Ooooh exciting! Was kinda looking forward to seeing it today tho.....
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You may have already achieved many achievements including achieve 100 wins and it would be impossible for them to achieve them seeing as you have already passed that milestone.How so?
'Get your first win' would become impossible to most people... .-.
Remove all the maps except Yellowstone.
By the picture or?Am I the only one that realised you can read what all the achievements are..?
By the url of the picBy the picture or?
This would be the best thing ever. But sadly impossible .I hope specs won't block arrows in MCSGv2!
Well I heared all stats are being reset well the current stats would be availible but their will be new ones so the new achievement system would work good...How so?
'Get your first win' would become impossible to most people... .-.
There wont be a reset only some new type of leaderboards like daily weekly and monthly also the lag will probably be fixed btw i dont get lag ?For MCSGv2 i have 2 questions : Will there some kind of a leaderboard reset & Will the Eu Server Lag be fixed?