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Minecraft Survival Games Strategies!

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Jul 5, 2012
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Alright so, people have been asking me what my strategies are for the survival games. I have divided this thread in to sections below so you can get strategies for specific map instead on squinting your eyes at a screen and reading word for word until you find what you're looking for. I have won a total of about 45 times including all of my accounts, and before the scores reset so I know a great deal of information that I'm willing to share to help everyone out. Feel free to post your own strategies below.

Survival Games Map 1:
-Bones, bones, and more bones. For me dogs are a crucial key to increasing your chances of becoming a victor in the survival games. Dogs do a good deal of damage to a player, even if someone has a better sword than you, hit them once and let your dogs do the work, even if the opponent kills off your canines, this will give you the grand opportunity to finish off. Take advantage of the mobs that spawn at night and kill the skeletons for bones, and zombies for rotten flesh. Feed rotten flesh to dogs to increase their health. You can tell the dogs health by looking at its tail, the higher up, the more heath it has.
-The corn isn't key in this map- Unlike map 2, you can get about just as good items outside the cornucopia as you can controlling it. A very popular location with just as many chests as the corn itself is the pirate ship. Be forewarned-many players visit here when the game starts, so be prepared to fight for it. Look out for mobs as well, its pretty dark it there. I recommend getting off the main island and look for chests on the outer islands until you get a weapon and maybe some armor, then revisit the pirate ship.
-Don't stick around the cornucopia- If you're fortunate enough to come across a weapon at the start of the games, do not 'set up camp' at the corn. Odds are before night falls, someone will obtain an iron sword, and come back to reclaim their territory.
-Ambush- Your odds of winning a fight against a tribute will greatly increase if you use the art of surprise. If a person is controlling the corn, wait until they look through the chests, then charge at them and make your attack. Odds are if they're sorting their inventory, they'll have something in their hand other than their primary weapon.
Survival Games Map 2:
-Get something from the cornucopia- Try try try your hardest to get something from the cornucopia at the beginning of the games, the cornucopia in the second map is the key to victory in the second map. Those chests generally give the best iron, the most ingots and even precious diamonds. While it's possible to obtain these items elsewhere, it will take much longer, and not as much will be given at one time.
-Do not advertise your armor- Many people make this mistake when leaving the cornucopia at the start of the game. If you get armor do not put it on until you have a weapon in your hands. Wearing armor while you don't have a weapon handy is simply attracting players to you, so they can slaughter you and take your armor.
-Avoid the sewers- For weak players, the sewers are basically a watery grave-literally. Mobs spawn by what seems to be the dozens down there, and if you get lost it seems nearly impossible to find your way out.
-Try to stay near, or in an open area- Your odds of out running your enemy will increase if your in an open area. Running into trees will make you stop running all together, and running through vines will crucially slow you down. Staying in an open area will give you a nice space to run and get away, and enough space to zig-zag and dodge arrows. Unless you are in the final 3, a person will usually give up on chasing someone, especially when their hunger bar is degrading quickly.
-Watch your hunger bar- Food is harder to find on this map, don't over use your run when you don't need it. Running degrades your food bar insanely quickly.
-Breaking Leaves=Apples- All of the tree's leaves in this map drop leaves, use this to your advantage if you find yourself quickly running low on food. Secluding yourself from others in the forest by the beach is a great way to find tons of apples. Apples restore around 2 hearts, so they are very useful.
-Good places to get good chests- The power plant, the pink house, the beaches, the water tower, observatory, construction site, CORNUCOPIA, and the forest house are all good places to find chests and get good items.
-Ambush-Your odds of winning a fight against a tribute will greatly increase if you use the art of surprise. If a person is controlling the corn, wait until they look through the chests, then charge at them and make your attack. Odds are if they're sorting their inventory, they'll have something in their hand other than their primary weapon.
-Survival Games Map 3-
Take advantage of the size of the map- The title says it all, the fact that this map is so huge will give big advantages when looking for chests. Instead of looking where everyone else done (The village, corn, whale, etc.) try looking for other spots to get chests, such as islands severed from the main ones, you may have to swim a while, but this will usually give you some good items, especially if you find a path out there that works for you. This is also good if you generally aren't good at PvP and like to stay away from other players.
Where's the second crafting table?- I've been getting this question a lot, and the answer is quite simple. It's above the crafting table at the cornucopia-sort of. You have to climb to get there. When you first leave the cornucopia and take one of the exit tunnels and turn around, you will see that the cornucopia is in that mountain. If you take the time to climb it, you will find a crafting table at the top, as well as a Tier 2 chests, which give armor and ingots. Be forewarned though as many players like to climb this mountain after leaving the corn so be prepared to fight for it if needed. I recommend practicing the climb in spectator mode before attempting it in-game, to avoid confusion or mistakes.
Use a bow- Another good thing about this map is the cornucopia, if you notice a powerful player at the corn and would like to take them out, use your bow to your advantage. Let me tell you how. Most players stay on the little island with the chests on it at the cornucopia. If they see you, they must swim to you in order to kill you. Using your bow will take down their health crucially, so when they finally get to you, you can simply take them out with a few hits of your sword.
Take advantage of the trees- If you find yourself being chased through a jungle, grab a hold of one of the vines and climb up, when you reach a point where you can rest, break about 2-3 vine blocks below you, so the other player can't get up. This may also give you a chance to hit them a few times with your sword. Keep in mind that if you are high enough you can try to knock them off with your sword and let them fall to your death. Remember that this will not always work when trying to escape an opponent. It ultimately depends on how much distance is between you and your pursuer.
Don't announce what you got at the corn- I cannot stress this enough, if you make out with diamonds or other valuable items at the start of the games, do not type in chat something like this: "Yes! 2 DIAMONDS!". This just makes people go after you, so they can have them for their selves.

-General Tips-
+Don't bost/brag- no one likes a bragger, sometimes this just causes people to aim for you rather than fear you.
+If you team with someone, don't betray them- This just makes you look like a jerk, and once again may cause angry tributes you aim for you.
+Bored? Talk with people in the lobby!- You never know who you'll meet.
+Don't hack- While you think no one notices, we do. You never know when someone is screen recording and can turn you in quicker that you can say 'aimbot!'
+If you team, Skype team- Not only is it for quicker and better communication with your teammates, it also helps so other players don't know what your team is up to. If you are close enough to other players in the arena, they can also see your chat. This may ruin any ambush plans you may have on other players, or just get you killed entirely.
Hope these tips helped! I have more of them that are more secretive, but if you wish to know them simply send me a message and I'll gladly tell you. If you have any tips you'd like to add post below!


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Nice tips I will use the one for map 2, I have my own for map 1.


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, sounds good. Glad this helped! This will be updated when I get to know map 3 more.


May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Sweet tips. If you want I can help you with tips for map 3, I know quite a few. Also I will PM you for secret tips. :)


Jul 5, 2012
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Alrighty sounds good:) I stay pretty busy and haven't had time to check out the newest map much yet, to be honest I'm not that big of a fan of the new map. It's just....I don't know.


May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Alrighty sounds good:) I stay pretty busy and haven't had time to check out the newest map much yet, to be honest I'm not that big of a fan of the new map. It's just....I don't know.
I love it. But I know what you mean. Map 2 is still my favorite! Map 3 comes second though. Once you get to know it it's pretty awesome. Has nothing overpowered like the pirate ship in map 1 (which was taken out) or anything. I already have my chest route out and found a few easter eggs. I even got 8th on the first 120 player test run, and won a few games outside of that. :)


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Same, the second time I played I was a victor, the first time I made it to the death match. To be honest, to win you have to know the map pretty well, know good places to hide, where to find good chests, sniping spots,.etc.


May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Same, the second time I played I was a victor, the first time I made it to the death match. To be honest, to win you have to know the map pretty well, know good places to hide, where to find good chests, sniping spots,.etc.
I totally agree. Knowing the map is the key to winning. Especially the tier 2 chests and good places to hide or snipe from. I will message you some map 3 tips that I'm writing now! Remember, I've only played it 10-20 or so times, so they might not be the best. :p


Jul 5, 2012
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Haha, that's alright. I love hearing tips from everyone. I try my best to reply to all my pm's I get as well. Thanks for commenting <3


Jul 10, 2012
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So, I all ready got a strategy for map number one, but not number two (even though it's the only one I've ever won). I'd gladly like to give you a tip or two. One on map one, and another on three. There are enchanters on, but only on map one and three. The one for the first map is hidden under a block in a cave, which has an underwater entrance and an air pocket in the side of it. Pretty much what you need to do, is break the block, and right click before it comes back, then you can enchant your sword. An enchanted stone sword with: Sharpness I is as good as a diamond sword, but there is a hidden iron sword. You can find a lever NW of the cornucopia, once hit, you can hear a dispenser go off. That was the iron sword. Moving on to map three. There is an enchanter on top of a building NE of the corn. If you go the NE way, you will run into a village (you need to be good at park-our to get up it), look for the biggest building, find a way up, then you can gladly enchant. Well, that's all I can tell you. Find me in US4. ;)


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
my simple map for three is stay in trees for concealment and keep my eyes peeled for chests. never know what you might find
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