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NEW DARKEN PaGE http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/darken-us-clan.152637/

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Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
- Name: Kevin
-Minecraft IGN: " ExoB3a5t "
- Age: 14
- Games Won: 690
- Games Played: 2881
- PVP Strengths: I am an offensive player, so I specialize in Melee, and fishing rodding. Clicking, and hot keying are also things I'm fairly decent at. 40-60 PING.
- PVP Weaknesses: I'm a little bit shaky with a bow, but that can be improved.
- How skilled are you at PVP? [1/10]: 8
-How mature are you? [1/10]: 9
-Type of Donor: Platinum
- Previous Clans: Prevail II, Tigers, NightRaid
- Reasons why, you should be accepted to Darken:
I feel like this would be a great clan to join, I know the leaders are extremely nice and skilled, and I'd like to be part of that. I playing MCSG for fun, but I'd like to competitively now.


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
-Name: Terry
-Minecraft IGN: the_mex_guy
-Age: 13
- Games Won: 144
- Games played: 1715
-PVP Strengths: Sword, Fishing rod
-PVP Weaknesses: FnS, Bow
-How skilled are you at PVP? [1/10]: 6/10
-How mature are you? [1/10]: 7/10
-Type of donor: Platinum
-Previous Clans: Unfortunately none.
-Reasons why, you should be accepted to Darken:
I will dedicate a lot of my time to the Clan. I will be active, as much as I can. I am willing to dedicate a lot of my time trying to help, and do my best to help the clan. I also haven't joined a clan, and I would like to have an opportunity to be on a clan.
You have been Declined for the low amount of wins. Come back when you get more.


Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
-Name - Max
-Minecraft IGN: AviHobo
- Age 13
- Games Won: 299
- Games played 1950 [I used to play on this account 1 year ago when I sucked hehe]
So I have a 6.8 Ratio basically.
- PVP Strengths: Everything is equal. But I prefer to use my sword and rod, I only use my bow to either escape, or get the enemy low.
- PVP Weaknesses: Escaping from large teams
- How good am I at PVP? 7.5/10 But, I honestly think its all about the situation your in to really show off if you are good at PVP. But if I would have to say how good I was, I would say an average player in learning ^^
- People think i'm actually a college graduate... not even lying haha. But, I am very mature 10/10
- Type of donor: Platinum
- Previous Clans: This will be hopefully be my start to MCSG clans :), but I haven't really been in any clans yet, as I am solo.
- Reasons why, you would be accepted to Darken: I will make sure that I am active at least 5 hours a day to clan scrim, and do whatever the clan leaders need me to do. I am always on my skype, as it is automatically opened, and I am going to start using teamspeak more often. My mic is not too bad, you cant hear static or anything, just occasional background noise. Anyways, I want to join this clan as an opportunity to get better at pvp, meet new people, and just have more fun with the game.
Thanks for reading - Max // AviHobo
P.S my ping is 40-80 so I can get some really insane 2-3 hit combos.. Also getting the steelseries sensi mouse in a week or so.
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Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
Awwww i would apply but i don't have donor ;-; But i might be getting it :3


Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
- Name: GoldenPlayyer/Golden
-Minecraft IGN: Golden_Playyer
- Age: 13
- Games Won: 129 Including my alt (This is a New account btw. My old one I didnt play much MCSG with)
- Games Played: 512 Including alts
- PVP Strengths: Sword, Bow, FnS
- PVP Weaknesses: Rod
- How skilled are you at PVP? [1/10]: 8.5
-How mature are you? [1/10]: 10
-Type of Donor: Platinum
- Previous Clans: MineCloud
- Reasons why, you should be accepted to Darken:
I meet all requirements and I am a great PvPer! I don't have the recomended wins but I am a great PvPer and and am very mature. I also love to meet new people and work as a team with friends on MCSG! Thanks for your time :D and Good Luck to everyone else!


Aug 25, 2014
Reaction score
- Name: Michael (Pouwcer)
-Minecraft IGN: pouwcer1
- Age: 13
- Games Won: (Stats Reset Recently)
- Games Played: (Stats Reset Recently)
- PVP Strengths: Sword, Bow
- PVP Weaknesses: Im not that bad at the bow
- How skilled are you at PVP? [1/10]: 6
-How mature are you? [1/10]: 9
-Type of Donor: Will try and get one
- Previous Clans: None
- Reasons why, you should be accepted to Darken:
I really wanted to join because I would love to get friends and meet new people who play MCSG.I am a very good with teamwork and I know that is huge in a clan. Also I love Sam's and Kevin's Videos and it would be awesome to play with them! I really hope I get accepted because it would completely make me happy!
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May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Austin
-Minecraft IGN: MiamHeat40101
- Age: 13
- Games Won: 700+
- Games Played: 4000+
- PVP Strengths: FNS, ROD , SWORD
- PVP Weaknesses: Bow, and being set on fire
- How skilled are you at PVP? [1/10]: 7/10
-How mature are you? [1/10]: 7/10
-Type of Donor: None
- Previous Clans: #Get R3kt, Outcast, #Eclipse
- Reasons why, you should be accepted to Darken : I would really love to meet 2 of my favorite Youtubers <3 and cause I meet the requirements.


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
- Name : Reese Mitchel Holland

- In Game Name: Reesester11

- Age: 15 years of age

- Games won: 32 ( I do know I have a low amount of wins but I can assure you I am a pretty good Pvper. Please give me a shot. )

- Games played: 900

- PvP strengths: Bow, and fns, and strafing

- PvP weaknesses: 3 teams/ Hackers

- How skilled are you at pvp[1/10] : 8

- How mature are you[1/10] : 9

- type of donor: Platinum

- Previous clans: Forgotten ( before they had disband )

- Reasons, why you should be accepted to Darrken: I believe I should be accepted to Darrken because I think I have a lot of skill that I could bring to the team. Another reason is I am very loyal and helpful with people, so if I was on the clan teamspeak And I heard someone was having a bad day I could pop in and try to cheer them up and help comfort them. Another reason why I should be accepted to this amazing clan is because I am very mature but very funny and jokeful whenever needed, and love to help people with problems and things. Finally I really want to join this clan. I want to meet new people and have a good time unlike most clans I've been in where it's all been just WE MUST WIN, then everyone goes there separate ways. I feel that this one will be different and I feel that we won't get disbanded like most of the others, and I just want to have a great time and I feel like being in this clan can provide that. ( p.s : I do realize I don't meet the requirements with the wins. but I have to say I did reset my stats, and also I want to say please please just accept me as a trial or something and test me to see if I'm good enough and I will assure you I am.
I'm like 99.9% sure you were never in Forgotten lmao.
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