IGN(s): SenchSlash Rivalian
Age: 15
Skype name: You got me
What do you want us to call you: Sench
Where are you from: Norway
Current Wins: Unsure, probably around 30
Current Games Played: Around 300 or something (honestly who cares about w/l when MCMaker exists for clan wars
Past Clan Experiences: Almighty leader, Generals, then the ones in my signature, and a lot more
Do you have TeamSpeak access?: Yes
Do you see your self being in this clan for a long time: Of course, loyalty is number one priority, also, I'd like to catch up with an old buddy
Why Do You Want To
Join Obelisk: Because Spax is in it (Don't know what they call you nowadays, and 3 Almighty players is in it, and I want to be in a clan with them.