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MCSG - Not Enough Mods? Way too many Hackers! PLEASE READ

Should MCSG lower their standards?

  • Yes, there aren't enough Moderators!

    Votes: 32 58.2%
  • MCSG is fine as it is!

    Votes: 23 41.8%

  • Total voters
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Oct 20, 2013
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If we keep our standards high, people complain that there aren't enough mods.
If we lower our standards, people complain about the influex of lower-quality mods.

We just can't win!

I see the point of this thread, even if the wording is a bit skewed in some places. The proposal is to take less emphasis on the written application portion of the moderator application process, because some people feel that their qualities are better shown via voice instead of text. I get that, and actually argued in favor of it at one point.

The largest issue here that hasn't been addressed fully is the issue of time and practicality. The suggestion here is that the application process be changed from written application to a verbal interview. But I know how difficult interviews are for the Senior Staff, even for the < 5% of applicants who make it to Interview. Interviews require people to be present, attentive, and able to sit through someone talking for the next 20 minutes, and that goes for both the staff and the applicant. If we were to implement verbal interviews instead of written applications, the currently-difficult interview process will be expanded by 20x. It's just not realistic for us to do, as we would need a large, dedicated team of Sr. Mods just to do that one phase of the application.
The written application is a filter system that drastically cuts down on the amount of applicants we can realistically process. The system is not perfect nor easy, but the alternatives are much worse.

And I will state that while we acknowledge that hackers will always be a problem with any game or community, I do not think we are at the point of desperation as is being suggested. Lowering our standards for the sole purpose of increasing the staff numbers is a bad long-term policy: getting rid of hackers by hiring more great mods is better than removing a slew of bad mods and the hackers they are too incompetent to ban.
We cannot create a problem in the faith-based hope of solving another; that's something the US foreign policy needs to learn.

This is a situation with no silver bullets nor easy answers. But we all must do what we can to see it through.
Couldn't put it better myself.


Dec 12, 2013
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Yeah there is too many hackers and not enough Mods they should put atleast 2 or 3 Mods in 1 game to check if there is hackers or abuser.
2 or 3 mods in one game!?!? In my opinion, one single moderator can handle a hacker, but we don't have the numbers to be able to do that anyways (having one mod assigned to each server). We try our best to remove hackers, but we really rely on the community to be (somewhat) active in reporting these people. Even if you cannot record, all you need to do is say the name of a suspicious guy, and we will check in every so often.


May 1, 2013
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Just what the forums needed, another one of these threads...
Yes, another one of these, but let me try to tackle this as best as I can.

Okay guys, as all of you know, and I am NOT the only one, hackers on MCSG (specifically EU) are just out of hand now, to the point where I would actually consider stopping playing MCSG until they sorted this, to be honest, ridiculous situation out. As I say all of this, please do not consider me to be 'burning' MCSG, and making them look bad in any way, I love MCSG, as do hundreds of thousands of people, and is one of my favourite pass times. However I now find it impossible to play MCSG on a daily basis, due to hackers. I will easily come across one hacker every 4, 3 and sometimes 2 games. I speak for everyone here and think something needs to be done.
I'm glad that you aren't trying to 'burn' the server, and I appreciate the fact that you love MCGamer. Let me assure you that we do not try to ignore the problem. Yes, I know that that isn't the problem that you are complying about, but we do get a fair amount of complaints that we do ignore hackers. Anyways, I know this is a rinse and repeat answer, but just help us out a bit by filing report abuse reports. Everyone one helps us clean up the servers. Yes, they take a decent amount of time to fill out. If you don't have fast internet, just poke a mod on teamspeak. Anyways, back on topic...

Very recently I posted a Moderator Application, it was roughly 1200 words and consisted of what I thought was 'half decent material'. I got denied for lacking detail and needing more information, and the answers being shorter than standards. I have been told by Mods themselves that it is quality not quantity, and the fact that I got declined for 'Answers are shorter than standards', kind of seems irrelevant to me. Now, I fully understand that MCSG MUST employ the right people, because of the servers massive reputation, and security, but I seriously feel that Mods could be employed in a different way, or, 'more easily', for example, they send in a written application, and if it is good, then they move to a spoken interview. I know this already happens, but what I am really trying to say, is that they should lower their standards, for everyone that plays' sake.
First off, quality is better than quantity, but you need both in a fair amount to get an accepted mod application. The average mod app is around 2500+ words. You were declined the first time, but hey, apply again and fill out your answers well, and you have a good shot. Not everyone has their first app accepted (*cough cough* me *cough cough*).

Anyways, the bottom line is that a mod can do a whole lot more damage than a normal person. Sure, this normal person could hack every game, piss a few people off, perhaps they try to ddoss the servers, but overall, a mod can do a whole lot more damage. I can reasonably guess that a mod could probably ban at least 100 in game players before something happens. That would take a while to clean up. The mod app is basically the first test. If Sr. Staff sees that you don't take that much time filling out your app, putting short answers, how do they know to trust you? Sure, there still is the interview, but to be completely honest it is much easier to fake the interview than the app. If we lower our standards, we might get mods who don't really care and just abuse their powers, and it is a hassle for Sr. Staff to clean up.

Anyways, if anyone has an further follow ups, please take them to me in a private conversation. Thread Locked.

Edit: I didn't really read through any pages, so I will commend some people on great responses.
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