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Minecraft Glitch; Need help!

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May 7, 2012
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Hi guys, this has nothing to do with MCSG.
Recently, whenever I play minecraft, online or offline, it crashes. Its as if ive closed the window, it just closes instantly. It then leaves behind a notepad document on my desktop. Saying all this computer nonsense about java etc... I would paste it onto this but i'm writing this on my laptop, not my computer. This is really annoying me, as its making the game unplayable. It is also very annoying when im playing the survival games and it just closes. It has nothing to do with my computer not being able to cope. I just dont understand why its started happening now? I don't use mods or anything.

If anyone has ever had this problem, could you please help me out? I would really appreciate it.
^Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm only young;)

Thanks for your time,
Hello Logicalllama, try this:
  1. Force an update for minecraft. How? I'll tell you! Before you log into minecraft on your client, click on options and then click on force update. After that, click on done and log in.
  2. Download the latest version of java for your machine, make sure you download the correct system type. (i.e. 64-bit and 32-bit)
  3. To check what system type you have, (if you have windows vista to 7) click on the start menu, right lick on computer and click on properties, it will display your system type.
I hope this helped. :D
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