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My awesome strategies!

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Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
So I tough I would give you guys some tips on how to survive the first night at least. They are in chronological order starting from the bloodbath.
Surviving the bloodbath:
When the timer gets to 5 sprint and jump in the direction you wish to go. It will push you back but as soon as the timer gets to 0 you'll be glad you did this.
-Make a RUN for it
Supplies are crucial to your survival especially food. Run to the chests no matter what! You will see why food will be important later...
Open chest. Take everything in it. RUN! Especially if the tribute next to you took that stone sword you had your eye on.
-NEVER go across
Its suicide. seriously. You will get in the way of at least 6 tributes or more. U turns are recommended.
Don't stop to look back go straight until you are 100% SURE there is no one near you!
-Check supplies
Quickly order your inventory and put armor
- Keep moving
Self explanatory
-Night time
Night is the most BRUTAL part of the games, usually 3-5 tributes don't make it trough. Find a hiding place and stay there! DO NOT go out or head to the corn unless you are heavily armored.
That's all the tips I have that you guys should know. I have plenty other tips but they are for teammates ONLY. Any-who G'nite!


Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for the 1st tip, sprinting and jumping BEFORE you can actually get off the platform actually helped a lot. ;)


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
A few strategies for when getting chased are to:
A) Be ahead a fair distance, take a turn and crouch whilst hiding. I have had many people run past me when I do this. I have even used this trick to kill a 4 man team, picking them off when they abandoned one behind.
B) Offer a team. But not really... Generally, if they accept the team you want to look for the first good advantage you have to backstab. It sounds messed up, but if you wanna win then morals are a no no :p
C) Follow a parkour path. There are a few throughout the map, and if you aren't near one you could always parkour onto the trees. This is only reccomended if you are good at parkouring and also have a fair hunger bar filled up


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
So I tough I would give you guys some tips on how to survive the first night at least. They are in chronological order starting from the bloodbath.
Surviving the bloodbath:
When the timer gets to 5 sprint and jump in the direction you wish to go. It will push you back but as soon as the timer gets to 0 you'll be glad you did this.
-Make a RUN for it
Supplies are crucial to your survival especially food. Run to the chests no matter what! You will see why food will be important later...
Open chest. Take everything in it. RUN! Especially if the tribute next to you took that stone sword you had your eye on.
-NEVER go across
Its suicide. seriously. You will get in the way of at least 6 tributes or more. U turns are recommended.
Don't stop to look back go straight until you are 100% SURE there is no one near you!
-Check supplies
Quickly order your inventory and put armor
- Keep moving
Self explanatory
-Night time
Night is the most BRUTAL part of the games, usually 3-5 tributes don't make it trough. Find a hiding place and stay there! DO NOT go out or head to the corn unless you are heavily armored.
That's all the tips I have that you guys should know. I have plenty other tips but they are for teammates ONLY. Any-who G'nite!
Nice sig. :) Great guide. +1


Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
A few strategies for when getting chased are to:
A) Be ahead a fair distance, take a turn and crouch whilst hiding. I have had many people run past me when I do this. I have even used this trick to kill a 4 man team, picking them off when they abandoned one behind.
B) Offer a team. But not really... Generally, if they accept the team you want to look for the first good advantage you have to backstab. It sounds messed up, but if you wanna win then morals are a no no :p
C) Follow a parkour path. There are a few throughout the map, and if you aren't near one you could always parkour onto the trees. This is only reccomended if you are good at parkouring and also have a fair hunger bar filled up
It is really better to keep an teamate until the end. When that final DM happens, make sure to have an ally to take down the other player with if the time runs out. Also, I now know not to team up with you. :p


Apr 28, 2012
Reaction score
A few strategies for when getting chased are to:
A) Be ahead a fair distance, take a turn and crouch whilst hiding. I have had many people run past me when I do this. I have even used this trick to kill a 4 man team, picking them off when they abandoned one behind.
B) Offer a team. But not really... Generally, if they accept the team you want to look for the first good advantage you have to backstab. It sounds messed up, but if you wanna win then morals are a no no :p
C) Follow a parkour path. There are a few throughout the map, and if you aren't near one you could always parkour onto the trees. This is only reccomended if you are good at parkouring and also have a fair hunger bar filled up
A personal addition to B: Teams are usually critical for getting far/winning. A team will almost certainly win in the end unless one solo player is really lucky or far better than them. Because of this, do not turn on your teammate until about the final 5, IMO. At that point, the lead you got because of your teammate is cemented (you've probably locked down the castle/boat/corn by now), and with his gear, you'll be nigh unstoppable. Also, he probably plans to betray you as well.


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, a team helps but it does offer disadvantages. I find it smarter to take them out before they are a threat, than to help your enemies :p I've won more games solo than team, mostly due to the fact that I get to keep all the gear solo. Teams only become a major threat if they have full iron and diamonds imo... otherwise you can bait them and pick them off. Obviously teaming is still a great strategy, and definitely should be used when there is a large team agaisnt you... In this case , however, it may prove more wise to find someone you play with constantly, rather than request randoms.

@Invinicble: Pfttt, I'm a great teammate. Just make sure that you give me your armor and weapons once we team ;D


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I go solo and usually make it to the final 3 or the 2 on 2 deathmatch. Teams are useless because food can be very scarce in some areas and you can never really trust anyone.


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, even when I dominate mid and pirate I always take any food I find. I figure that if I don't need it, someone else does. haha xD


Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
The following can be done solo or with an alliance of 2 to 4

1) Grab 1/2 (1 is enough) chests, then head north (direction of host building)
2) keep going north, along the way, you should find 2 chests within 15-ish blocks of each other
3) keep going north till the end of the island until you find the tree with a chest at the top
4) Teams: Split loot, and if everyone is well enough geared, split into groups where 1 will go left to the cliff house and the other will go to the cobble tower on the right.
5) If solo do step 4, but alone :]
6) when you regroup back at tree, it should be NEARING night, and it DEFINITELY should nightfall if you did it all solo
7) net chest gained: 10 (including 1 center chest)
8) Teams: After regrouped at tree, split loot, split into 1/1 or 2/2 or 3/1 teams and have them go back to corn while the lone guy will reloot the cliff house/tower chests (it should be relatively safe from players because most people do go out at night)
9) regroup at tree
10) May the blocks be with you :]

1) Food/Sword
2) Armor
3) shears (they help... alot)
4)Fishing Rod (night time fishing)
5) flint and tinder (flush out tree campers/pirate boat campers)
6) bow and arrows (weaken enemies before going for the kill!)
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