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My Story Of Depression


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
1. Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.

2. Who you were. Who you are. Who you will become. Are 3 completely different people.

3. The people who know you the least about you, always have the most to say.

Jason no one should have to go through this. Good luck.


Oct 10, 2013
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Just remember that God accepts anybody for who they are. People consider homosexuality an evil, but they must know that they are not the people who may judge you. That's solely God's job so don't be afraid to stand up to them!
And surely I did! Ended up having to get another teacher in the mix to help him out aha!


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hello tributes, now your thinking, "haven't I seen enough of this already!" But in reality I would really like to share my story. And this is going to be a hard one, but I will manage.

Now let's see, my depression started around the start of 2015. One day I just started! It felt like I was useless and had now purpose. And this would be a on and off thing. One day, I would be at the top of the world and the next feel like I just did not want to go to school. And to have a talk about school, around January I was going about my regular school day. And then around break I came out of class and was addressed by two very snotty popular people I don't ever talk to. They told me so doing I never wanted anyone to know, that I am homosexual or many use the term "gay". It felt like a punch in the gut, like I have been betrayed and now the whole school knows. I did not tell anyone about how I felt and how I would "label" my sexual orientation. I was not emotionally ready to face everyone. But as it got out, everyone knew. People would make fun of me, impersonate me, and I just felt terrible. So I came home that day, and it felt like my depression got 10x worse.

The next day I did not want to go to school. I felt horrible inside and was truly afraid of everyone. But being forced to go to school I had to stick it out, day after day, and hold in my emotions. At the same time MCGamer was counting on me to moderate. I had already took a leave of absence before and I had to take another one. And I felt like demotion for Inactivity was coming soon. All these factors lead to one of the worse things you can do to yourself, cutting. I felt like cutting was an escape, the pain was there, but in the end just helped. I knew if I accidentally ended my life it would be okay. I could escape the abuse and harassment at school, escape MCGamer, escape everything. I did get to a point were my cutting was so bad it went up and down both arms and thighs. It was a horrible experience.

Day after day I would keep cutting. Nothing would change, and it started to get bad. Then I thought of someone I have been eyeing for a while. I had a crush which is now and ex-mod here at MCGamer and maybe if I talked to him it would take away some of the pain. So I headed on teamspeak and I was relieved when I saw him on one of my teamspeak server channels. I joined and was greeted with a hello. We talked and talked, the. I told him I had a thing for him. He told me one something that really broke my heart. He was bi-sexual, but he simply did not like me. And that hurt. That stung and can still remember him saying that today. It still did not help my depression. And to this day have been not in contact with him.

Now let's fast forward to late February. With all the things happening in my life my grades started to drop. And when I mean drop I mean really fall. My parents would yell at me constantly to get my grades up and it never happened. And that's when I made a choice, I went onto the teamspeak, poked Vanessa and told her I wish to resign from MCGamer. She is such a sweet person and she understood. I left that teamspeak feeling really bad. And to this day regret that choice.

Now let's fast forward to March. March was the most dramatic month of my life, I was still cutting a lot. I would have to hide my cuts at school to lessen the bullying in my life. I did not really work, and it just got worse. My friend for a while had depression like me, always depressed. And me in him were really close. And one day, I was informed that he had taken his life. I was shocked, no words, no nothing.... It was like falling into darkness, a hole of sadness. And I cried , not just for him but for everything else. Every single thing that has happened in the last months and just let it all out.

Recently, I have discovered something. One day I was out in my backyard looking at the sky. Wondering and thinking if I should remove myself from the world. For me, just to escape it. But then I had flash backs, I remembered everything I have learned over the years, from my family, friends,youtubers, and online friends that taking your life wont fix anything! Why would you care about those people! Will they have any effect on you in 10 years no! I can do this! I can set an example for my self and follow my own path! I am a strong independent person!

I can do this

And that is when I reapplyied for MCGamer. Trying to ignore hose people that hate on me today. And talking to someone!! I have been clean on my wrists for a month and hoping to stay that way. The biggest reason I got over this was by talking to my mom and dad! They got me through it and I am so happy I never took my life.

For a word to those out there thinking about taking there life, it is not the answer! It won't fix anything, if you feel down talk to a friend, parent, or it could even be me! I am always free to talk to anyone any time! So tributes, I hope you learned a good lesson today. I know it was a lot of writing but in all was so important. Thank you all for reading and have a lovely day.

Jason! This brought me to tears! It hurts me to hear nice, genuine people like you be hurt over something so silly. People have the human right to love, care and support whomever they like. I do not understand why people are so childish in today's society, especially those who are supposed to be 'mature adults'.

I would like to thank you, personally, for sharing this story with us! Although it is not always easy to share our personal stories, it is very beneficial to you and the rest of the community. It can really release a lot of anger and stress, and is it, all-in-all, very uplifting afterwards. I know that after I finish writing my stories, things are much, much easier for me. I also find that the only way people can relate and support one another is if they have something in common, stories that people can understand and relate to, and goals they want to reach as a group. Because of this, I can totally relate to this entire story. Although our stories may not be identical, the main idea is still there; abuse of any sort is inhumane and you should be there to support those who are suffering and in need.

On a more personal note, I felt so privileged when you told me you were gay a while back. Although I already knew it, I felt like I was one of those positive stepping stones towards your road to happiness and success. I am very grateful of you being able to confide in me. As odd as it is, it makes me happy to see that simple things like this, where people can confide in others, can improve someone's quality of life so drastically. Thank you! :)

Much like I am here for everyone else, I want you to know that I am also here for you. If you ever need to talk to someone, please do not be afraid to contact me.

Also, congratulations on Waiting! I cannot wait for your return! :)

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hello tributes, now your thinking, "haven't I seen enough of this already!" But in reality I would really like to share my story. And this is going to be a hard one, but I will manage.

Now let's see, my depression started around the start of 2015. One day I just started! It felt like I was useless and had now purpose. And this would be a on and off thing. One day, I would be at the top of the world and the next feel like I just did not want to go to school. And to have a talk about school, around January I was going about my regular school day. And then around break I came out of class and was addressed by two very snotty popular people I don't ever talk to. They told me so doing I never wanted anyone to know, that I am homosexual or many use the term "gay". It felt like a punch in the gut, like I have been betrayed and now the whole school knows. I did not tell anyone about how I felt and how I would "label" my sexual orientation. I was not emotionally ready to face everyone. But as it got out, everyone knew. People would make fun of me, impersonate me, and I just felt terrible. So I came home that day, and it felt like my depression got 10x worse.

The next day I did not want to go to school. I felt horrible inside and was truly afraid of everyone. But being forced to go to school I had to stick it out, day after day, and hold in my emotions. At the same time MCGamer was counting on me to moderate. I had already took a leave of absence before and I had to take another one. And I felt like demotion for Inactivity was coming soon. All these factors lead to one of the worse things you can do to yourself, cutting. I felt like cutting was an escape, the pain was there, but in the end just helped. I knew if I accidentally ended my life it would be okay. I could escape the abuse and harassment at school, escape MCGamer, escape everything. I did get to a point were my cutting was so bad it went up and down both arms and thighs. It was a horrible experience.

Day after day I would keep cutting. Nothing would change, and it started to get bad. Then I thought of someone I have been eyeing for a while. I had a crush which is now and ex-mod here at MCGamer and maybe if I talked to him it would take away some of the pain. So I headed on teamspeak and I was relieved when I saw him on one of my teamspeak server channels. I joined and was greeted with a hello. We talked and talked, the. I told him I had a thing for him. He told me one something that really broke my heart. He was bi-sexual, but he simply did not like me. And that hurt. That stung and can still remember him saying that today. It still did not help my depression. And to this day have been not in contact with him.

Now let's fast forward to late February. With all the things happening in my life my grades started to drop. And when I mean drop I mean really fall. My parents would yell at me constantly to get my grades up and it never happened. And that's when I made a choice, I went onto the teamspeak, poked Vanessa and told her I wish to resign from MCGamer. She is such a sweet person and she understood. I left that teamspeak feeling really bad. And to this day regret that choice.

Now let's fast forward to March. March was the most dramatic month of my life, I was still cutting a lot. I would have to hide my cuts at school to lessen the bullying in my life. I did not really work, and it just got worse. My friend for a while had depression like me, always depressed. And me in him were really close. And one day, I was informed that he had taken his life. I was shocked, no words, no nothing.... It was like falling into darkness, a hole of sadness. And I cried , not just for him but for everything else. Every single thing that has happened in the last months and just let it all out.

Recently, I have discovered something. One day I was out in my backyard looking at the sky. Wondering and thinking if I should remove myself from the world. For me, just to escape it. But then I had flash backs, I remembered everything I have learned over the years, from my family, friends,youtubers, and online friends that taking your life wont fix anything! Why would you care about those people! Will they have any effect on you in 10 years no! I can do this! I can set an example for my self and follow my own path! I am a strong independent person!

I can do this

And that is when I reapplyied for MCGamer. Trying to ignore hose people that hate on me today. And talking to someone!! I have been clean on my wrists for a month and hoping to stay that way. The biggest reason I got over this was by talking to my mom and dad! They got me through it and I am so happy I never took my life.

For a word to those out there thinking about taking there life, it is not the answer! It won't fix anything, if you feel down talk to a friend, parent, or it could even be me! I am always free to talk to anyone any time! So tributes, I hope you learned a good lesson today. I know it was a lot of writing but in all was so important. Thank you all for reading and have a lovely day.

Wow, this was amazing.

It's great to hear your story, how these things we've hears about so much, actually DO happen to people close to us. It's great that you realized your potential, I really wish you luck in the future and your application, Good luck man.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Some people are so ignorant of their actions. Those people might be Christian, but they're definitely going to hell.


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah I feel you :/ But my situation is different. I feel like i'm not acting like myself sometimes and a lot of things have happened in my family. Thanks for sharing and stay strong.

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