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Nether Arena

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Apr 17, 2012
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Sorry for the disappointment if you thought I was actually making this, I'm merely trying to propose a detailed idea.

The way I see it, a Nether arena would have to work one of two ways - either you build it in such a manner that Ghasts can't wreck everything by destroying platforms and such, or you build a fake Nether in the Overworld and work it from there (meaning you would have to deal with creepers, spiders, zombies, etc. rather than the Nether mobs).

If one is to go with a "pure" Nether design (meaning it actually exists in the Nether rather than the Overworld), there are a bunch of different ways to work it. For one thing you could actually make it that the map is meant to be fairly destructible, meaning that you build it to allow the Ghasts to destroy things (though the Cornucopia should be intact). With this in mind you could make lava and falling far greater hazards than normal, since there is always the possibility that a spot you were at before is no longer safe to jump across; it would also allow players to track other players by following the Ghast bombs. :p The second manner would be to make it most indestructible, using cobblestone+ materials to build safe passages and such so that players fare a better chance. Personally I think that this way is a bit more boring and causes the map to be less dynamic, meaning that people will get bored with it quicker; with the first option you just have to make sure it isn't TOO destructible so that players become frustrated whenever that map is thrown into the rotation.

I think a Nether arena could make things very interesting and provide a new set of hazards compared to the other two: with the first map you don't really have any major natural hazards aside from mobs; in the second map you have falling and hunger to deal with on a much more regular basis. With a Nether map lava would be the primary damaging factor, though I think falling would end up playing a large role in it as well.

Atm I don't have the tools/time to really begin work on a Nether arena, but I do hope that with these suggestions/comments in mind someone will be able to create something really fantastic. Anyways, hope you managed to sit through that whole little rant. xD


Apr 17, 2012
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I just read it and I would sit down and make it if a lot of people want it


May 6, 2012
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I tried making this but I wanted to copy the nether to a normal world but it just woudn't work. If any1 got some idea's.
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