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MCSG band sign-up and requirement thread


Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Eh, Why not ;) I Like singing, whether I'm good at it or not is another story xD

name (either a normal name, your username, or a cool rock name) - Luke
instrument(s) you play - Vocals. I play the Vocals (And I'm hoping my Girlfriend could teach me guitar in the near future)
on a scale of 1 to 100, rate your skill at this particular instrument(s) - Vocals- Honestly varies on the kinda of song :p
skype name in case this actually goes somewhere and i need to contact you privately - Luke.A.Greenfield
what is your favorite style of music to play/listen to - Play (lolwut): I tend to sing Ed Sheeran (I See Fire and SING) to myself quite a lot :p Listen To: Dance & Electronic (Ya know, the stuff that barely has any god damn vocals)
what band/artist/musician to you look up to - erm...
suggest a cool band name, although i'll probably think of something cool on my own - Da Kewl Kids (I am kidding about that by the way)
will you be interested in a position of leadership inside the band - Nopety-Nope
are you interested in possible having a solo in a song - Sure :p

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Eh, Why not ;) I Like singing, whether I'm good at it or not is another story xD

name (either a normal name, your username, or a cool rock name) - Luke
instrument(s) you play - Vocals. I play the Vocals (And I'm hoping my Girlfriend could teach me guitar in the near future)
on a scale of 1 to 100, rate your skill at this particular instrument(s) - Vocals- Honestly varies on the kinda of song :p
skype name in case this actually goes somewhere and i need to contact you privately - Luke.A.Greenfield
what is your favorite style of music to play/listen to - Play (lolwut): I tend to sing Ed Sheeran (I See Fire and SING) to myself quite a lot :p Listen To: Dance & Electronic (Ya know, the stuff that barely has any god damn vocals)
what band/artist/musician to you look up to - erm...
suggest a cool band name, although i'll probably think of something cool on my own - Da Kewl Kids (I am kidding about that by the way)
will you be interested in a position of leadership inside the band - Nopety-Nope
are you interested in possible having a solo in a song - Sure :p
you're in
I applied for fun cause I don't understand how we will play together ._. I would like if you explain me on skype how it works
we would basically try to play in time together through teamspeak or skype, although i have a 2nd option - i record each part separately and then put them together in a program.

name (either a normal name, your username, or a cool rock name) - Beardy
instrument(s) you play - kazoo
on a scale of 1 to 100, rate your skill at this particular instrument(s) - 85
skype name in case this actually goes somewhere and i need to contact you privately - thebeardydragon
what is your favorite style of music to play/listen to - pretty much anything
what band/artist/musician to you look up to - green day
suggest a cool band name, although i'll probably think of something cool on my own - swagyolosons
will you be interested in a position of leadership inside the band - if it comes down to it , yeah!
are you interested in possible having a solo in a song - of course
you're in


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
you're in

we would basically try to play in time together through teamspeak or skype, although i have a 2nd option - i record each part separately and then put them together in a program.

you're in
How can you play drums threw TS?
and what about the delay? I don't think it gonna work./.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not sure if you realize it, but this would be impossible to do. There's a delay in talking on TeamSpeak, so everybody would be off-sync
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
I like the sound of this, but performing live on TS or skype is a no no. If it's being out towards a Logic Pro/GarageBand/pro-tools file or recording then it sounds good. Might apply considering I know a lot about this sorta stuff :3

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not sure if you realize it, but this would be impossible to do. There's a delay in talking on TeamSpeak, so everybody would be off-sync
i'm not sure if you realize it, but crushing dreams is something you're very good at.
I like the sound of this, but performing live on TS or skype is a no no. If it's being out towards a Logic Pro/GarageBand/pro-tools file or recording then it sounds good. Might apply considering I know a lot about this sorta stuff :3
i've considered both ways.


Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hey im Jared but my IGN in AppleCiider

I play guitar and beat boxer but i just can beat box i'm trying to teach myself to death scream.

At guitar id rate myself an 90 because I can play technical solos and pretty much anything that i try 2 but some songs i wouldnt even bother XD

Heavy Metal/Hard Rock/ Metal Core (and blues i enjoy playing not really listening)

I look up to Avenged Sevenfold because they work really well togeather as a band and create good technical metalcore. But I also look up to Bring Me The Horizon and Northlane because they write awesome heavy metal songs and thats my future anyway.

I dont mind have a leadership position.

damn right yeah i want a solo

And my skype is "AppleCiider"

Just some words that i wanna say: Im going to start tutoring guitar in a few months to save up for an 8 string guitar so i dont need a bass player and also ill look flippin sick with one for my future on stage with fans and stuff.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hey im Jared but my IGN in AppleCiider

I play guitar and beat boxer but i just can beat box i'm trying to teach myself to death scream.

At guitar id rate myself an 90 because I can play technical solos and pretty much anything that i try 2 but some songs i wouldnt even bother XD

Heavy Metal/Hard Rock/ Metal Core (and blues i enjoy playing not really listening)

I look up to Avenged Sevenfold because they work really well togeather as a band and create good technical metalcore. But I also look up to Bring Me The Horizon and Northlane because they write awesome heavy metal songs and thats my future anyway.

I dont mind have a leadership position.

damn right yeah i want a solo

And my skype is "AppleCiider"

Just some words that i wanna say: Im going to start tutoring guitar in a few months to save up for an 8 string guitar so i dont need a bass player and also ill look flippin sick with one for my future on stage with fans and stuff.
you're in - i think it's ****ing sick that you can death scream.

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