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Non-Donor Joining Idea


Apr 20, 2012
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So for the last two days, 90% of the time I was playing, I was always kicked out by a donor. As you all know, this REALLY pisses all of us non-donors off. I understand donors payed for these benefits, but the majority of players on these servers are non-donors. But I think I have a reasonable solution to the problem.
So here's how it goes:

You add a command /lock that will lock your spot on the server, and no donor can replace you.
This will, of course, come at a cost. SPEC cost!
I was thinking the cost should be one fiftieth of your total spec. So for example, a non-donor of 1000 SPEC would have to pay 20 for this command. I think this will be a good solution because there will always be some people who don't want to give up their spec, so I think everything will a balance out.

This is a good idea because:
-It does not remove any of the donor's privileges, just slightly nerfs them.
-Definitely in favor of the run-of-the-mill non-donor (like MOI).
-No more cussing about how much non-donors hate donors.
-Only people willing to give up SPEC will do so.

Of course, this idea is not perfect. It is flawed in some ways. But I think if I can get the community's feedback this might be a better idea. The cost could adjust, and maybe could either be a fraction of your SPEC or a fixed amount. A fixed amount would be bad and/or good for people with too low spec (they won't be able to afford it).

We are non-donors, and should be respected as much as any other player!
Thanks and have a nice day :)


District 13
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Since I'm pretty stupid and you say it's flawed, you could say the flaws? Easier for idiots like me to argue and put inputs... They also won't possible do it since they kinda want bounty to be kind of worthless, this would also possible cause people with great skills and many points just being able to "grind" points and /lock easily. Not having to buy donor would be unnecessary for X. Most really good people however doesn't really donate for the perk, but more to support the server.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Since I'm pretty stupid and you say it's flawed, you could say the flaws? Easier for idiots like me to argue and put inputs... They also won't possible do it since they kinda want bounty to be kind of worthless, this would also possible cause people with great skills and many points just being able to "grind" points and /lock easily. Not having to buy donor would be unnecessary for X. Most really good people however doesn't really donate for the perk, but more to support the server.
When you say the pros can grind, that's where the percent-of-spec comes in. Let's say you have like 5000 spec, and the command costs, for example, a twentieth of it. That means it would cost 250 spec. But if you have like 200 spec, it will only cost 10.
The flaws of my idea include:
-Easily accessible to every non-donor.
-Affecting the privileges of a donor.
-May be too overpowered.


Jun 12, 2012
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No. Just no. Sorry for the harsh response, but I simply do not think this will ever work.

First of all, points truly do not matter, and many would be happy to give them up in return for what is essentially free donor. With the price being only 1/50 of your total points, this 'free donor' could conceivably last forever, remaining extremely overpowered and pretty much completely removing donors' privileges. I understand that, as a nondonor, it is difficult to get into games, and that is frustrating, but donors are required to keep these servers running and we cannot afford to remove their privileges.

Now, I do agree with you that an effort does need to be made to make it easier for non donors to play, but this must be done in a manner that still provides an incentive to buy donor. A recurring suggestion which I particularly like is the suggestion that iron donors can kick 50% of the lobby, gold donors can kick 75%, and diamond donors can kick everyone. As the majority of donors are iron donors, this would serve to somewhat nerf their power, allowing non donors a better chance at playing, and also encourage people to buy higher ranks of donator for a reason other than a fancy colored name.

Until a change is made, however (if it is made), there are a few things you can try in order to get in and stay in a server more easily.
1. Play on the servers 20-40 for US and EU, or 9-12 for AU and CA. Most donors play on lower numbered servers, and it is much easier to get into these servers.
2. Find a server that is in Deathmatch or Cleanup and type it into Direct Connect. Then wait for it to go offline, refreshing constantly. When you see it go offline, refresh once, then go to Direct Connect and join. This should ensure you join relatively soon after it comes back up and will have a low chance of being kicked.
3. Buy donor :p


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
No. Just no. Sorry for the harsh response, but I simply do not think this will ever work.

First of all, points truly do not matter, and many would be happy to give them up in return for what is essentially free donor. With the price being only 1/50 of your total points, this 'free donor' could conceivably last forever, remaining extremely overpowered and pretty much completely removing donors' privileges. I understand that, as a nondonor, it is difficult to get into games, and that is frustrating, but donors are required to keep these servers running and we cannot afford to remove their privileges.

Now, I do agree with you that an effort does need to be made to make it easier for non donors to play, but this must be done in a manner that still provides an incentive to buy donor. A recurring suggestion which I particularly like is the suggestion that iron donors can kick 50% of the lobby, gold donors can kick 75%, and diamond donors can kick everyone. As the majority of donors are iron donors, this would serve to somewhat nerf their power, allowing non donors a better chance at playing, and also encourage people to buy higher ranks of donator for a reason other than a fancy colored name.

Until a change is made, however (if it is made), there are a few things you can try in order to get in and stay in a server more easily.
1. Play on the servers 20-40 for US and EU, or 9-12 for AU and CA. Most donors play on lower numbered servers, and it is much easier to get into these servers.
2. Find a server that is in Deathmatch or Cleanup and type it into Direct Connect. Then wait for it to go offline, refreshing constantly. When you see it go offline, refresh once, then go to Direct Connect and join. This should ensure you join relatively soon after it comes back up and will have a low chance of being kicked.
3. Buy donor :p
The price is subject to change BTW, but thanks for responding :)


Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
The main idea is not bad in my opinion. But it must costs around 50 points for all I think. :)


Sep 27, 2012
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No. Donors /pay/ to join full servers. I know some people cannot purchase donor; however, those who can want to be able to join servers at all times. If every person did /lock (non donors) they could very well lock servers out and not permit donors to join - unfair to donors who /pay/ to join full servers.


Apr 20, 2012
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I had another idea too: Can you please not allow donors to join after 10 seconds away from the game starting? Nothing is worse than being kicked out like a few seconds before the lobby ends...


Dec 23, 2012
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I had another idea too: Can you please not allow donors to join after 10 seconds away from the game starting? Nothing is worse than being kicked out like a few seconds before the lobby ends...
There isn't much difference when you're kicked, the maximum difference is about 2 minutes! And the paying a percentage of bounty, no! What is the point in donating if you, basically can't join a server???


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I can tell from the general point of view that this idea is not liked....


May 29, 2012
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It's funny because he calls bounty "Specs", but in all seriousness it may be interesting allowing people with certain bounty or wins to be immune, but it would need a lot of tweaking, it can more then easily mess up the system.

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