Thoughout my time in this community I believe that I have seen, and/or experienced nearly every type of "try hard" there is in this game.
1. The Staff (Ban) Tryhard
While I was a staff member here for about a year, I found myself addicted to doing report abuse-- I would find myself refreshing the page over and over waiting for new reports to be created so that I could deal with them. TeamSpeak was a place that I constantly received hacker pokes-- my goal each day was to best my amount of bans from that previous 24 hours. I am very competitive and would "try hard" beating myself and setting new records.
2. The Sr. Staff Tryhard
Although I have yet to be a Sr. Staff "try hard" I have ecountered these people a number of times. These are staff members who will do anything to get the attention of Sr. Staff in order to gain the position themselves. These things include attempting to lead training-- dealing with other general topics and items that are meant to be handled by other people. At times these people can also be found befriending Sr. Staff members in order to acquire what they want. Although at one point in my life a chance at Sr Mod was something I dreamed for-- I would like to believe that I never became a "try hard" for said position simply because those that I have met attempting to force their way to the top have led me to want to hit my head against a wall over and over again.
3. The Building Tryhard
I had never fully experienced a building "try hard" until I joined the Dracarys project alongside
LadyOfLove when she was under a deadline to complete the extensive build. I happily joined in on that project and became a building Tryhard myself... Completing build after build for two days straight until everything she needed was 100% complete.
4. The Clan Battle Tryhard
Who isn't going to Tryhard a clan battle? Clans are something that if you have never experienced one... You would not understand the rivalry and complete humiliation of loosing to a rival. Especially when they are squeakers (no insult intended) the friendships in clans (but mostly hatred towards others) brings out the complete and total Tryhard of all those participating in a Clan Battle. Adrenaline reaches its peak and there is nothing more important for those minutes than winning that round of MCSG.
5. The Ratio Tryhard
My alt account Bequtiful 5/10
Was 5/5... I tried so hard to create a perfect ratio on that account... But when I came on at the wrong time of day... I got killed 5 times in a row by Japanese teams -.-
TL;DR kill one --> watch them rage
6. The Leaderboard Tryhard
Someone who is playing for incredibly long periods of time in order to gain a large sum of wins. This person does not necessarily care if they are spawn killed although it is annoying. However, if this person has spent a large amount of time invested into one game and they do not win... Kill them --> watch them rage
7. The Forum Tryhard
The person who posts seemingly pointless posts and threads in order to gain Active Member... These people make me want to facepalm over and over again for centuries to come.
8. The "I want to kill you and put the screenshot in my forum signature" Tryhard
...I hate you all
9. The YouTube Tryhard
Also known as "sub leeches" these people befriend and record with bigger YouTubers simply to gain their fame and subscribers. Instead of doing YouTube for their fans- they do it for themselves... Only wanting the fame and purple name that comes alongside being a seemingly successful YouTuber.
10. The Teaming Tryhard
Feel free to add to my list
these are just the few that came to the top of my head.