackson. It happens are generation isn't screwed up.


Mar 22, 2014
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There's your teacher....

Then there's mine that blames our generation for us not taking out homework fast enough, or doing something on a graph wrong, etc. He pretty much just uses that 5 times a day, and gives us pop quizzes because, our 'generation.'

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