*Ok before i start writing this i would like everyone to know i do not mean to cause flame. I am just writing about my opinion and just would like to see what others think.*
Ok so recently, I would like to say within the last month, mods but people in general having been disrespectful in the manner after you die. Ex. gg10, ez, etc. Now the reason i am only talking about mods in this thread is because they are the role models of the community along with V.I.P's. Now i understand putting those things in chat are not bannable but i do understand they are frowned upon and a nuisance to those in the community. Now, previous to writing this i was in a game and was killed by a mod and didn't really think anything of it. Until afterwards when he said "gg10". That was what inspired me to write this. As i said before, the mods are role models to the players and the community of MCSG. In my opinion, under no circumstance, should a mod be acting like that to a player. If anything the mod should be encouraging people NOT to act like this. Now in a person's defense it is tempting to be cocky when you get a kill when you're undergeared, but that still is no excuse. The way i see it is if everyone starts to act like this, then the community could start to turn to crap. Now, i'm not saying this is gonna happen but were on a pretty open road to it happening. Feel free to comment your opinions i am very interested in what you guys have to say. And by all means mods please take no offense because i do understand that not every mod is like this. Thank you for your time and consideration of this topic.