It can't be THAT bad. My inventory is opened for probably a combined 20 - 25 seconds every video, probably even less.
I just fail to see how a sloppy inventory is a hate worthy type topic. I do understand a sloppy hot bar though, as that can actually directly affect how you do in a match.
It's no problem, I was just giving you the reasons on why inventory clearing is pretty much on the bottom of my priority list while recording a video. If you've ever tried your hand at recording any type of PvP game, you'll know how difficult it is to keep the commentary going while focusing on certain tasks in game. I think people are quick to judge gameplay in video's, but I'd probably bet a decent amount that the majority of people who've never recorded before can't keep a commentary topic going while fighting a player or a team of two in game.
I used that analogy to correlate with my inventory clearing priority topic.