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My MCSG Story And Farewell


Apr 12, 2014
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So, I know I’m not as known in the community, but I wanted to say my farewell to the community, but not just a simple goodbye, I also want to share my story, on how I got into the MCSG community.

So, it started back in late 2012, I was a guy named “bigisw”. That was the old version of me, accept I was a complete noob at PvP, and I barely knew any chest routes on any map that I played. I’d always get rekt in every game, and I only won when I got lucky. I believe I decided I’d never go back to MCSG on that account again, I was really bad and so were stats on that account. A few months ago I returned on a new account, “LygerByte”. I was still kind of bad at the game, though I was slightly better than the average PvPer. It took days to get my first win, eventually, I managed to grab it, about a few weeks after, I started grabbing more wins, and get a bit better at PvP, although I had to team to get some of them, I started play solo a bit more to get the idea, I prefer play solo over teaming, it helps me focus more on the game and PvPing. When I was at 50 wins or so, I knew I had to put on my Tryhard Pants to get one more set of 50 to grab my 100th win. I also teamed a lot during that time too, even though it seemed kind of stupid as it was basically boosting my wins to get there, most of my wins were solo and still topped the teamed wins. Eventually, I got my 100th win, I had a lot of help from someone who a lot of you may know, “ABasketball". He was kind enough to help me reach my 100th win, although, after so many tries with him, I didn't get the win. I did however get the win solo, without his help. We still talk though, we aren’t exactly “close friends”, but we still talk on teamspeak ;). During the times I was around 150 or so, I met someone named “LynxPhoenix” (who I’m still friends with). We met on teamspeak, we had a blast, we even tried recording together in the recording lounge, but everyone kept interrupting us, :(. So, we decided to record over skype, still, we had tons of fun :). Around 200 wins or so, I somehow started a bit of a small fanbase, I’m a bit unsure how it started, but I saw one or two people using my skin, and they asked if there were any other colors with it. I started creating my skin in different, though it was very simple to do, all I really had to do was just change the hue (#SimplePhotoshopSkillz :D). I even planned on starting my own YouTube channel specifically for SG, but, that took a big turn because I wanted to be an all-rounded Minecraft YouTuber, not just an MCSG YouTuber, but, I have done so many attempts to get my first video out (I wanted my first one to be SG), But every time I try, I always run into many losses, and I cannot get a successful recording.

Those were some of the good times, just me, doing SG, just having fun. But, that sort of.. Well.. Slipped away.

About a month ago, I started getting trash talk, and tons of call outs in game, such as “Ez” “Noob”, “Get Good”, etc. I’ve been called a Pinger/Ping Abuser in game a lot, especially recently. Honestly, I can’t take it. It just takes the fun out of the entire game, I couldn’t take it, that’s just what I think is ruining the PvP community all together. It’s like I’m getting Cyber Bullied over a stupid game, it’s minecraft people! It’s a game for all ages! Most of the people here are at least under 12 years old! (I’m 15, just so everyone knows that I’m not a 5 year old writing this stupid o, I know I’m not a…thread). It just takes the fun out of it, and I know most people who are younger don’t come onto MCSG, they normally go onto servers their friends have created, and whatever other server is out there. I’m not saying that I’m speaking for all the squeakers, I’m just saying that I feel like I’m being treated like a squeaker, feeling like a complete nub, even though I think squeakers at least deserve a bit of attention, even though they might be annoying, I’m sure that there is a place for them somewhere ;). But let’s get back on topic here, shall we?

What I’m saying is, I feel like if people just want to say these things, and say that I have no skill, and I believe they are right. No matter how hard I practice, and no matter how hard I try. I don’t think I have what it takes to become one of the best. Now, I’m not saying I want to better than everyone on the leaderboards, I just want to at least be good at PvP, and I don’t care what rank I am, I just want to play the game, and enjoy myself. But since people are trying to prevent that from happening, I don’t see how I can continue any longer with MCSG. I just feel like there’s almost nobody I can trust on this server, and I feel like everyone is too competitive, and I just feel left out. I just can’t take the community, and I don’t know what to do about it, either find a new community, find a new type of server to learn new skills on, or I can just quit minecraft altogether, and find a new game to pursue.

But, there you have it. I know it’s not really the best story, plus, I understand that I may just be another randy just talking about something completely pointless to most of you. I also understand that nobody is going to care, but either way, thanks for being such a great community, even though the trash talk, hackers, etc, are kind of annoying :/. I'll still be in-game every once in a while, but I may not be on as much as I used to. But anyway, thanks for reading if you managed to click on this.

Lastly, I'm going say thanks to a few people.

GoldEllipse - I know you and I have never talked, and I know you probably won't see this, but.. I've been a huge fan of you since you first started YouTube on your old channel, and you are a really good PvPer, One day, I wish to PvP just like you :). Love ya man!

TheCreeperFarts - We've never talked either, I also know you may not see this, but.. You may not be as good as many other great PvPers. But you are pretty good, :). Thanks for inspiring me to at least make an effort to try and make YouTube videos (Even though I haven't gotten my first one out yet, and to try to get better at SG. :)

PickedBroken - You and I have never exactly talked in private and we aren't exactly close friends, but you are a great teammate ;). You're an awesome mod, and I hope you continue to help the MCSG servers for a long time!

GygaPex - Hopefully you can continue #Rayne without me, I feel like you and the rest of the clan can do awesome! I wish you and rest of the clan best of luck!

and Finally, LynxPhoenix - You and I have not talked recently, but we are still friends, right?. Thanks for making my last few months on MCSG awesome! Hope we can still continue to talk even though I won't be on as much, You're awesome, bro!
Lastly, I want to say thanks to everyone else I haven't mentioned, once again, thanks for reading.

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