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My Life Story! maybe sad

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May 26, 2014
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Hi everyone who came to read my story. I just left like letting this out and hope you will enjoy it.

I came to America in 2006 from a small county in south Asian (Bangladesh). I was 8 years old when i came to America. I started school in the second grade and i hated every moment of it. It was terrible and i was scared of everything. I felt like people were talking about me in english coz i didnt speak it at that time. I was vary insecure about it. I learned english in like 7 mouths, it wasnt fluent english but it was something. 3rd grade came and I started getting bullied everyday for the next 6 months. They would call me terrorist or Osama's son or brother. I hated it so much, i wanted to go back to my county. My parents told me it would get better over time and i took their word for it. Almost at the end of the year i was still getting bullied. The kids were physically and verbally abusing me. The teachers saw it and never said a word about it. I used to go home everyday and cry in my room. I didnt want to go to school anymore.

One day i was getting jumped by 5 kids and this girl stepped in just to help me. She just transferred to my school. She did manage to stop them. I'm still to this day greatful for what she did. She was the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. She had that blue eyes that could worm your heart in seconds and had the best smile in the word. I fell in love with her right away. Im in third grade and i have no clue about love or anything. I still believed the Power Rangers were real. But anyways it was forth grade everything was going fine until this kid started s#@$ with me, my parents always told me not to fight and always be peaceful. But that day i dont know what happend i just snapped and i just started punching him. I didnt stop doing it, it felt sooo good just to let my anger out on someone. For once everyone was scared of me, i was like the big bad wolf. Being in school groulds i was susped for this for 1 1/2 week. My parents were angered by it...... That day i got the beating of my life, my mom hit me with the wooden spoon and once my dad got home he stared to hit me with his belt but my uncle stopped him and took me to his house for the remainder of my suspension.
I jjst going to skip 5th grade nd just go to 6th.
In sixth grade i got in way too much trouble, i started to hang out with the bad kids and i found it cool to make fun of people and bully them. i didnt notice i was doing the same thing kids were doing to me in 2nd grade. i only understood that in mid year. I was disgusted with my self. My school had talent showes so i decided to go up and say sorry to everyone i hurt.
Skipping 7th grade again.
In 8th grade it was pretty good. I was dating the most beautiful girl in the school and it was pretty chill. But she had an acohalic dad she oneday hit her when he was drunk. and NO ONE HITS MY GIRLFRIEND DONT CARE WHO THE HELL U ARE!!!
She came cring to my house and told me what hppend. I wouldnt take it anymore who the hell hits their own daughter?? I went over there with my baseball bat nd she told me not to do anything stupid what will get me in jail. but i didnt care at all. Things happend nd i got arrested. Was in jail for 1 month before her mother bailed me out nd i still have to go to court till this day. but life for me is going pretty good now.

Thanks forr reading my long story and if u made it this far THANKS ALOT<3
And if u want pt.2coz im tired of typing just vote for it. and leave you thoughts boUt my story.


Apr 6, 2014
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Holy moly, you had an intense, and rough experience. But it is absolutely heartwarming taking responsibility for those you love, and yes, her father was an alcoholic, and that had gotten you arrested. But you have done it in the sake of justice, and to protect those you love, which really shows how kind of an individual you are.
Apologizing to all the people you have previously bullied was indeed a brave thing to do, and as well as realizing your mistakes. Not many people do that, which shows how much strength you have.
We also wish you the best of luck in court! ;)
Oct 20, 2013
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I'm sorry about your rough past but the future can always get brighter! You're such a strong and amazing person. I wish you many happy years to come and I would love a Part 2 if you have the time. c:


Sep 21, 2014
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I hope everything could be better for you soon.


May 26, 2014
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Holy moly, you had an intense, and rough experience. But it is absolutely heartwarming taking responsibility for those you love, and yes, her father was an alcoholic, and that had gotten you arrested. But you have done it in the sake of justice, and to protect those you love, which really shows how kind of an individual you are.
Apologizing to all the people you have previously bullied was indeed a brave thing to do, and as well as realizing your mistakes. Not many people do that, which shows how much strength you have.
We also wish you the best of luck in court! ;)
Thank you <3


May 26, 2014
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I'm sorry about your rough past but the future can always get brighter! You're such a strong and amazing person. I wish you many happy years to come and I would love a Part 2 if you have the time. c:
I will do my best to get part 2 up as soon as possible


Jul 29, 2013
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Holy cow....

That was quite the interesting story.... You do seem like the person who stands up for what they believe in. I applaud you for that.

Best of luck in Court. C:


Nov 21, 2014
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All these horrible things seem to be caused by racism, while it has improve we are still not there, Martin Luther King's dream still has not been achieved. Hopefully you don't have to experience anything so bad without even having done anything wrong in the first place.
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