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District 13
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
So how is MCSGv2? I haven't played it yet and won't until Friday. So could you explain the good and bad things about it? I want to here opinions and criticism but no flame wars. So start now!


Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
I personally love it! Don't listen to the haters: they'll probably grow to like it as well. I hated it as well when I first started with it, as it's a bit of a change. But you'll soon come to find some of the changes are for the better. Now, I'm not going to hide the fact that there's a few problems, the main four being:

1: Sponsorship, it's corrupt A.T.M with youtubers getting loads of goodies. It's in development though, so expect changes.
2. Non-donors and their quest to join the servers. It's hard on them right now, but with more servers on the way, expect that to be fixed. You shouldn't have problems as you're a donor.
3. I believe No Cheat Plus is on right now, and it's obvious as you can be warped quite a bit back to your enemies
4. Lag, this will be fixed pretty quick.

Now that those are out of the way, take time to look at all the good things, my personal favorite one being:

1. More variety in maps: I've played SG 1 and Sg2 as much as I've played SG4 today, that makes me really, really happy.

Other good things are:

2. A amazing new lobby
3. A great new color scheme, it's a nice breath of fresh air
4. Sponsorship [While I like it, it does need some coaxing]
5. Shortend lobby time, no more standing around for what feels like ages
6. A bit of regeneration time during DM, you're warped, and have 10 seconds before the fight begins
7. A great selection of new maps


District 13
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
I personally love it! Don't listen to the haters: they'll probably grow to like it as well. I hated it as well when I first started with it, as it's a bit of a change. But you'll soon come to find some of the changes are for the better. Now, I'm not going to hide the fact that there's a few problems, the main two being:

1: Sponsorship, it's corrust A.T.M with youtubers getting loads of goodies. It's in development though, so expect changes.
2. Non-donors and their quest to join the servers. It's hard on them right now, but with more servers on the way, expect that to be fixed. You shouldn't have problems as you're a donor.
3. I believe No Cheat Plus is on right now, and it's obvious as you can be warped quite a bit back to your enemies
4. Lag, this will be fixed pretty quick.

Now that those are out of the way, take time to look at all the good things, my personal favorite one being:

1. More variety in maps: I've played SG 1 and Sg2 as much as I've played SG4 today, that makes me really, really happy.

Other good things are:

2. A amazing new lobby
3. A great new color scheme, it's a nice breath of fresh air
4. Sponsorship [While I like it, it does need some coaxing]
5. Shortend lobby time, no more standing around for what feels like ages
6. A bit of regeneration time during DM, you're warped, and have 10 seconds before the fight begins
7. A great selection of new maps
Is the lobby time shorter? nvm didn't read that :p


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
At the moment it is absolute terrible I'm my opinion. There is very a lot of lag and every time that you try to fight someone you are rubberbanneded back. In my opinion it is two colorful. The only cool thing is the voting system.


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Here is my opinion:

Bad, but soon fixed:
Sponsoring is being given out to famous people which is cheap.
Rubber banding
Colorful words give me a headache

Good things:
More map variety
More maps and Karmunrah
More/lest chests, edited maps so some things that were useless are gone

Things I hate:

Though there is an awesome new Mcsg version, kids still have to only vote breeze :mad: that's basically the only map I've played.


District 13
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Colorful words: We're asking for opinions across random servers and changing it.
Rubber banding: #DieNCPDie, it's being worked on
Lag: Major improvements have been made as of tonight.
Sponsoring: Discussing heavier limitations, soon to be put in place. 70% of the community can't afford the potions just yet.
More servers: Coming soon (TM). We're discussing what to do in terms of this, and we're making sure the plugin is the best it can be before allowing more servers to run off of it.
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
I like it except the fact that I always get massive wobble-sprint problems...
But I hope this will be worked on. :p

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