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NewYorkKid's Mcsg Story


May 4, 2012
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It was April 5th 2012 and one of my favorite Minecraft skit creators; Vareide had just released a video on his new PvP map: The Survival Games. Interested, I clicked the video and watched it. It seemed to be some type of Hunger Games mock in Minecraft, and with all the hype going on about Hunger Games I decided to tell my irl friend about it. He put it up on his server and we played a couple matches, just the two of us.

We soon grew tired of playing by ourselves, so he decided to put a post about it on the Minecraft Forums. We got like 4 others to join, and as you'd expect, things got annoying. No one really wanted to play by the rules besides maybe 1 or 2 of the randoms, so they pretty much just ran around the map while the rest of us tried to play. That didn't last very long as we started to attract griefers to the server, so we took it down, and kind of forgot about it. May 3rd came upon us, and Vareide released another video about his new map: The Survival Games 2. This is the infamous city map. I got excited, but my friend for-mentioned was on vacation, so I downloaded it and put it in my 'saves' folder to mess around with it for a while until my friend got back the next week.

I ended up getting too anxious to play it with others, so I went on Google the next day (May 4th) and searched "Survival Games Servers" and low-and-behold I got a link to the Mcsg Forums. I was a bit skeptical, but decided to sign up for the forums anyway. Eventually I found the IPs and typed it into my "Direct Connect" box and attempted to join. I kept getting bad luck and joining matches in progress, spectating the whole game, and then missing my chance to join the server in it's 'Lobby' stage, and when I did, I'd either get kicked for a donor, or die at the start.

I went on the forums and saw a "Donate" page, I clicked it, and was ecstatic at the ability to join full servers. I ended up donating. I played on and off for a few weeks solo, and didn't do the best. On Sg1 I'd get lost in the woods until some greater skilled player would find me and kill me. On Sg2 I'd climb up to the tops of the buildings and eventually be left with no hunger, desperately punching leaves for apples and dying of either mobs or fall damage. I grew tired of repeatedly dying to teams or mobs, so I decided to give it a break until my friend got home from his vacation and we could team up and possibly do better.

I teamed with him a lot, we won matches, lost a lot more, but it was great fun, and super addicting. Then about a month and a half later Vareide released another map; The Survival Games 3, and at this same time a voting feature was added to the Mcsg servers, allowing people to vote for their favorite map. As you'd expect, Sg3 was very overplayed for the first 2 or 3 days, until people got tired of the size and the time it took to find the remaining players near the end of the games. This led to Sg2 and Sg1 being the only maps played, with the occasional Sg3. Upon the release of Sg3, I met two great people who are now my best internet buddies; ZxxPredator1xxZ and Alec129. Me and them played pretty much every game together, and it was great fun, even through a team of 3 was and still is looked down upon, it was a blast and that's what matters.

Soon after the release of Sg3 and the great disappointment that it was to most people, Mcsg accepted it's first community map, Breeze Island. It was great the first few games in a row we played it, and introduced true water combat for the first time in an Mcsg map. That is, until it started getting overplayed. Everyone wanted to play the new map, and it's easily the most popular map on the servers even to this day. This is also right around the time that I joined my first and last clan; The CyanVolts. It was cool having such a big team and being able to make it to death match nearly every game I played with them, but it kind of felt unfair and cheaty, and the huge Skype calls grew annoying and gave me usual headaches. After a few weeks Alec, Predator, and I decided to drop the CyanVolts and stick to just playing with the 3 of us.

Playing on Breeze became a regular thing, and that's when we started playing other servers, because playing on the same map almost every game became tiring. Sure, we still played once in a while, but not too much. Mid-October was when the next map was released by our main map source; Vareide. This map was The Survival Games 4, a top competitor for the most popular map next to Breeze Island. This is right around the time that 'baccas' started flooding our servers, and hackers became more of a problem than the occasional sight (not associating the two, just saying).

Another few weeks went by and I decided to fill out a moderator application. I didn't hear back until about the time that Vareide released another map; The Survival Games 5. I was especially excited for this map because it was based in New York City (an area which I'm pretty familiar with). When I got word back on my moderator application, I was disappointed that it had been declined due to a lack of information. That didn't stop me though, as I re-made a new application from scratch and re-submitted it. It was a week or two before I heard back (January 14th, to be exact), and I remember getting an email on my phone during my computer science class, saying that GibboAssassin had accepted it, and all I needed to do now was go in for an interview on their TeamSpeak server. I got my interview within that same day, and was delighted to hear that I was accepted.

I'm still pretty cloudy on what happened with Clankstar and Vareide and why they left for their own servers, and why we also lost Teweran (probably our best community map creators) but that all happened during my time as a staff member. I've been playing Mcsg for over a year now, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon :cool: I hope you enjoyed my story, and I realize that it gets pretty vague towards the end, but besides being a staff member, there's not really much that's happened to bridge that 7 month gap.

EDIT: My moderator resignation thread went up two days ago (August 6th, 2013) and my mod rank was stripped of me the next day. I was given a Friend rank in return though, so you guys will see me in game with a beautiful pink name as opposed to the red one :p Just keeping this as updated as possible!

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