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My Resignation/Goodbye from in game.

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Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Yo guys n girls, Leech here.

Today is a bad day I guess, but for many others a good day. Today is the day i shall resign from MCSG with two main reasons, i find it pretty boring now, ive been here since near the start and finally im getting bored of it, not just MCSG but minecraft in general. I dont have the time for it either, im in year 11, taking some of the most important exams of my life, and yah, i get distracted really easy, and 10minutes on here can turn into hours with the people i know here. Another reason i guess is that im really trying to improve at other games that I enjoy more, games such as Call Of Duty, which i used to play in tournements/Competitions at which ive lost my touch, and im getting into many new games such as League of Legends, ( i say getting into but ive played it for over a year ) and more recently counter strike.

So yeah, thats my reasoning behind it, but sure as hell ill still come on the forums and teamspeak everyday, i just dont feel im in the right posistion to fulfil my duties as a moderator at the moment, so yeah, thanks everyone for the good times <3

Some peeps for below:
Dave Woah, where do i start with ya, your like an amazing person, i can come to you whenever something is wrong, and if you werent an admin, i wouldnt be a mod here, and im also probably one of the only people who remember you with your sexy yellow name.

Willowcraft4 Charlieeee. Your beast, those chats we used to have, waking up early every day and talking to eachother pretty much all day everyday talking about our life problems, Im glad your happy now, with the girl you have etc, and i hope it all stays chill with you.

Zietra We've had our ups and downs, idk how we are now, but yeah, we had some good times and chats, i kinda miss that but it was my fault i screwed up, anyway, yeah, i think were still friend :p

Dizzy Yeah you nub, your one of my best mod friend peoples, cause like yeah, nub, dizzynubface, yoloswag, yeah, im lost for words cause typing this is sad ;-;

VeeZa CoD buddy <3 Met you playing cod, idc how much people slate off that game, i met my favourite canadian by playing that game, woooot for CoD

kezzer1995 Kez! known you forever, it was sad you werent here that long while i was a mod, but yeah, here for you forever bro :p

Joshkey What can i say about you? I love you. For real 100% more than KimmieFizzy no offence :/ Always here for you, you were my first MCSG mod friend from over like a year ago, and i dont know what i would do without you

Llama My first real mcsg friend, those times we would play for hours, giving eachother wins in turns, from 10-100 wins within no time at all, climbing the leaderboards, we were the best <3 I love yu<3

Frondome OH AYEEEEEEE. Me favourite scottsman! We used to talk alot, not as much anymore which is sad, but i trust you alot, and im always here for you, i remember waking up and seeing you in your own custom channel after you being up all night!

So yeah guys, this is it, im pretty sad typing this right now, but life goes on.
Sorry to the people i didnt tag, i love y'all. <3


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ;-; Wai </3
I wish you good luck, man <3 We're still gonna meet irl, no doubt.


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
Awhhh leech <3 bro love all the way haha, and im always here if you need me man. Good look with your exams and you better come on ts to say hi when you can or else ill miss you to much haha ;)


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to see you go leech but you have your reasons and I respect that, just make sure you say hey from time to time :)
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