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New maps, moar servers and updates!


District 13
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
My goodness. 5 pages into the thread and people are still claiming "firsts."
On an actually related note, I am really happy with the new editions to the servers. Keep up all the awesome work. :)


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
I can't be the only one sitting here wondering how to get in a game.../hub isn't working. I've been gone for a week, no idea what's going on D:


Jun 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hello! Here is my feedback on the changes that occurred + are occurring + might occur.

First, I would like to give my feedback on the hub. When the hub was first released, I hated it so much. I thought it was such a pointless and annoying addition. I didn't see the use of it because in my eyes, it was a big cluster of lag. However, I can safely say that as of now, I reallllllyy like it. It's a perfect place to meet new people, goof around and simply have a pleasant time. That being said, there is something still bothering me about the hub. I don't like how the information displayed on my MCSG's servers list doesn't display the status of each individual server (wether it's in Lobby, Pregame, etc.). All I see is information about the hub. Sometimes, I don't feel like connecting to the hub, but because of this, I'm always forced to do so. Now, I know in your head(s) you're like, "Eli, you know you can check the server list online, right?" Well, yes I do know that, but I don't have the best computer in the world and whenever Minecraft is running and I try to multitask (wether it's check Skype, Facebook or whatever), my computer starts lagging a lot, making it really hard and painful for me to check the MCSG server list online.

Second, time to talk about the new (old) lobby. I really don't know what to say other than, I reallllllllllyyyyy miss the old lobby... a lot of the oldies will hate on me for saying this (I've seen them in action on the forums), but the new lobby is just so plain and boring... it's so white and #yawn. There's pretty much nothing to do in the new lobby except exploring the parkour room, which is brilliant btw, but I don't know how long I will keep enjoying it. The old lobby had so much more places to explore and things to do... :(

Last but not least, the Tier 3 chests. I am REALLY hoping I don't start finding strings and bones in Tier 1 chests. I saw a lot and a lot of oldies wanting them back, which scares me. I understand there are a lot of oldies that want it back like it was before, but this game has way more new players that like the current system and would hate the old one. If Tier 3 chests are introduced (which we all know they will be), I hope all the Tiers are balanced to make both new players and the old ones happy. I really don't want the Tier 1 chests to become useless boxes filled with strings, bones and raw meat.

Just a side note for the other players (mostly the oldies), if you don't agree with what I said above, please remember that it is my opinion, and most likely the opinions of the newer players. Please don't attack me or try to enforce yours. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback.
Kthxbainao <3


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
chad for real bro i have an idea make a server called vintage survival games where it is only sg 1,2,3,4,5 i cant take anymore breeze island and demon breeze

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