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My mcsg story.


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
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Hey guys. So today today I started youtube and while uploading my first ever video I started to think how far I have come into this community :D Sorry for the essay :p

Im not sure how long ago it was when I started mcsg, all I can remember playing call of duty with some friends on xbox and they were on about minecraft hunger games and how awesome it was. So I decided to buy it. I bought minecraft and spent 2 days looking through the menus for 2 days looking for hunger games and could not find it. I know I am a idiot :p. So then I decided to play single player and got bored after about 20 min and said screw this game what a waste of money and when back playing cod. About a week later I heard my friends talking about it again and I told them I could not find it in the menus and then they started laughing at me and told me it was a server :/. I then googled minecraft hunger games servers and found mcsg. I started playing and my first game I think was on sg2 I was so confused I could not sprint, I did not know any off the controles bare in mind I had about 30 min play time on minecraft. I played for a about 3 weeks and did not even get a kill and I decided to yet again screw this game. A good few months later I was watching one of my favourite CallOfDuty youtubers FearCrads. On his second channel I saw him play mcsg and I watched about 5 of his episodes and thought ok lets try this again. I decided it would be smart to play single player for a while and get to know the game. After having fun on single player for a while I logged back onto mcsg and began to play again, by now their was a lot more maps and they looked so awesome, I still remeber playing tsg 2 for the first time being like wow :O I would just run around the map looking for chest and died every game but I did not get frustrated.

Eventually after about 500 games I kind of got the hang of the game and I actually killed a few people and got some good loot but every time I played a player with equal armour I got wrecked. So fast forward to about 900 games played. By now I was actually able to kill the ocasional player with the same loot as me. By now I still had 0 wins :(, I can clearly remember a game around this time on karmuruah I some how killed a load of people and got perfect gear, full iron diamond sword. I hid up at corn and got both refils and it went to deathmatch and the two other guys fought so I went in for the clean up but I got wrecked. This type of sitution happend quite a lot up until my 1000th game, yes my 1000th game. I was on sg4 with great gear and it went to deathmatch it was only a 1v1 I was so nervous, I went in for the atack and I won. I screamed with joy :D I was amazed I could not stop doing /stats and looking at my 1 win :/ after this game I actually began to win the occasional game. maybe 1 in every 20. Then I noticed a guy in the lobby saying skype team so I added him. We made great friends we were winning a ton of games, still to this date the best ever team mate I have ever had. Then one day I decided I needed to change my skype password. After I changed it I forgot it and had to download a new skype. I never saw him in game after that and lost all contact with him :( Who ever you were we had some great times :D.

Fast forward till September 2013 I believe and I joined the forums after about a year of playing mcsg :p I was looking through the tips and trick and I saw something about block hitting. This tactic really helped me. By now I had about 80 wins out of 2000 games. I was some bit decent at the game. Around october I started talking in the hub to a mod called Safisac :D I was asking him how can I become a mod. So I decided to apply that night and wrote my mod app in about 10 min. It was declined like 1 hour later. I was determined to get mod so I reserched for about a week all the information I could get. I spent a full day and wrote my mod again. I remember waking up in the morning and the first thing I would do is check the fourms. It took about 3 days to get a reply I was pending. I was so happy. One of the first things I did was log onto mcsg and tell Sayfisac. I downloaded TS and got my waiting rank. This is when I had they best time of my life on mcsg was talking and playing mcsg with the other guys in the waiting room and we formed the waitingsquad. I remeber one game there was like 17 of us on tsg2 and we were also playing with a few mods and this guy joined the game with a name I cannot say on this lets just say it was &%$facedricky. We got a great laugh out of it. A few games later we saved up all out bounty and I remember we were playing on vallyside and decided to to bounty a noob, his name was DailyBus or something and we got like a 20k bounty on him and he actually won :eek:. So fast forward a few days it was time for my interview, I was so nervous but I got mod :O. I remember after I got mod I was up in the training room and I was messing around with my game ranks, I was giving myself diamond donnor ect and KellieBreanne pulled me back down to the waiting room and was like sean you cannot do that and she removed my mod rank I was shaking, and saying please im sorry I did not know hahaha I was almost crying :p. Then all the sr mods stared laughing and gave me back my mod rank :p. That night me, SpectrumVizzions and MineCrypt got mod :D. The other guys still did not have their interview. Eventually they got their interview and most of them got mod. This incluedes thejambd Zainnyyy and 123456789matrty.

We all played together and eventually one guy that was waiting but did not get mod Jam_Joenut who was part of the original waiting squad decided to form a clan around the waiting squad. We had great fun but the clan did not last long as Jam_Joenut decided to quit mcsg :( We all at the waiting squad miss you man :(.

So over the next 2 months I got to know a lot of people on ts and in game including Frazzli185 who saw me in game and was like team pls I phan :p lel nub xD After a few games we started to skype and play a lot and I introduced her to some of my friends on ts :D Around this time I really enjoyed moderating. But in january 2014 I though I was getting too addicted to mcsg and resigned as a mod. I almost instantaneously regretted it. I wannted to re-apply but the mod apps closed I eventually they re-oppend and I applied along with Frazzli185 and JasonDeBaxter the next day KRaidium joined out channel and said guys I have got some good news and gave the 3 of us our waiting rank :D. Jason got his interview almost straight away and got mod :D. About 2 days later it was my turn. I was terrified even though I already did it before :p. Anyway after the interview they moved me back up to get my result and Kraid did some of the best acting I have ever witnessed and convinced me I got declined but that was not the case :D. So now about 2 weeks later I am here writing this with my mod back and over 200 wins :D. I know this will sound so cringy but looking back at the times I have had on mcsg it really puts a smile on my face :D I have made some great friends and have memories that I will have for the rest of my life. This became a lot more than a video game for me :D.

Now for people to mention. I am going to keep this short as I have tons of good friends on mcsg and I should credit you all but this will go on for to long. If you are one of my good friends just comment on bellow and I will add you in :D but for now I am only going to mention the people who i am closest with :D

thejambd What can I say man :D One of the coolest guys on mcsg, Part of the original waiting squad :D

123456789matrty Another member of the original waiting squad :D You are a amazing singer!!! and a great friend.

Frazzli185 I dont know you as long as some people but over the short time we have been friends we have became great friends :D Your the one person on mcsg that I can come to over IRL issues and can trust about it :D You are also a great singer.

Also spectrumvissonz Sorry I cant tag you I dont know your name on this :p. My chelsea buddy ;) Part of the original waiting squad and just such a cool guy :D

Thanks everyone :D
Awesome story, and good luck!

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