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MCGamer needs more staff members


Jun 20, 2012
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Weren't you trying to leave?

Oh and something about the thread... I disagree


Aug 31, 2014
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MCGamer has very high standards, so to say. To me, they're not high at all. MCGamer just looks for a pretty, well-written app, for eloquence and a polished attitude. Anyone can have this.
Who am I to say this anyway. Sounds biased since I never was a moderator.
Well, you recognized what you don't know, which is what geniuses do.
If these players are illiterate, they won't get accepted, thus people age of 12 years old are not qualified at all.
Sorry... did I read that correctly? :)
MCGamer is pretty much asking for someone who has had basic education. School teaches the common core that is necessary for the essential professional skills and knowledge. If you are not illiterate, know how to properly write, speak and communicate yourself, then you're basically fit for this position. Moderating is just communicating with the players, understanding the servers standards they have under the players and punish those who go against these.
This covers why MCGamer doesn't accepts people lower than 13 years old. Because these players have yet not even finished basic education, Middle School.
I have yet to see an illiterate mod, and any staff app that is poorly written is going to be declined. I doubt someone is going to have problems understanding a 10 year old. I'm not saying it's a good idea to lower the age, though.
Now a days whenever you resign you just get nothing or donor —and anyone has access to donor, not special.
Sadly, that would be a reward for resigning, right?


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well, you recognized what you don't know, which is what geniuses do.

Sorry... did I read that correctly? :)

I have yet to see an illiterate mod, and any staff app that is poorly written is going to be declined. I doubt someone is going to have problems understanding a 10 year old. I'm not saying it's a good idea to lower the age, though.

Sadly, that would be a reward for resigning, right?
You're kind I can tell that.

I suppose I was harsh when I said 12 or younger are illiterate, but to me illiterate is not only not knowing how to write or talk, but how to write properly. People who become moderators need to know how to communicate themselves properly.

People write an application so the higher staff gets a general idea of yourself. A poor written app will be denied as it does not cover this point. This doesn't means that more words are better.

Platinum donor is a reward for resigning, but ambitiously it is not a reward for helping the servers. In regard that Map makers get VIP, Moderators would like VIP or something in those lines because they are helping in advanced, just as Map Makers do.


Jul 2, 2014
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Age doesn't define maturity; I feel the need to establish that point because most others think otherwise. I've seen many younger folk conduct themselves far more properly than an older person (15/16 years of age). The way I see it, the age limit is not there to distinguish between mature personnel and immature personnel; as you get older, you'll naturally start to understand life with a stronger perspective, thus enabling you to make better choices and being able to correlate with a variety of different situations more efficiently. Being able to conduct yourself in spite of numerous different consequences is a quality that makes a solid Moderator. And, of course, the age exception process is for the younger folks who just so happen to have enough 'life experience', if you will, to be able to function properly as a Moderator on the network.


Mar 29, 2013
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There's really nothing that needs to be changed regarding Moderators and the hiring process. Even at the high standards that are set for Moderators currently, there are still some who do become Moderators who are not up to the standards MCGamer look for and therefore they are usually demoted or resign quite promptly.

Senior Moderators
There is only a need for one or two more EU Senior Moderators in my eyes, otherwise it would just lead to unnecessary amount.

There is need for an AU Admin or AU time based Admin.

I think there is a need for maybe one or two more developers.


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
More Admins + More Sr. Staff = More Mods.
The only problem in the staff team regarding quantity of members is there are hardly any EU Sr Mods.
Meaning it's harder to get EU mods because of timezones (sometimes).
I do think MCSG should just focus on getting EU Sr. Staff instead of US, there's really no need for them.


Dec 29, 2012
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The problem is not getting more staff, the problem is holding on to the old and good staff members. Some staff members leave because of school, some leave because they just don't have the time anymore and some leave because the job wasn't what they expected it to be. When you come by a mod who does a lot of work, like MoLoToV for an example, you just don't let him go, I mean.. That boy banned unbelievably many people and regular member loved him, just like I and a lot of his other friends did/do. It's really not to make anyone look bad, but you don't get closer to a perfect mod than Molotov, for real. Things happened within the staff team and he left. The sad thing is that... I have only seen a few mods, who have the talent of forgiveness. I have experienced that the staff team often value pride more than forgiveness. You can get hated because you are different and think different of what is right and wrong. People should try open their eyes for others opinion sometimes, try look at things from another perspective.


Aug 9, 2012
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More Admins - Only one admin per server region is the norm. Besides, they don't have WAY more power than mods.
As an ex admin im just going to poke holes in this statement. First one admin per region is not the norm as there used to be and normally is 2 per region even then sometimes handling the work is a struggle and second your statement that admins don't have way more power than mods is highly mistaken admins are second to only chad making them able to make important decisions in his absence they have more "power" than people realize.


Jul 31, 2013
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When I was 13, I applied for an age exception. Back then, I believed I was mature and that I could handle the situation. Looking back on it now, I was very wrong. Now that I am almost 16, my maturity has changed quite a bit. As you get older, you get more understanding and you start to look at things from a bigger picture.

While you may think lowering the age limit to 13 is a good idea, I personally do not agree with this. I am not saying that all 13 year olds (and under) are immature, I am simply saying that the ratio from mature to immature is not great. With increased immaturity in the staff team comes issues.

As the community, I am sure you guys want the staff to be great. With immaturity comes problems and this can determent the servers and the community as a whole. The age-exception was made for a reason. It was designed for members under the age limit to be given a chance to prove themselves. I personally know that GetRidaHim and Felipe are age exceptions are they are great moderators. I am sure you have seen around on the forums and I am not the only one who thinks so. If you believe you are up to the task, the age exception is always out there!


Feb 8, 2015
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If I recall. the summer they made age limitations down to 14 I also heard it was going to be a LIMITED time for that I think september 13 2014 I believe. And when they were still letting 14 year olds apply I was confused cause they didn't ever really say anything about changing age limitations.

But my own personal opinion on the matter of 14 year olds being able to apply, I think keeping it like that was a bad idea and they should have stayed with it being a limited time thing.

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