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Staff My Time Has Come


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I am going to keep this short and sweet. Obviously, as you can see by the title, I will be resigning. The reason I am doing this is because I just don’t have the time anymore. I applied back in middle school, and now I am a Freshman in high school. I really want to focus on on school. My education career is really important to me. This is what I wish to focus on.

I also have been quite inactive lately. I don’t want to be a moderator when I do little to nothing. This is really all I have to say as reasoning I am resigning.

The last thing I need to do is to say some thank you’s to those who have been with my through my 263 journey here as a staff member. They are as follows:

Drako - My man! African, we go way back. I cherish all of the fun and laughs we have had, and hope we can still talk and have some fun in the future :)

AlpakaWhacker - The man of many voices. Jamie, your personality literally makes me so happy and motivated. You are so fun to be around, and are a great Administrator. Keep up the good work Jamie!

Avaline - Literally, the sweetest girl I have ever met ^.^ Avaline, you are so kind, fun, and such a great person. You were a great moderator, and I miss you. Enjoy your life :)

Axanite - Liam, where do I begin. We met a few months ago, and I feel like we have been talking ever since. You are such a hard worker, and you are such a good moderator. Thank you for being an amazing friend. Let’s keep the good times going man.

BaccaBoy1999 - Bacca, you were my first ever moderator friend. Back on May 26th 2014, you were the first mod to talk with me. Following that day, we were good friends for that whole summer. Thank you for making my summer the best summer I have ever had. I hope you are enjoying your non-moderator life, and keeping up those grades ;) Talk to you later man!

ChargedPVP - Hey Charged, those times at Invictus were fun! Haven’t talked much since you resigned, I hope we will talk in the future!

cueue - Cue, David, QQ, cueue, whatever your name is… We met 5 months ago, and have talked pretty much everyday since. I enjoy the laughs, fun, and great times we have had. Thank you Cue, for being there for me in my times of sorrow. Thank you for being there for me at VauseMC and MCGamer. And most of all, thank you for being one of the best friends I could ever have. Love you Cue, and of course we are going to keep talking <3

Dave - Dave, I am not going to lie, I had some negative impressions of you in the beginning. Then, I really got to know you. Thank you for being such a great friend Dave. I want everyone to know that Dave is a good person, he really is. You just might not believe it until you talk to him. Well, either way, thank you Dave for everything you have done for me. Talk to you soon :)

DracoHD - Draco! Thank you for being such a great Senior Mod. You are so kind, and such a great helper. I hope to see you around!

duckluv321 - OMG Duck! You are such an amazing Senior Mod. You do so much around here, and you are such a great help. Thank you for all the things you have personally done for me. You have helped me succeed as a moderator, and I will never forget that. Keep up the good work Duck, and talk to you later :)

GetRidaHim - Rida, Rida, Rida, Rida… We were friends before I become moderator. That was over nine months ago! Thanks Rida for being the best friend I could ask for. Good luck with your moderator career Rida, I expect good things :)

Gnashna - Oh Rhys, where do I begin. You are literally my favorite person in the world. Thank you for making everyday of my life as special as it is. You are so nice, caring, and amazing. Thank you Rhys, I love you <3

iVelocityGaming - Hey Niall! We have only spoke once or twice, but I still really had fun. You were a great Senior Mod, and a great influence to others. I’ll see you around man :)

Freshly - Jay the bae! Jay, where do I begin. You know that when we first met, I was scared of you. I wasn’t myself when I talked to you the first time. I talked as if I was the person you wanted me to be xD But, we have come a long way from that at this point. I can easily talk with you, and I have so much fun when we do. Thank you for all you have done for me, and being such a great friend. Talk to you later Jay <3

Jimmer - Jimmer, you were there since my beginning. You were the leader of my interview, kicking off everything I have to remember. Jimmer, you are such a great guy. Very dedicated, passionate, and hardworking. Good luck with everything :)

Jodimo - Joey… I have no idea where to begin. All I can really say is just thank you. Like some others, you were with me since the beginning. We were such great friends. You told me things that only true friends would tell others, and I am never going to forget that. Joey, you are so amazing. You are such a great guy, incredible friend, and a passionate worker. Good luck with Senior Mod career Joey. I hope we can talk more than we currently do. See you around :)

masond123 - Hey Mason! Honestly, you are such an inspiration to me. You were such a great moderator, and a great friend. I really wish we could have talked more. Maybe, we can talk now :) See you around.

Nacho115 - Nacho, oh my gosh. I miss the times we talked. I had so much fun with you. Hey, you still owe me $10 for that donor I got you ;) Just kidding xD Either way, thank you for being there for me. You were such a great friend. I’ll see you around man :)

@PeriLH_ - You were the best waiting buddy I could’ve asked for. Peri, so are so amazing. You are so kind, caring, and just a great friend. I listened to you deal with moderation, and you are so professional, and perfect. Thank you Peri for being there for me. Thank you for being the best mod friend I could ask for. I hope we can talk sometime, even if it may be in ten years!

Scott - Scott. You are amazing. Thank you for being there, for me, and for all others. You are literally an inspiration for me as a moderator. You are also such a great friend. You have been here with me in my 8 months, the whole time. We have had many good times together, and I will never forget them. Thank you Scott. We’ll be talking after this still, I know it! ;)

SilaSilas - Thank you for being my first ever friend at MCGamer. Once my application was accepted, I downloaded TeamSpeak. I got my Waiting Rank, then then you moved me into a mod chat, and we just talked. Those were the days where there were only four mod chats xD Thank you for welcoming me to this great community, and thank you for being a great friend. I hope we will talk sometime soon man :)

If I forgot to mention anyone, I am sorry. But in general, I just want to say that I love this community, and I won’t be leaving. I will still be on TeamSpeak, and in-game. Thank you to everyone in this community for all you have done for me. I honestly appreciate it so much.

This is me ending of my moderation career here at MCGamer. I may return in the future, but nothing is set in stone. But, for now, I am off. Thank you everyone :D

- (Zach) PleaseTeamIFan
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Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, I did not expect this :( You were a really great moderator and we will all miss you.
Good luck with school and future c:


District 13
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
One of the most unexpected things on Friday the 13th. Zach, as I said on slack, I'm going to be so sad in the staff meetings w/o you there co-signing and making fun of all the awkward moments and stuff. Ugh, I love you so much kid! Stay bright, enjoy school, you have a gucci future ahead of you <3 <3

& Thanks for FreshlyxSqueezed, aka Rihanna. ily c:
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Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
As a staff team whole we will miss you!;-;


May 1, 2013
Reaction score
Nooo Zach, I remember we were technically waiting buddies ;-;. Whenever, no matter the time or situation, I could always talk with you. Well, I guess that you know what is best for you, but if you ever need anything feel free to call me on skype (I think you have it, if not pm me). Good luck in the future!


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
It is really unfortunate to see such an amazing, hard-working moderator leave the team. Throughout my entire time here at MCGamer, you have been here for me. I wish you the best of luck in-real life and I really do hope to see you around on TeamSpeak still. If you EVER need anything, please hmu. Farewell.


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
As I said in Teamspeak, it is sad to see you go. I remember waiting for your interview to finish to hear, what I would know to be, good news. I knew you would do well, and you have. Congrats on your VIP and I wish you the best in your oh so bright future!
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Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
Good luck in your future endeavors, and thanks for your service at MCGamer. <3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'll miss seeing ya around TS as a mod, hopefully you'll still hang around ^.^
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Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
Peace out, Zach. Best of luck in whatever you pursue. :)

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