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New Years Resolution [New Year's Contest/Giveaway]

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Sep 8, 2013
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As you all know the new year is dawning, and soon will be gone the days of 2014, and we will greet 2015 with open arms.

Everyone's favorite/worst time of the year : Writing New Year's Resolutions. We all know the feeling of determination and then we just end up giving on it.

What is the contest about? All I want you to do, is write your New Year's Resolution(s). The winner will be awarded a hug from imaboss![Just Kidding, the real prize is an Optifine Cape!]

Edit: I will also be including a copy of the steam game BioShock Infinite.

Template: (Answer the following questions along with your new years resolution.)

Judges: Mooclan , and Imaboss2414

One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?)
One thing your good at:
1st Resolution:
2nd Resolution:
3rd Resolution:
4th Resolution:
5th Resolution:
Why you deserve/want the cape: (Or Game, it doesn't really matter):

A few requirements/recommendations for your resolutions
- Make sure it follows all MC Gamer Rules
- Have at least 5
- Try to make a few funny (Everyone loves a good laugh ;))
- Do not make alternate accounts to try to win.

Mooclan and I will each select our favorite top 3. Out of each of our top 3, we will raffle the winner. The winner of Mooclan's top 3 wins the Bioshock infinite game, and the winner of my top 3 wins the optifine cape.

Good Luck to all :D
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Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: akash754
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?) Being cool, by getting this cape.
One thing your good at: PvP, I like killing people, (ingame of course)
1st Resolution: Not crunching on chips loudly
2nd Resolution: Be less addicted to ice cream
3rd Resolution: Be more active on forums
4th Resolution: Be kinder to everyone
5th Resolution: Click faster to PvP
Why you deserve/want the cape : I will look beautiful and stylish.

Also, the thread says Janary 2nd, 2014.

Not 2015 ;)
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: akash754
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?) Being cool, by getting this cape.
One thing your good at: PvP, I like killing people, (ingame of course)
1st Resolution: Not crunching on chips loudly
2nd Resolution: Be less addicted to ice cream
3rd Resolution: Be more active on forums
4th Resolution: Be kinder to everyone
5th Resolution: Click faster to PvP
Why you deserve/want the cape : I will look beautiful and stylish.

Also, the thread says Janary 2nd, 2014.

Not 2015 ;)
Fixed XD


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?) Im bad killing baccas ;-; they always hurt meh and im a lovely person :c
One thing your good at: I can rekt pigs :D
1st Resolution: Ban all baccas from the servers :(
2nd Resolution: More pigs on MCGamer :D
3rd Resolution: Kill Huahwi with no armor and primary weapon and then type eZ :D
4th Resolution: Give the OF cape , if i win to my friend :D he hasn't Got swag without it ;-;
5th Resolution: Try to be better with fns :( i only use it for get cooked porkchops killing pigs
Why you deserve/want the cape :
I'm the nicest guy ever and i want to donate it for my friend , XgamesX10 :3 he will has swag with it :D
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Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: pearl_bubbletea
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?) Fishing rod combos. Someone 2 blocks from me and I wouldn't be able to even hit them ._. How can I improve? Give up on being good and just use it for fishing.
One thing your good at: Singing songs in trees waiting for death match to happen.
1st Resolution: Talk to people more often. I often shut myself myself away from Skype calls/ TS with other players fearing what I say can leave them a scaring memory of me forever.
2nd Resolution: Stop eating too much Pizza ._. Not addicted I swear http://gyazo.com/258d4870f2a5e7b5b01a214d06ea3274
3rd Resolution: Stop using MCSG slang IRL. You don't know how many times instead of please I've said ''pls I bug fna'' and people give me a weird stare whilst backing away from me.
4th Resolution: Get Huahwi to take off his glasses on his skin
(It'll be like when Kakashi taking off his mask. It'll just be another pair of glasses. The Naruto reference is real)
5th Resolution: Add more cows to MCSG Maps and name one in each game Mooclan, so that I can finally say I took a selfie with Mooclan.
Why you deserve/want the cape : I always try to fly, but just end up dying of fall damage and putting on a Superman skin certainly didn't help. Maybe the cape will finally let me soar!

Good luck to all participants ;D


May 12, 2014
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IGN: GleekFourLife
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?): I'm very bad/slow at reading. I don't understand how people can read a 300 pages book in a day. Like seriously people, teach me your ways. I think the only way to improve is to read more books.
One thing your good at: Playing games and eating.
1st Resolution: Watch more anime (I have a bunch of anime on my to-watch list)
2nd Resolution: Get better grades to make parents happy
3rd Resolution: Get better at MCSG
4th Resolution: Be a better person
5th Resolution: Try to be more active and not be on my computer 24/7

*realizes that I can't achieve resolution #5 if I'm planning to achieve resolutions #1 and #3*

Why you deserve/want the cape : I think a cape would be a good addition to my skin. I would also feel more pro for some weird reason :p

Good luck to everyone entering!


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?) Writing messages on my phone for the Forums. Autocorrect always screw up certain words up as they are close to soms Dutch words xD
One thing your good at: I'm pretty good in setting up ERD's for databases, or atleast, I think I am.
( an ERD is the structure of a database on paper showing which data is stored and how it's linked together. )
1st Resolution: Get buff
2nd Resolution: Get better at Java and MySQL
3rd Resolution: Learn how to make Minecraft plugins / mods
4th Resolution: Good Grades in school would be nice
5th Resolution: Get to know Kim Jung Un, he seems like a cool guy in The Interview.
Why you deserve/want the cape : I don't deserve it more than anyone else in this contest, but hey, I'm capeless :c


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?):pvp and I can improve with practice
One thing your good at:Cleanup Crew
1st Resolution:Get good grades in school(I already have basically A's but I can do better)
2nd Resolution:Get better with the sword
3rd Resolution:Do good in tennis
4th Resolution:Upload videos frequently during the summer
5th Resolution:Get better with the bow
Why you deserve/want the cape :I just kind of want the cape :/ not exactly much to it. That and it gets you slightly noticed(not too much though which I like)

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: blazerboy321 blazerboy123
One thing you're bad at(And how can you improve?): talking to girls
One thing you're good at: saxophone
1st Resolution: become friends with and make moves on the ladies i am interested in
2nd Resolution: make the ladies i am interested in, interested in me
3rd Resolution: make all-state band in my sophomore year
4th Resolution: stop bothering others around me
5th Resolution: stop procrastinating at home and do my homework
Why you deserve/want the cape : to give to a friend of mine as a gift


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: miner9823

One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?)
I'm bad at speaking French, if it's relevant. I suppose I can use flashcards? Idk. :I

One thing your good at:
I'm good at writing stuff, I guess.

1st Resolution:
To write a whole story, and if so possible, send it out online.

2nd Resolution:
To improve my French, literally, a 50% is a pass, last test I got a 48%. Crying myself to sleep helped, a lot.

3rd Resolution:
To meet the Kardashians, seriously, who wouldn't want to do that!?

4th Resolution:
Get the opportunity to use a telescope for the first time, my brother claims that I have no potential in the future of Astronomy. Well, he's got another thing coming at him. Oh yeah, including in this resolution, is to try and recognize the constellations a little more easily. Too bad the sky is usually empty at night, thanks a lot, streetlights...

5th Resolution:
My last one is to apply, and hopefully get accepted for moderator by the end of 2015.

Why you deserve/want the cape :
I don't remember anyone saying I deserve a cape, but I sure do want it. I really want to see how editing them with the banner textures work, pretty interesting if you ask me! :D
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
One thing your bad at(And how can you improve?) getting girls
One thing your good at: Sports
1st Resolution: Work out at the gym more
2nd Resolution: Better Grammar
3rd Resolution:Get a hot girlfriend {IMPORTANT}
4th Resolution: Try my best everyday
5th Resolution: More patience
6thBe a better sportsperson
7th Stop playing minecraft
8. Improve stamina
Why you deserve/want the cape :
I deserve a cape because I am active on the serves (For now) I will feel like superman and I have cool banner.
As you can see I want to play mc less and work on my RL sistution
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